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我有一个以这种方式在父控件中使用的 UserControl:
<Views:TranslationTextInput Translation="{Binding SelectedEntity.Name}"/>
父控件 DataContext 是一个包含 SelectedEntity 属性的 ViewModel。
在我的子 UserControl 中,我定义了一个新的 ViewModel 作为 DataContext:
<vm:TranslationTextInputViewModel x:Name="vm"></vm:TranslationTextInputViewModel>
public static readonly DependencyProperty TranslationProperty = DependencyProperty.Register("Translation", typeof(Translation),typeof(UserControl));
// .NET Property wrapper
public Translation Translation
get { return (Translation)GetValue(TranslationProperty); }
set { SetValue(TranslationProperty, value); }
public TranslationTextInput(){
DataContext = new TranslationTextInputViewModel();
SetBinding(TranslationProperty, new Binding { Path = new PropertyPath ("Translation"), Mode = BindingMode.OneWayToSource });
System.Windows.Data Error: 40 : BindingExpression path error: 'SelectedEntity' property not found on 'object' ''TranslationTextInputViewModel' (HashCode=49954236)'. BindingExpression:Path=SelectedEntity.Name; DataItem='TranslationTextInputViewModel' (HashCode=49954236); target element is 'TranslationTextInput' (Name='InputControl'); target property is 'Translation' (type 'Translation')
似乎在子 UserControl 的 Viewmodel 上查找了 SelectedEntity,但应该使用父 ViewModel 的 Property。我该如何解决这个问题?
public TranslationTextInputViewModel()
//EnglishTranslation = tranlsations["en"];
public string EnglishTranslation
if (!Translation.TranslationDict.ContainsKey(new CultureInfo("en").LCID))
Translation.Translations.Add(new TranslationItem() { Text = "", Lcid = new CultureInfo("en").LCID });
return Translation.TranslationDict[new CultureInfo("en").LCID].Text;
Translation.TranslationDict[new CultureInfo("en").LCID].Text = value;
public string SelectedTranslation
if (!Translation.TranslationDict.ContainsKey(_selectedLanguage))
Translation.Translations.Add(new TranslationItem() { Text = "", Lcid = _selectedLanguage });
return Translation.TranslationDict[_selectedLanguage].Text;
Translation.TranslationDict[_selectedLanguage].Text = value;
private Translation _translation;
public Translation Translation
if (_translation == null)
_translation = new Translation();
return _translation; }
set { _translation = value; }
private int _selectedLanguage;
public int SelectedLanguage
return _selectedLanguage;
public List<CultureInfo> AvailableLanguages
return (from x in PqsLocalization.AvailableLanguages where x.Name != "en" select x).ToList();
public RelayCommand<int> LanguageChanged { get; private set; }
private void LanguageChangedExecute(int lang)
_selectedLanguage = lang;
您真的不应该从 UserControl
内部设置 UserControl
的 DataContext
。通过这样做,您将阻止任何其他 DataContext
传递给 UserControl
,这在某种程度上破坏了 WPF 具有单独的 UI 和数据层的最大优势之一。
创建 UserControl 时,您将 DataContext
设置为新的 TranslationTextInputViewModel
,而 TranslationTextInputViewModel
没有名为 SelectedEntity
我的建议?不要在 UserControl
中设置 DataContext
如果您希望将特定的 ViewModel 用于特定的 UserControl,请将其添加到您的 ParentViewModel
并将其作为 DataContext
<DataTemplate DataType="{x:Type vm:TranslationTextInputViewModel}">
<Views:TranslationTextInput />
DataContext="{Binding SelectedTranslationTextInputViewModel}" />
或者,如果您的 ViewModel
包含特定于 UserControl
本身的功能并且不应该成为您的应用程序层的一部分,请将该代码放在 的代码隐藏中UserControl
并完全摆脱 ViewModel
关于c# - 用户控件使用了错误的 Datacontext,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/12819044/
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