gpt4 book ai didi

python - Pandas 数据透视表每列的小计

转载 作者:太空宇宙 更新时间:2023-11-03 19:01:17 24 4
gpt4 key购买 nike


pivot_table(df, rows=['region'], cols=['area','distributor','salesrep'], 
aggfunc=np.sum, margins=True).stack(['area','distributor','salesrep'])



region   area            distributor     salesrep       sales    invoice_countCentral  Butterworth     HIN MARKETING   TLS            500      25Central  Butterworth     HIN MARKETING   TLS            500      25Central  Butterworth     HIN MARKETING   OSE            500      25Central  Butterworth     HIN MARKETING   OSE            500      25Central  Butterworth     KWANG HENGG     TCS            500      25Central  Butterworth     KWANG HENGG     TCS            500      25Central  Butterworth     KWANG HENG      LBH            500      25Central  Butterworth     KWANG HENG      LBH            500      25Central  Ipoh            SGH EDERAN      CHAN           500      25Central  Ipoh            SGH EDERAN      CHAN           500      25Central  Ipoh            SGH EDERAN      KAMACHI        500      25Central  Ipoh            SGH EDERAN      KAMACHI        500      25Central  Ipoh            CORE SYN        LILIAN         500      25Central  Ipoh            CORE SYN        LILIAN         500      25Central  Ipoh            CORE SYN        TEOH           500      25Central  Ipoh            CORE SYN        TEOH           500      25East     JB              LEI WAH         NF05           500      25East     JB              LEI WAH         NF05           500      25East     JB              LEI WAH         NF06           500      25East     JB              LEI WAH         NF06           500      25East     JB              WONDER F&B      SEREN          500      25East     JB              WONDER F&B      SEREN          500      25East     JB              WONDER F&B      MONC           500      25East     JB              WONDER F&B      MONC           500      25East     PJ              PENGEDAR        NORM           500      25East     PJ              PENGEDAR        NORM           500      25East     PJ              PENGEDAR        SIMON          500      25East     PJ              PENGEDAR        SIMON          500      25East     PJ              HEBAT           OGI            500      25East     PJ              HEBAT           OGI            500      25East     PJ              HEBAT           MIGI           500      25East     PJ              HEBAT           MIGI           500      25


region       area          distributor       salesrep             invoice_count salesGrand Total                                                                 800 16000Central      Central Total                                                  400  8000Central      Butterworth   Butterworth Total                                200  4000Central      Butterworth   HIN MARKETING     HIN MARKETING Total            100  2000Central      Butterworth   HIN MARKETING     OSE                             50  1000Central      Butterworth   HIN MARKETING     TLS                             50  1000Central      Butterworth   KWANG HENG        KWANG HENG Total               100  2000Central      Butterworth   KWANG HENG        LBH                             50  1000Central      Butterworth   KWANG HENG        TCS                             50  1000Central      Ipoh          Ipoh Total                                       200  4000Central      Ipoh          CORE SYN          CORE SYN Total                 100  2000Central      Ipoh          CORE SYN          LILIAN                          50  1000Central      Ipoh          CORE SYN          TEOH                            50  1000Central      Ipoh          SGH EDERAN        SGH EDERAN Total               100  2000Central      Ipoh          SGH EDERAN        CHAN                            50  1000Central      Ipoh          SGH EDERAN        KAMACHI                         50  1000East         East Total                                                     400  8000East         JB            JB Total                                         200  4000East         JB            LEI WAH           LEI WAH Total                  100  2000East         JB            LEI WAH           NF05                            50  1000East         JB            LEI WAH           NF06                            50  1000East         JB            WONDER F&B        WONDER F&B Total               100  2000East         JB            WONDER F&B        MONC                            50  1000East         JB            WONDER F&B        SEREN                           50  1000East         PJ            PJ Total                                         200  4000East         PJ            HEBAT             HEBAT Total                    100  2000East         PJ            HEBAT             MIGI                            50  1000East         PJ            HEBAT             OGI                             50  1000East         PJ            PENGEDAR          PENDEGAR Total                 100  2000East         PJ            PENGEDAR          NORM                            50  1000East         PJ            PENGEDAR          SIMON                           50  1000



import numpy as np
import pandas as pd

def label(ser):
return '{s} Total'.format(s=ser)

filename = 'data.txt'
df = pd.read_table(filename, delimiter='\t')

total = pd.DataFrame({'region': ['Grand Total'],
'invoice_count': df['invoice_count'].sum(),
'sales': df['sales'].sum()})
total['total_rank'] = 1

region_total = df.groupby(['region'], as_index=False).sum()
region_total['area'] = region_total['region'].apply(label)
region_total['region_rank'] = 1

area_total = df.groupby(['region', 'area'], as_index=False).sum()
area_total['distributor'] = area_total['area'].apply(label)
area_total['area_rank'] = 1

dist_total = df.groupby(
['region', 'area', 'distributor'], as_index=False).sum()
dist_total['salesrep'] = dist_total['distributor'].apply(label)

rep_total = df.groupby(
['region', 'area', 'distributor', 'salesrep'], as_index=False).sum()

# UNION the DataFrames into one DataFrame
result = pd.concat([total, region_total, area_total, dist_total, rep_total])

# Replace NaNs with empty strings
result.fillna({'region': '', 'area': '', 'distributor': '', 'salesrep':
''}, inplace=True)

# Reorder the rows
sorter = np.lexsort((
result = result.take(sorter)
result = result.reindex(
columns=['region', 'area', 'distributor', 'salesrep', 'invoice_count', 'sales'])


      region           area        distributor             salesrep  invoice_count  sales
Grand Total 800 16000
Central Central Total 400 8000
Central Butterworth Butterworth Total 200 4000
Central Butterworth HIN MARKETING HIN MARKETING Total 100 2000
Central Butterworth HIN MARKETING OSE 50 1000
Central Butterworth HIN MARKETING TLS 50 1000
Central Butterworth KWANG HENG KWANG HENG Total 100 2000
Central Butterworth KWANG HENG LBH 50 1000
Central Butterworth KWANG HENG TCS 50 1000
Central Ipoh Ipoh Total 200 4000
Central Ipoh CORE SYN CORE SYN Total 100 2000
Central Ipoh CORE SYN LILIAN 50 1000
Central Ipoh CORE SYN TEOH 50 1000
Central Ipoh SGH EDERAN SGH EDERAN Total 100 2000
Central Ipoh SGH EDERAN CHAN 50 1000
Central Ipoh SGH EDERAN KAMACHI 50 1000
East East Total 400 8000
East JB JB Total 200 4000
East JB LEI WAH LEI WAH Total 100 2000
East JB LEI WAH NF05 50 1000
East JB LEI WAH NF06 50 1000
East JB WONDER F&B WONDER F&B Total 100 2000
East JB WONDER F&B MONC 50 1000
East JB WONDER F&B SEREN 50 1000
East PJ PJ Total 200 4000
East PJ HEBAT HEBAT Total 100 2000
East PJ HEBAT MIGI 50 1000
East PJ HEBAT OGI 50 1000
East PJ PENGEDAR PENGEDAR Total 100 2000

关于python - Pandas 数据透视表每列的小计,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:

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