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c# - MVC 5 不适用于 IIS 7

转载 作者:太空宇宙 更新时间:2023-11-03 18:29:14 25 4
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我尝试在 IIS7 中运行我的 ASP.NET MVC5,但网站只显示我的 cshtml 文本。


GoWireless>Basic Settings>Select(.Net Framework Version: No Manage Console, Pipeline mode: Classic)

GoWireless>Directory Browsing>Enabled

Index.cshtml 只显示这段文字

@model IEnumerable @{ ViewBag.Title = "Active Directory"; } Active Directory

Welcome,@User.Identity.Name.Remove(0,User.Identity.Name.IndexOf("\") + 1)!

This is GoWireless active directory searcher, you can use the search box or click one of the employees in the left corner to view the employee details. If you want to search users that only exist in GoWireless\ActiveDirectory and not exist in GW_UTA\ActiveDirectory2 you can input and search one of his\her details (SamAccountName, GivenName, Surname, Email or EmployeeNumber) in full format into search-box.

Learn more

_Layout.cshtml 只显示这段文字

@model IEnumerable
Toggle navigation Failed to load images
@using (Html.BeginForm("Index", "Home", FormMethod.Post)) {
@Html.TextBox("search", null, new { @class = "form-control", @placeholder = "Search..." })
@foreach (var item in Model) {
class="active"} href='@Url.Action("Details", "Home", new { id = item.SamAccountName.Replace(".", "_") })'>@item.SamAccountName
ViewBag.count = 1; } @if (ViewBag.count != 1) { EasyAD.EasyAD ad = new EasyAD.EasyAD("", "gowireless\\ldapuser", "abc123!@#"); System.Data.DataTable dt = ad.GetUsers(; var count = 0; while (count < dt.Rows.Count) { if (dt.Rows[count]["SamAccountName"].ToString() != null && dt.Rows[count]["SamAccountName"].ToString() !="") {
class="active"} href='@Url.Action("Details", "Home", new { id = dt.Rows[count]["SamAccountName"].ToString().Replace(".", "_") })'>@dt.Rows[count]["SamAccountName"]
} else { ViewBag.warning = 1; } count++; } if (dt.Rows.Count <= 0) { ViewBag.count = 0; } }
@RenderBody() @if (ViewBag.warning == 1) {
× Warning! someone is containing the employee without SamAccountName, Please check manually the GoWireless\\ActiveDirectory.
} @if (ViewBag.success == 1) {
× Well Done! is successfully updated in ga_uta\\activedirectory.
} @if (ViewBag.count == 0) {
× Heads Up! is not exist in GW_UTA or GoWireless, maybe you are missing something?
} @if (ViewBag.error == 1) {
Oh Snap!
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vestibulum tincidunt est vitae ultrices accumsan. Aliquam ornare lacus adipiscing, posuere lectus et, fringilla augue.

Some Error Accured


enter image description here



bin 文件夹包含 MVC 的所有必要程序集(MVC 5 不需要作为先决条件部署,因为它是网站部署包的一部分)。

然而,出于某种原因,MVC 没有重写 URL 来为我的站点调用正确的处理程序。因此,在仔细阅读各种 Stackoverflow 文章和博客文章后,我终于找到了突破 this one on MSDN .它解释了如何使用 IIS 管理器的 GUI 将 UrlRoutingModule 显式添加到 web.config,即使它显示为已为我的站点安装:

enter image description here

在我取消选中“仅调用对 ASP.NET 应用程序或托管处理程序的请求” 复选框后,条目类型更改为本地(参见上面的屏幕截图)和相应的部分出现在我的 web.config 中。 IIS突然开始明白了<system.webServer>部分(我仍然不知道为什么),网站开始呈现 MVC View 。 See more at cdonner...

关于c# - MVC 5 不适用于 IIS 7,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:

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