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我正在尝试从 Maia package 转换一些 matlab 代码变成可以与 Octave 一起使用的东西。我目前被卡住了,因为其中一个文件多次调用了 containers.Map
,这显然是有 not yet been implemented in octave 的东西.有没有人有任何想法可以轻松实现类似的功能,而无需在 Octave 中做大量额外的工作?感谢大家的宝贵时间。
function [adj_direct contig_direct overlap names longest_path_direct...
weigth_direct deltafiles deltafiles_ref ReferenceAlignment ...
contig_ref overlap_ref name_hash_ref] = ...
assembly_driver(assemblies,ref_genome,target_chromosome, ...
deltafiles_ref,contig_ref, overlap_ref, ...
name_hash_ref, varargin)
% ASSEMBLY_DRIVER Combines contig sets into one assembled chromosome
% assemblies
% ref_chromosome
% Startnode_name
% Endnode_name
% 'z_weigths' [.25 .25 .25 .25]
% 'clipping_thrs' 10
% 'ref_distance' -10
% 'ref_quality' 1E-5
% 'max_chromosome_dist' 100
% 'quit_treshold' 15
% 'tabu_time' 3
% 'minimum_improvement' -inf
% 'ref_node_assemblies' all assemblies (slow)
% 'endextend' true
% General parameters
z_weights = [.25 .25 .25 .25];
clipping_thrs = 10;
mapfilter = '-rq';
alignlen = 75;
ident = 85;
% Reference nod parameters
ref_distance = -10;
ref_quality = 1E-5;
max_chromosome_dist = 100;
% TABU parameters
quit_treshold = 15;
tabu_time = 3;
minimum_improvement = -inf;
ref_node_assemblies = assemblies;
% Extending the assembly outwards from the start and en node
endextend = true;
AllowReverse = true;
% If no start and end node are given, they will be determined from tiling
Startnode_name = '';
Endnode_name = '';
containment_edge = true;
ref_first = true;
% If contigs have already been aligned to the reference, give the
% deltafile
ReferenceAlignment = 'NotYetDoneByMaia';
% Get VARARGIN user input
if length(varargin) > 0
while 1
switch varargin{1}
case 'Startnode_name'
Startnode_name = varargin{2};
case 'Endnode_name'
Endnode_name = varargin{2};
case 'z_weigths'
z_weights = varargin{2};
case 'clipping_thrs'
clipping_thrs = varargin{2};
case 'ref_distance'
ref_distance = varargin{2};
case 'ref_quality'
ref_quality = varargin{2};
case 'max_chromosome_dist'
max_chromosome_dist = varargin{2};
case 'quit_treshold'
quit_treshold = varargin{2};
case 'tabu_time'
tabu_time = varargin{2};
case 'minimum_improvement'
minimum_improvement = varargin{2};
case 'ref_node_assemblies'
ref_node_assemblies = assemblies(varargin{2},:);
case 'extend_ends'
endextend = assemblies(varargin{2},:);
case 'AllowReverse'
AllowReverse = varargin{2};
case 'ReferenceAlignment'
ReferenceAlignment = varargin{2};
case 'containment_edge'
containment_edge = varargin{2};
case 'ref_first'
ref_first = varargin{2};
case 'mapfilter'
mapfilter = varargin{2};
case 'alignlen'
alignlen = varargin{2};
case 'ident'
ident = varargin{2};
error(['Input ' varargin{2} ' is not known']);
if length(varargin) > 2
varargin = varargin(3:end);
% Read input assemblies
assembly_names = assemblies(:,1);
assembly_locs = assemblies(:,2);
assembly_quality = containers.Map(assemblies(:,1),assemblies(:,3));
assembly_quality('reference') = ref_quality;
% Read input assemblies for creation of reference nodes
ref_node_assembly_names = ref_node_assemblies(:,1);
ref_node_assembly_locs = ref_node_assemblies(:,2);
ref_node_assembly_quality = containers.Map(ref_node_assemblies(:,1),ref_node_assemblies(:,3));
ref_node_assembly_quality('reference') = ref_quality;
% If there is only one assembly there is nothing to align
if size(assemblies,1) >= 2
% Align assemblies against each other
assembly_pairs = {};
coordsfiles = [];
deltafiles = [];
for i = 1:length(assembly_locs)-1
for j = i+1:length(assembly_locs)
[coordsfile,deltafile] = align_assemblies({assembly_locs{i},assembly_locs{j}},{assembly_names{i}, assembly_names{j}}, ...
mapfilter, alignlen, ident);
coordsfiles = [coordsfiles; coordsfile];
%deltafiles = [deltafiles deltafile];
deltafiles = [deltafiles; {deltafile}];
assembly_pairs = [assembly_pairs;[assembly_names(i) assembly_names(j)]];
% fprintf('Loading alignment files.\n');
% load alignments_done;
% Put the nucmer alignments in an adjency matrix
%[adj, names, name_hash, contig, overlap] = get_adj_matrix(coordsfiles, assembly_pairs, assembly_quality, z_weights, 'clipping_thrs', clipping_thrs, 'dove_tail', 'double','edge_weight','z-scores', 'containment_edge', true);
[adj, names, name_hash, contig, overlap] = get_adj_matrix(deltafiles, assembly_pairs, assembly_quality, z_weights, 'clipping_thrs', clipping_thrs, 'dove_tail', 'double','edge_weight','z-scores', 'containment_edge', containment_edge);
% Merge deltafiles
deltafilesnew = deltafiles{1};
if size(deltafiles,1) > 1
for di = 2:size(deltafiles,1)
deltafilesnew = [deltafilesnew deltafiles{di}];
deltafiles = deltafilesnew;
assembly_pairs = {};
coordsfiles = [];
deltafiles = [];
adj = [];
names = {};
name_hash = containers.Map;
contig = struct('name',{},'size',[],'chromosome',[],'number',[], 'assembly', [], 'assembly_quality', []);
overlap = struct('Q',{},'R',[],'S1',[],'E1', [], 'S2', [], 'E2', [], 'LEN1', [], 'LEN2', [], 'IDY', [], 'COVR', [], 'COVQ', [],'LENR',[], 'LENQ',[]);
% Ad the pseudo nodes to the graph. If the contigs have already been
% aligned to the reference genome, just select the alignments that
% correspond to the target chromosome
if isequal(ReferenceAlignment,'NotYetDoneByMaia')
% Align all contigs in 'contig_sets_fasta' to the reference chromosome
[contig_ref, overlap_ref, name_hash_ref, deltafiles_ref] = align_contigs_sets(...
ref_genome, ref_node_assembly_locs, ref_node_assembly_names, ...
ref_node_assembly_quality, clipping_thrs, z_weights, ...
ReferenceAlignment = 'out2.delta';
% Select only the entries in the deltafile for the current target chromosome
[contig_target_ref, overlap_target_ref, name_hash_target_ref, delta_target_ref] = ...
contig_ref, overlap_ref, deltafiles_ref);
% Ref clipping should be high in case of tiling
%if isequal(max_chromosome_dist,'tiling')
% clipping_thrs = 10000
% Add reference nodes to the adjency matrix
[adj, names, name_hash, contig, overlap, delta_target_ref, Startnode_name, Endnode_name] = get_reference_nodes( ...
adj, names, name_hash, contig, overlap, target_chromosome, ...
contig_target_ref, overlap_target_ref, name_hash_target_ref, delta_target_ref, ...
max_chromosome_dist, ref_distance, clipping_thrs, ref_first,...
Startnode_name, Endnode_name, AllowReverse);
% Give reference edges some small extra value to distict between
% assemblies to which a reference node leads
% adj = rank_reference_edges(adj,contig,assembly_quality);
% Specify a start and an end node for the assembly
Startnode = name_hash(Startnode_name);
Endnode = name_hash(Endnode_name);
% Find the best scoring path
fprintf('Directing the final graph\n');
% Calculate path on undirected graph to get an idea on how to direct the graph
[longest_path weigth] = longest_path_tabu(adj, Startnode, Endnode, quit_treshold, tabu_time, minimum_improvement);
% Make the graph directed (greedy)
[adj_direct contig_direct] = direct_graph(adj,overlap, contig, names, name_hash,clipping_thrs, Startnode, longest_path, true, ref_first);
% Calcultate final layout-path
fprintf('Find highest scoring path\n');
[longest_path_direct weigth_direct] = longest_path_tabu(adj_direct, Startnode, Endnode, quit_treshold, tabu_time, minimum_improvement);
function [contig_target_ref, overlap_target_ref, name_hash_target_ref, delta_target_ref] = ...
contig_ref, overlap_ref, deltafiles_ref)
% Select only the entries in the deltafile for the current target chromosome
delta_target_ref = deltafiles_ref;
for di = size(delta_target_ref,2):-1:1
if ~isequal(delta_target_ref(di).R,target_chromosome)
delta_target_ref(di) = [];
overlap_target_ref = overlap_ref;
for oi = size(overlap_target_ref,2):-1:1
if ~isequal(overlap_target_ref(oi).R,target_chromosome)
overlap_target_ref(oi) = [];
contig_target_ref = contig_ref;
for ci = size(contig_target_ref,1):-1:1
if isequal(contig_target_ref(ci).assembly, 'reference') && ~isequal(contig_target_ref(ci).name,target_chromosome)
contig_target_ref(ci) = [];
name_hash_target_ref = make_hash({contig_target_ref.name}');
据我所知,在 Octave 中没有完全等同于 containers.Map
一种选择是使用 java package创建 java.util.Hashtable
。使用这个 example :
pkg load java
d = javaObject("java.util.Hashtable");
如果你愿意做一些重写,你可以使用内置的 struct
keys = {'Mon','Tue','Wed'}
values = {10, 20, 30}
map = containers.Map(keys,values);
s = struct();
for i=1:numel(keys)
s.(keys{i}) = values{i};
您可能需要使用 genvarname
来生成有效的 key ,或者可能需要使用适当的哈希函数来生成有效的 key 字符串。
还要研究与结构相关的函数:getfield、setfield、isfield、fieldnames、rmfield 等。
关于matlab - 将 Matlab 转换为 Octave 是否有 containers.Map 等价物?,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/11622084/
关闭。这个问题不满足Stack Overflow guidelines .它目前不接受答案。 想改善这个问题吗?更新问题,使其成为 on-topic对于堆栈溢出。 7年前关闭。 Improve thi
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