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我的程序的目的是成为一名虚拟的麦当劳收银员。我的程序的第一部分让收银员接受一个顾客的订单。多亏了 while 循环,客户可以订购任意数量的商品。最后它会显示税费、小计和最终账单。以及用户支付的金额及其找零。现在我需要我的程序来完成第一部分的所有操作,但我需要用户/收银员为尽可能多的排队顾客执行此操作。我尝试将两个 while 循环嵌套在一起,但我做错了一些事情,而且我不知道是什么。有人能帮我吗?顺便说一句,第一部分 100% 有效。
num1 = 4.87
num2 = 5.03
num3 = 5.50
num4 = 9.45
num5 = 1.29
num6 = 2.19
num7 = 2.29
itemnum = 0
Subtotal = 0
tax = 0.0565
amtgiven = 0
change = 0
quantity = 0
foodprice = 0
Totalprice1 = 0
Totalprice2 = 0
Totalprice3 = 0
Totalprice4 = 0
Totalprice5 = 0
Totalprice6 = 0
Totalprice7 = 0
billtax = 0
finalbill = 0
change = 0
print "Welcome to Virtual McDonald's!" "Would you like to order a food item"
print "Item: Meal/tem: Price:"
print "1 Big Mac Meal 4.87"
print "2 Quarter Pounder Meal 5.03"
print "3 Chicken Nuggets Meal (5 piece) 5.50"
print "4 ChickenNuggets Meal (10 piece) 9.45"
print "5 Apple Pie 1.29"
print "6 Large Drink 2.19"
print "7 Large Fries 2.29"
itemnum = input("Enter the item you would like to purchase! ")
quantity = input("How many of this item do you want?")
while itemnum != -1:
if itemnum == 1:
foodprice = quantity * num1
Totalprice1 = foodprice
if itemnum == 2:
foodprice = quantity * num2
Totalprice2 = foodprice
if itemnum == 3:
foodprice = quantity * num3
Totalprice3 = foodprice
if itemnum == 4:
foodprice == quantity * num4
Totalprice4 = foodprice
if itemnum == 5:
foodprice = quantity * num5
Totalprice5 = foodprice
if itemnum == 6:
foodprice == quantity * num6
Totalprice6 = foodprice
if itemnum == 7:
foodprice = quantity * num7
Totalprice7 = foodprice
subtotal = Totalprice1 + Totalprice2 + Totalprice3 + Totalprice4 + Totalprice5 + Totalprice6 + Totalprice7
billtax = subtotal * tax
finalbill = subtotal + billtax
itemnum = input("Enter the item you would like to purchase! ")
quantity = input("How many of this item do you want?")
print "Your total bill without tax is... ", round(subtotal,2)
print "Your total tax is... ", round(billtax,2)
print "Your final bill is... ", round(finalbill,2)
amtgiven = input ("How much do you want to pay with?")
change = amtgiven - finalbill
print "Your change is... ", round(change,2)
num1 = 4.87
num2 = 5.03
num3 = 5.50
num4 = 9.45
num5 = 1.29
num6 = 2.19
num7 = 2.29
itemnum = 0
Subtotal = 0
tax = 0.0565
amtgiven = 0
change = 0
quantity = 0
foodprice = 0
Totalprice1 = 0
Totalprice2 = 0
Totalprice3 = 0
Totalprice4 = 0
Totalprice5 = 0
Totalprice6 = 0
Totalprice7 = 0
billtax = 0
finalbill = 0
change = 0
customer = 0
print "Welcome to Virtual McDonald's!" "Would you like to order a food item"
print "Item: Meal/tem: Price:"
print "1 Big Mac Meal 4.87"
print "2 Quarter Pounder Meal 5.03"
print "3 Chicken Nuggets Meal (5 piece) 5.50"
print "4 ChickenNuggets Meal (10 piece) 9.45"
print "5 Apple Pie 1.29"
print "6 Large Drink 2.19"
print "7 Large Fries 2.29"
customer = raw_input ("Would you like to order? (If not type No)")
while customer != "No":
while itemnum != -1:
itemnum = input("Enter the item you would like to purchase! ")
quantity = input("How many of this item do you want? ")
if itemnum == 1:
foodprice = quantity * num1
Totalprice1 = Totalprice1 + foodprice
if itemnum == 2:
foodprice = quantity * num2
Totalprice2 = Totalprice2 + foodprice
if itemnum == 3:
foodprice = quantity * num3
Totalprice3 = Totalprice3 + foodprice
if itemnum == 4:
foodprice = quantity * num4
Totalprice4 = Totalprice4 + foodprice
if itemnum == 5:
foodprice = quantity * num5
Totalprice5 = Totalprice5 + foodprice
if itemnum == 6:
foodprice = quantity * num6
Totalprice6 = Totalprice6 + foodprice
if itemnum == 7:
foodprice = quantity * num7
Totalprice7 = Totalprice7 + foodprice
itemnum = input("Enter the item you would like to purchase! ")
quantity = input("How many of this item do you want? ")
subtotal = Totalprice1 + Totalprice2 + Totalprice3 + Totalprice4 + Totalprice5 + Totalprice6 + Totalprice7
billtax = subtotal * tax
finalbill = subtotal + billtax
print "Your total bill without tax is... ", round(subtotal,2)
print "Your total tax is... ", round(billtax,2)
print "Your final bill is... ", round(finalbill,2)
amtgiven = input ("How much do you want to pay with? ")
change = amtgiven - finalbill
print "Your change is... ", round(change,2)
customer = raw_input ("Would you like to order? (If not type No)")
Welcome to Virtual McDonald's!Would you like to order a food item
Item: Meal/tem: Price:
1 Big Mac Meal 4.87
2 Quarter Pounder Meal 5.03
3 Chicken Nuggets Meal (5 piece) 5.50
4 ChickenNuggets Meal (10 piece) 9.45
5 Apple Pie 1.29
6 Large Drink 2.19
7 Large Fries 2.29
Would you like to order? (If not type No) yes
Enter the item you would like to purchase! 1
How many of this item do you want? 2
Enter the item you would like to purchase! 1
How many of this item do you want? 4
Your total bill without tax is... 9.74
Your total tax is... 0.55
Your final bill is... 10.29
How much do you want to pay with? 11
Your change is... 0.71
Enter the item you would like to purchase!
Welcome to Virtual McDonald's!Would you like to order a food item
Item: Meal/tem: Price:
1 Big Mac Meal 4.87
2 Quarter Pounder Meal 5.03
3 Chicken Nuggets Meal (5 piece) 5.50
4 ChickenNuggets Meal (10 piece) 9.45
5 Apple Pie 1.29
6 Large Drink 2.19
7 Large Fries 2.29
Enter the item you would like to purchase! 1
How many of this item do you want?4
Enter the item you would like to purchase! 2
How many of this item do you want?1
Enter the item you would like to purchase! -1
How many of this item do you want?-1
Your total bill without tax is... 24.51
Your total tax is... 1.38
Your final bill is... 25.89
How much do you want to pay with? 26
Your change is... 0.11
我希望第二部分输出第一部分输出的内容。除非它给了客户他/她的零钱,否则我希望它执行另一个循环,因此询问用户是否有另一个客户。如果用户输入"is",则该程序将为另一个客户重新运行。只有当没有更多顾客时,用户才输入“否”来结束程序。 (我到python shell中复制了这些输出结果。右边的数字是我输入的数字。)
好的,有一些问题可以通过您的程序在语法和逻辑上进行修复。我继续修复它们,我将解释我做了什么以及为什么。首先,您需要另一个 while
循环来满足用户指定是否有其他客户排队的需求。我创建了一个新变量来处理新的 while 循环。这是代码:
nextcustomer = "yes"
while nextcustomer != "no":
amtgiven = 0
change = 0
quantity = 0
foodprice = 0
totalprice = 0
billtax = 0
finalbill = 0
itemnum = 0
在所有其他事情发生之后,是否会有另一个客户的问题将进入第一个 while 循环,以便它知道是否再次迭代。这个问题在这里:
while nextcustomer != "no":
(all of the code)
nextcustomer = raw_input("Is there another customer? (yes or no) ")
我还在第二个 while 循环中添加了一些中断,否则它将继续迭代,而无法提示用户是否想要订购。
我所做的另一项更改是,我将所有 Totalprice1、Totalprice2
...变量合并到一个变量 totalprice
中。为此,您只需要一个变量,因为您已经在自己的变量中定义了价格(num1, num2
totalprice += foodprice
。它只是更好的语法。另外,现在您甚至不需要 subtotal
我还在他们选择的数字的问题后面添加了一个 if
语句,如果他们输入 -1,则该数字将被选中,这样您就不必输入 -1 项的金额:
if itemnum == -1:
num1 = 4.87
num2 = 5.03
num3 = 5.50
num4 = 9.45
num5 = 1.29
num6 = 2.19
num7 = 2.29
tax = 0.0565
customer = 0
nextcustomer = "yes"
while nextcustomer != "no":
amtgiven = 0
change = 0
quantity = 0
foodprice = 0
totalprice = 0
billtax = 0
finalbill = 0
itemnum = 0
print "Welcome to Virtual McDonald's!"
print "Item: Meal/item: Price:"
print "1 Big Mac Meal 4.87"
print "2 Quarter Pounder Meal 5.03"
print "3 Chicken Nuggets Meal (5 piece) 5.50"
print "4 ChickenNuggets Meal (10 piece) 9.45"
print "5 Apple Pie 1.29"
print "6 Large Drink 2.19"
print "7 Large Fries 2.29"
customer = raw_input ("Would you like to order? (If not type no)")
while customer != "no":
while itemnum != -1:
itemnum = input("Enter the item you would like to purchase! ")
if itemnum == -1:
quantity = input("How many of this item do you want? ")
if itemnum == 1:
foodprice = quantity * num1
totalprice += foodprice
elif itemnum == 2:
foodprice = quantity * num2
totalprice += foodprice
elif itemnum == 3:
foodprice = quantity * num3
totalprice += foodprice
elif itemnum == 4:
foodprice = quantity * num4
totalprice += foodprice
elif itemnum == 5:
foodprice = quantity * num5
totalprice += foodprice
elif itemnum == 6:
foodprice = quantity * num6
totalprice += foodprice
elif itemnum == 7:
foodprice = quantity * num7
totalprice += foodprice
billtax = totalprice * tax
finalbill = totalprice + billtax
print "Your total bill without tax is... ", round(totalprice,2)
print "Your total tax is... ", round(billtax,2)
print "Your final bill is... ", round(finalbill,2)
amtgiven = input("How much do you want to pay with? ")
change = amtgiven - finalbill
print "Your change is... ", round(change,2)
nextcustomer = raw_input("Is there another customer? (yes or no) ")
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基本上我的响应头包含 传输编码=分块, Trailer=[我想发送的一些预告片,例如“SomeTrailer”] 一旦我将数据写入 Servlet 输出流,我就开始编写预告片“SomeTrailer:
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