- android - 多次调用 OnPrimaryClipChangedListener
- android - 无法更新 RecyclerView 中的 TextView 字段
- android.database.CursorIndexOutOfBoundsException : Index 0 requested, 光标大小为 0
- android - 使用 AppCompat 时,我们是否需要明确指定其 UI 组件(Spinner、EditText)颜色
我正在获取原始 RGB 帧,将它们编码为 h264,然后将它们解码回原始 RGB 帧。
[RGB frame] ------ encoder ------> [h264 stream] ------ decoder ------> [RGB frame]
^ ^ ^ ^
encoder_write encoder_read decoder_write decoder_read
我想尽快检索解码的帧。然而,无论等待多长时间,似乎总是存在一帧延迟。在本例中,我每 2 秒向编码器提供一帧:
$ python demo.py 2>/dev/null
time=0 frames=1 encoder_write
time=2 frames=2 encoder_write
time=2 frames=1 decoder_read <-- decoded output is delayed by extra frame
time=4 frames=3 encoder_write
time=4 frames=2 decoder_read
time=6 frames=4 encoder_write
time=6 frames=3 decoder_read
$ python demo.py 2>/dev/null
time=0 frames=1 encoder_write
time=0 frames=1 decoder_read <-- decode immediately after encode
time=2 frames=2 encoder_write
time=2 frames=2 decoder_read
time=4 frames=3 encoder_write
time=4 frames=3 decoder_read
time=6 frames=4 encoder_write
time=6 frames=4 decoder_read
编码器和解码器 ffmpeg 进程使用以下参数运行:
encoder: ffmpeg -f rawvideo -pix_fmt rgb24 -s 224x224 -i pipe: \
-f h264 -tune zerolatency pipe:
decoder: ffmpeg -probesize 32 -flags low_delay \
-f h264 -i pipe: \
-f rawvideo -pix_fmt rgb24 -s 224x224 pipe:
下面是完整的可重现示例。无需外部视频文件。只需复制、粘贴并运行 python demo.py 2>/dev/null
import subprocess
from queue import Queue
from threading import Thread
from time import sleep, time
import numpy as np
WIDTH = 224
HEIGHT = 224
def t(epoch=time()):
return int(time() - epoch)
def make_frames(num_frames):
x = np.arange(WIDTH, dtype=np.uint8)
x = np.broadcast_to(x, (num_frames, HEIGHT, WIDTH))
x = x[..., np.newaxis].repeat(3, axis=-1)
x[..., 1] = x[:, :, ::-1, 1]
scale = np.arange(1, len(x) + 1, dtype=np.uint8)
scale = scale[:, np.newaxis, np.newaxis, np.newaxis]
x *= scale
return x
def encoder_write(writer):
"""Feeds encoder frames to encode"""
frames = make_frames(num_frames=NUM_FRAMES)
for i, frame in enumerate(frames):
print(f"time={t()} frames={i + 1:<3} encoder_write")
def encoder_read(reader, queue):
"""Puts chunks of encoded bytes into queue"""
while chunk := reader.read1():
# print(f"time={t()} chunk={len(chunk):<4} encoder_read")
def decoder_write(writer, queue):
"""Feeds decoder bytes to decode"""
while chunk := queue.get():
# print(f"time={t()} chunk={len(chunk):<4} decoder_write")
def decoder_read(reader):
"""Retrieves decoded frames"""
buffer = b""
frame_len = HEIGHT * WIDTH * 3
targets = make_frames(num_frames=NUM_FRAMES)
i = 0
while chunk := reader.read1():
buffer += chunk
while len(buffer) >= frame_len:
frame = np.frombuffer(buffer[:frame_len], dtype=np.uint8)
frame = frame.reshape(HEIGHT, WIDTH, 3)
psnr = 10 * np.log10(255**2 / np.mean((frame - targets[i])**2))
buffer = buffer[frame_len:]
i += 1
print(f"time={t()} frames={i:<3} decoder_read psnr={psnr:.1f}")
cmd = (
"ffmpeg "
"-f rawvideo -pix_fmt rgb24 -s 224x224 "
"-i pipe: "
"-f h264 "
"-tune zerolatency "
encoder_process = subprocess.Popen(
cmd.split(), stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=subprocess.PIPE
cmd = (
"ffmpeg "
"-probesize 32 "
"-flags low_delay "
"-f h264 "
"-i pipe: "
"-f rawvideo -pix_fmt rgb24 -s 224x224 "
decoder_process = subprocess.Popen(
cmd.split(), stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=subprocess.PIPE
queue = Queue()
threads = [
Thread(target=encoder_write, args=(encoder_process.stdin,),),
Thread(target=encoder_read, args=(encoder_process.stdout, queue),),
Thread(target=decoder_write, args=(decoder_process.stdin, queue),),
Thread(target=decoder_read, args=(decoder_process.stdout,),),
for thread in threads:
<小时/>我做了一些测试,看起来解码器正在等待下一帧的 NAL header
00 00 00 01 41 88
00 00 00 01
将 -probesize 32
cmd = "ffmpeg -probesize 32 -f h264 -i pipe: -f rawvideo -pix_fmt rgb24 -s 224x224 pipe:"
我在这里找到了解决方案:How to minimize the delay in a live streaming with FFmpeg 。
根据 FFmpeg StreamingGuide :
Also setting -probesize and -analyzeduration to low values may help your stream start up more quickly.
添加-probesize 32
代码示例使用 1 个子进程且无 Python 线程,而不是使用 2 个子进程和 4 个线程。
_________ ______________ _________
| BMP | | | | BMP |
| encoded | demuxer | encoded data | muxer | encoded |
| frames | ---------> | packets | -------> | frames |
|_________| |______________| |_________|
input PIPE output PIPE
参见:Stream copy章节
我发现,为了将第一帧从输入“推送”到输出,我们需要从第二帧的开头至少写入额外的 4112
import cv2
import numpy as np
import subprocess as sp
width, height, n_frames, fps = 256, 256, 10, 1 # 10 frames, resolution 256x256, and 1 fps
def make_bmp_frame_as_bytes(i):
""" Build synthetic image for testing, encode as BMP and convert to bytes sequence """
p = width//50
img = np.full((height, width, 3), 60, np.uint8)
cv2.putText(img, str(i+1), (width//2-p*10*len(str(i+1)), height//2+p*10), cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_DUPLEX, p, (255, 30, 30), p*2) # Blue number
# BMP Encode img into bmp_img
_, bmp_img = cv2.imencode(".BMP", img)
bmp_img_bytes = bmp_img.tobytes()
return bmp_img_bytes
# BMP in, BMP out:
process = sp.Popen(f'ffmpeg -debug_ts -probesize 32 -f bmp_pipe -framerate {fps} -an -sn -dn -i pipe: -f image2pipe -codec copy -an -sn -dn pipe:', stdin=sp.PIPE, stdout=sp.PIPE)
# Build image (number -1) before the loop.
bmp_img_bytes = make_bmp_frame_as_bytes(-1)
# Write one BMP encoded image before the loop.
for i in range(n_frames):
# Build image (number i) before the loop.
bmp_img_bytes = make_bmp_frame_as_bytes(i)
# Write 4112 first bytes of the BMP encoded image.
# Writing 4112 "push" forward the previous image (writing less than 4112 bytes hals on the first frame).
# Read output BMP encoded image from stdout PIPE.
buffer = process.stdout.read(width*height*3 + 54) # BMP header is 54 bytes
buffer = np.frombuffer(buffer, np.uint8)
frame = cv2.imdecode(buffer, cv2.IMREAD_COLOR) # Decode BMP image (using OpenCV).
# Display the image
cv2.imshow('frame', frame)
# Write the next bytes of the BMP encoded image (from byte 4112 to the end).
buffer = process.stdout.read(width*height*3 + 54) # Read last image
# Wait for sub-process to finish
版本 4.2.2,在 Windows 10 下静态链接 (ffmpeg.exe
字节对于其他版本/平台是否持久。 FFmpeg
解复用器固有的。 我希望更简单的示例代码有助于找到延迟问题的解决方案......
<小时/>H.264 流示例:
_________ ______________ _________
| H.264 | | | | |
| encoded | demuxer | encoded data | decoder | decoded |
| frames | ---------> | packets | ---------> | frames |
|_________| |______________| |_________|
input PIPE output PIPE
代码示例在写入每个编码帧后写入 AUD NAL 单元。
AUD(访问单元分隔符)是一个可选的 NAL 单元,位于编码帧的开头。
显然,在写入编码帧之后写入 AUD 会将编码帧从解复用器“推送”到解码器。
import cv2
import numpy as np
import subprocess as sp
import json
width, height, n_frames, fps = 256, 256, 100, 1 # 100 frames, resolution 256x256, and 1 fps
def make_raw_frame_as_bytes(i):
""" Build synthetic "raw BGR" image for testing, convert the image to bytes sequence """
p = width//60
img = np.full((height, width, 3), 60, np.uint8)
cv2.putText(img, str(i+1), (width//2-p*10*len(str(i+1)), height//2+p*10), cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_DUPLEX, p, (255, 30, 30), p*2) # Blue number
raw_img_bytes = img.tobytes()
return raw_img_bytes
# Build input file input.264 (AVC encoded elementary stream)
process = sp.Popen(f'ffmpeg -y -video_size {width}x{height} -pixel_format bgr24 -f rawvideo -r {fps} -an -sn -dn -i pipe: -f h264 -g 1 -pix_fmt yuv444p -crf 10 -tune zerolatency -an -sn -dn input.264', stdin=sp.PIPE)
#-x264-params aud=1
#Adds [ 0, 0, 0, 1, 9, 16 ] to the beginning of each encoded frame
aud_bytes = b'\x00\x00\x00\x01\t\x10' #Access Unit Delimiter
#process = sp.Popen(f'ffmpeg -y -video_size {width}x{height} -pixel_format bgr24 -f rawvideo -r {fps} -an -sn -dn -i pipe: -f h264 -g 1 -pix_fmt yuv444p -crf 10 -tune zerolatency -x264-params aud=1 -an -sn -dn input.264', stdin=sp.PIPE)
for i in range(n_frames):
raw_img_bytes = make_raw_frame_as_bytes(i)
process.stdin.write(raw_img_bytes) # Write raw video frame to input stream of ffmpeg sub-process.
# Execute FFprobe and create JSON file (showing pkt_pos and pkt_size for every encoded frame):
sp.run('ffprobe -print_format json -show_frames input.264', stdout=open('input_probe.json', 'w'))
# Read FFprobe output to dictionary p
with open('input_probe.json') as f:
p = json.load(f)['frames']
# Input PIPE: H.264 encoded video, output PIPE: decoded video frames in raw BGR video format
process = sp.Popen(f'ffmpeg -probesize 32 -flags low_delay -f h264 -framerate {fps} -an -sn -dn -i pipe: -f rawvideo -s {width}x{height} -pix_fmt bgr24 -an -sn -dn pipe:', stdin=sp.PIPE, stdout=sp.PIPE)
f = open('input.264', 'rb')
process.stdin.write(aud_bytes) # Write AUD NAL unit before the first encoded frame.
for i in range(n_frames-1):
# Read H.264 encoded video frame
h264_frame_bytes = f.read(int(p[i]['pkt_size']))
process.stdin.write(aud_bytes) # Write AUD NAL unit after the encoded frame.
# Read decoded video frame (in raw video format) from stdout PIPE.
buffer = process.stdout.read(width*height*3)
frame = np.frombuffer(buffer, np.uint8).reshape(height, width, 3)
# Display the decoded video frame
cv2.imshow('frame', frame)
# Write last encoded frame
h264_frame_bytes = f.read(int(p[n_frames-1]['pkt_size']))
buffer = process.stdout.read(width*height*3) # Read the last video frame
# Wait for sub-process to finish
额外帧延迟的原因是 h264 基本流没有“帧结束”信号,并且 NAL unit 中没有“有效负载大小”字段。 header 。
The only way to detect when a frame ends is to see where the next one begins.
参见:Detect ending of frame in H.264 video stream.
和How to know the number of NAL unit in H.264 stream which represent a picture.
为了避免等待下一帧的开始,您必须使用“传输流”层或 video container格式。
我尝试使用MPEG-2 transport stream ,但又增加了一帧的延迟。
使用Flash Video (FLV) 容器将延迟减少到单帧。
FLV 容器的数据包 header 中有一个“有效负载大小”字段,允许解复用器避免等待下一帧。
使用 FLV 容器和 H.264 编解码器的命令:
cmd = (
"ffmpeg "
"-f rawvideo -pix_fmt rgb24 -s 224x224 "
"-i pipe: "
"-vcodec libx264 "
"-f flv "
"-tune zerolatency "
encoder_process = subprocess.Popen(
cmd.split(), stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=subprocess.PIPE
cmd = (
"ffmpeg "
"-probesize 32 "
"-flags low_delay "
"-f flv "
"-vcodec h264 "
"-i pipe: "
"-f rawvideo -pix_fmt rgb24 -s 224x224 "
decoder_process = subprocess.Popen(
cmd.split(), stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=subprocess.PIPE
在上面的命令中,FFmpeg 使用 FLV 复用器进行编码器过程,使用 FLV 解复用器进行解码器过程。
time=0 frames=1 encoder_write
time=0 frames=1 decoder_read psnr=49.0
time=2 frames=2 encoder_write
time=2 frames=2 decoder_read psnr=48.3
time=4 frames=3 encoder_write
time=4 frames=3 decoder_read psnr=45.8
time=6 frames=4 encoder_write
time=6 frames=4 decoder_read psnr=46.7
其他也有效的容器有:AVI 和 MKV。
关于python - ffmpeg解码h264延迟,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/60462840/
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我开始使用 CUDA 进行编程,在一些示例中我找到了包含文件 cuda.h、cuda_runtime.h 和 cuda_runtime_api.h 包含在代码中。有人可以向我解释一下这些文件之间的区别
我有一些生成正则表达式的代码。那么下面的表达式实际上是: ^(?:\s*((exclude|include|hide|show|protect|risk|dir-merge|merge)),\s*((
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我已经使用 Windows 7 专业版中默认包含的 glu 和 gl 头文件构建了一个 OpenGL 程序。现在,我买了一本描述 OpenGL 游戏开发的书。这本书的作者说,我必须将glew head
#include using namespace std; #include //#include int main() { initscr();
h:messages h:form 内的组件还显示与外部组件相关的消息。 如何限制它只显示与包含 h:form 内的组件相关的消息? 我不喜欢用单独的h:message来使我的代码膨胀。每个输入组件的
我下载了示例代码和 cpp 文件,其中包含 list.h、queue.h 和 vector.h 等头文件,如果我尝试构建,我会收到“ fatal error :没有这样的文件或目录编译终止”我想我应该
我有一个编译成功的桌面项目,但是在我向项目添加新配置以支持 Windows Mobile 平台后,我收到以下错误: error C2146: syntax error : missing ';' be
有很多关于这个错误的帖子,但我无法解决它,我希望你能拿出解决方案。我在 Ubuntu 机器上。 ~/graphmap2$ 在这个文件夹中,我下载了 zlib。可以看图 经过一番谷歌搜索后,我还注意到没
是否可以在 Visual C++ 中使用以下 header : 图.h dos.h bios.h 最佳答案 据我所知,无法在 Visual C++ 中使用它, 与此同时,我希望您关注 Open Wat