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Error 1 'Fight.Fighter' does not implement interface member 'Fight.IFighter.Utok(Fight.IFighter)'
interface IFighter
string GraphicLife();
bool IsLive();
int Obrana(int utocneCislo);
void Utok(IFighter bojovnik);
class Fighter : IFighter
protected string name;
protected int life;
protected int maxLife;
protected int attack;
protected int defence;
protected Kostka kostka;
public Fighter(string name, int life, int maxLife, int attack, int defence, Kostka kostka){
this.name = name;
this.life = life;
this.maxLife = maxLife;
this.attack = attack;
this.defence = defence;
this.kostka = kostka;
public bool IsLive()
if (life > 0)
return true;
else return false;
public string GraphicLife()
int pozic = 20;
int numberOfParts = (int)Math.Round(((double)life / (double)maxLife) * (double)pozic);
string zivot = String.Concat(Enumerable.Repeat("#", numberOfParts));
zivot = zivot + String.Concat(Enumerable.Repeat("_", pozic - numberOfParts));
zivot = "[" + zivot + "]";
return zivot;
public void Utok(Fighter warrior)
if (warrior.IsLive())
int utok = (int)Math.Round((double)attack / (double)kostka.getPocetStran() * (double)kostka.getNumber());
int obrana = warrior.Obrana(utok);
Console.WriteLine(this.name + "utoci na " + warrior.name + " silou " + utok + " " + warrior.name + " se brani silou " + obrana);
Console.WriteLine(this.name + " - " + this.life);
Console.WriteLine(warrior.name + " - " + warrior.life);
else Console.WriteLine(this.name + " utoci na mrtvolu");
public int Obrana(int attackNumber)
int localDefence = (int)Math.Round((double)defence/ (double)kostka.getPocetStran() * (double)kostka.getNumber());
int utok = attackNumber - localDefence;
if (utok < 0) utok = 0;
life = life - utok;
return localDefence;
您在方法的参数列表中使用了具体类型 Fighter 而不是抽象类型 IFighter。
public void Utok(Fighter warrior)
public void Utok(IFighter warrior)
如果您在创建类之前定义您的接口(interface)(这是最常见的方式),您可以使用 Visual Studio 提供的一个很好的帮助程序来为您完成一些工作。将光标指向接口(interface)名称并使用“实现接口(interface)”功能自动为您的接口(interface)创建方法 stub 。
您还需要将属性“Name”添加到界面才能使其正常工作。它必须是至少需要一个 getter 的属性:
string name { get; }
普通变量而不是 getter 在这里不起作用,因为接口(interface)不能包含变量。
关于c# - Fighter类没有实现接口(interface)成员,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/30893298/
test = (function(){var key = 200; return {getKey : function(){return key} }; })(); test.
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