gpt4 book ai didi

ruby - 根据文件中的不同部分从独特的逻辑中生成 ruby​​ 哈希

转载 作者:太空宇宙 更新时间:2023-11-03 17:55:32 27 4
gpt4 key购买 nike

我有一个大文件,其中的“部分”由 *** 分割。我必须为每个部分创建一个散列和一个新文件,其中每个部分都以新格式编写(我可能会为部分编写多个文件)。每个部分都需要独特的逻辑才能转换为散列(由“”、或“\n”、或“=”或“/some patter/”分隔)。

由于文件很大,我试图逐行读取、操作和写入。我已经看到了在部分之间使用 glob 线的方法,但并不特别关心这种类型的解决方案。我对如何捕获各部分之间的线条并在适当的时候逐行应用不同的逻辑有点困惑。



  *** Summary ***

Job Name = test Date created: Mon Jan 14 15:48:33 2013

*** Analysis Information
Steady State is ON
Turbulent Incompressible Flow is ON
Static Temperature Equation is ON
Mixed Convection is ON

*** Field Variable Results Summary For Iteration 300

Var Mean at Max at Min
Vx Vel +5.71519e+002 1320103 +3.02718e+004 1319857 -2.66582e+004 mm/s
Vy Vel +3.40035e+002 158922 +2.79257e+004 1319731 -1.42855e+004 mm/s
Vz Vel -7.17959e+002 1318038 +1.62986e+004 1319053 -2.21582e+004 mm/s
Press -2.05980e+001 50858 +5.19412e+003 50905 -1.44865e+003 N/m^2
Temp +4.60000e+001 10965 +4.60000e+001 315867 +4.60000e+001 C
TurbK +1.19616e+006 1319490 +1.44421e+008 10966 +1.81700e-008 mm^2/s^2
TurbD +1.71412e+009 1319490 +2.88554e+011 233065 +5.37798e-004 mm^2/s^3
Scal1 +0.00000e+000 10965 +0.00000e+000 315867 +0.00000e+000
PTotl -5.91285e+000 50858 +5.19412e+003 50905 -1.44865e+003 N/m^2
EVisc +2.52037e-004 1320370 +1.14488e-002 2229 +0.00000e+000 g/mm-s
ECond +1.05355e-002 1352833 +5.88890e-002 2229 +0.00000e+000 W/mm-K
Dens +2.34793e-004 58024 +3.43080e-003 315867 +1.20473e-006 g/mm^3
Visc +1.62605e-005 10965 +1.81700e-005 2229 +0.00000e+000 g/mm-s
Cond +2.50840e-002 2229 +2.04000e-001 315867 +2.56300e-005 W/mm-K
SpecH +1.01202e+000 38432 +1.81000e+000 10249 +1.00500e-003 J/g-K
Emiss +8.94911e-001 10965 +1.00000e+000 2229 +0.00000e+000
Transmiss +0.00000e+000 0 +0.00000e+000 0 +0.00000e+000
WRough +0.00000e+000 10965 +0.00000e+000 315867 +0.00000e+000 mm
SeeBeck +0.00000e+000 0 +0.00000e+000 0 +0.00000e+000 V/K
GenT +1.11977e+003 223286 +1.18027e+005 584515 +3.19558e-013 1/s

*** Openings ***

*** Outlet 1 ***

Surface ID = 2329

Node near Minimum X,Y,Z of opening = 11761

Minimum X,Y,Z of opening = 369.964000, 11.275438, -98.433898

Mass Flow Out = -1.55703 g/s
Volume Flow Out = -1.29242e+006 mm^3/s
Reynolds Number = 1303.45
Outlet Bulk Pressure = -0 N/m^2
Outlet Bulk Temperature = 46 C
Outlet Mach Number = 0.00734951

*** Outlet 2 ***

Surface ID = 2332

Node near Minimum X,Y,Z of opening = 11125

Minimum X,Y,Z of opening = 369.964000, 73.727289, -114.615876

Mass Flow Out = -20.4612 g/s
Volume Flow Out = -1.6984e+007 mm^3/s
Reynolds Number = 11182.5
Outlet Bulk Pressure = -0 N/m^2
Outlet Bulk Temperature = 46 C
Outlet Mach Number = 0.0079087

*** Outlet 3 ***

Surface ID = 2335

Node near Minimum X,Y,Z of opening = 10924

Minimum X,Y,Z of opening = 369.964000, 164.751344, 40.640056

Mass Flow Out = -32.8714 g/s
Volume Flow Out = -2.72852e+007 mm^3/s
Reynolds Number = 17965
Outlet Bulk Pressure = -0 N/m^2
Outlet Bulk Temperature = 46 C
Outlet Mach Number = 0.00750077

*** Fluid Energy Balance Information:
MdotIn x Cp x (TOut - TIn) = 663.69 Watts
(Numerical) Energy Out - Energy In = 0.36447 Watts
Heat Transfer from Wall To Fluid = 761.35 Watts
Heat Transfer Due to Sources In Fluid = 0 Watts

*** Solid Energy Balance Information:
Heat Transfer from Exterior To Solid = 0 Watts
Heat Transfer Due to Sources In Solid = 761 Watts
Heat Transfer From Fluid To Solid = -761.31 Watts

*** Sum of Fluid Forces on Walls ***
ShearX, PressX = 68651 78199 microNewtons
ShearY, PressY = 39030 6.9349e+006 microNewtons
ShearZ, PressZ = -19749 -4.1017e+006 microNewtons

*** Data for internal fans

Fan Part Id = 16 Fan Name = fname1
Operating Pressure Rise = 0.46945 Inches of Water
Operating FlowRate = 36.0109 CFM

Fan Part Id = 94 Fan Name = fname2
Operating Pressure Rise = 0.309645 Inches of Water
Operating FlowRate = 2.33407 CFM

Fan Part Id = 95 Fan Name = fname3
Operating Pressure Rise = 0.267133 Inches of Water
Operating FlowRate = 8.78264 CFM

*** Analysis Statistics:

Input: 461 seconds
Analysis: 12686 seconds
Output: 179 seconds
Total: 13326 seconds


sum_file ='sum_file.sum', 'r')
sum_file_hashed ='sum_file_hashed', 'w')

inSection = false #flag when in or out of a section?

while (line = sum_file.gets ) #while reading lines
case line
when /\*{3}/ #Found Sections by ***
inSection = true #in a section
l = line.gsub('*', '').strip
sum_file_hashed.puts('Found a section: ' + l ) #write section name

### I'm not sure how to introduce specific logic when in a certain type of section ###




while /found section/
if /match pattern a/
call parsera
if /match pattern b/
call parserb

while =! /a section/
do stuff


Ruby 的 Enumerable 包含 slice_before这对于此类任务非常有用,它可以根据某些标记将文件分解为多个 block 。

require 'pp'

blocks ={ |l| l == '' }.slice_before(/\A\*{3}/)
pp blocks.to_a

*** Summary ***

Job Name = test Date created: Mon Jan 14 15:48:33 2013

*** Analysis Information
Steady State is ON
Turbulent Incompressible Flow is ON
Static Temperature Equation is ON
Mixed Convection is ON

*** Field Variable Results Summary For Iteration 300

Var Mean at Max at Min
Vx Vel +5.71519e+002 1320103 +3.02718e+004 1319857 -2.66582e+004 mm/s
Vy Vel +3.40035e+002 158922 +2.79257e+004 1319731 -1.42855e+004 mm/s
Vz Vel -7.17959e+002 1318038 +1.62986e+004 1319053 -2.21582e+004 mm/s
Press -2.05980e+001 50858 +5.19412e+003 50905 -1.44865e+003 N/m^2
Temp +4.60000e+001 10965 +4.60000e+001 315867 +4.60000e+001 C
TurbK +1.19616e+006 1319490 +1.44421e+008 10966 +1.81700e-008 mm^2/s^2
TurbD +1.71412e+009 1319490 +2.88554e+011 233065 +5.37798e-004 mm^2/s^3
Scal1 +0.00000e+000 10965 +0.00000e+000 315867 +0.00000e+000
PTotl -5.91285e+000 50858 +5.19412e+003 50905 -1.44865e+003 N/m^2
EVisc +2.52037e-004 1320370 +1.14488e-002 2229 +0.00000e+000 g/mm-s
ECond +1.05355e-002 1352833 +5.88890e-002 2229 +0.00000e+000 W/mm-K
Dens +2.34793e-004 58024 +3.43080e-003 315867 +1.20473e-006 g/mm^3
Visc +1.62605e-005 10965 +1.81700e-005 2229 +0.00000e+000 g/mm-s
Cond +2.50840e-002 2229 +2.04000e-001 315867 +2.56300e-005 W/mm-K
SpecH +1.01202e+000 38432 +1.81000e+000 10249 +1.00500e-003 J/g-K
Emiss +8.94911e-001 10965 +1.00000e+000 2229 +0.00000e+000
Transmiss +0.00000e+000 0 +0.00000e+000 0 +0.00000e+000
WRough +0.00000e+000 10965 +0.00000e+000 315867 +0.00000e+000 mm
SeeBeck +0.00000e+000 0 +0.00000e+000 0 +0.00000e+000 V/K
GenT +1.11977e+003 223286 +1.18027e+005 584515 +3.19558e-013 1/s



[["*** Summary ***",  "Job Name = test   Date created: Mon Jan 14 15:48:33 2013"], ["*** Analysis Information",  "Steady State is ON",  "Turbulent Incompressible Flow is ON",  "Static Temperature Equation is ON",  "Mixed Convection is ON"], ["*** Field Variable Results Summary For Iteration 300",  "Var      Mean          at      Max          at      Min",  "Vx Vel  +5.71519e+002 1320103 +3.02718e+004 1319857 -2.66582e+004 mm/s",  "Vy Vel  +3.40035e+002 158922 +2.79257e+004 1319731 -1.42855e+004 mm/s",  "Vz Vel  -7.17959e+002 1318038 +1.62986e+004 1319053 -2.21582e+004 mm/s",  "Press  -2.05980e+001  50858 +5.19412e+003  50905 -1.44865e+003 N/m^2",  "Temp  +4.60000e+001  10965 +4.60000e+001 315867 +4.60000e+001 C",  "TurbK  +1.19616e+006 1319490 +1.44421e+008  10966 +1.81700e-008 mm^2/s^2",  "TurbD  +1.71412e+009 1319490 +2.88554e+011 233065 +5.37798e-004 mm^2/s^3",  "Scal1  +0.00000e+000  10965 +0.00000e+000 315867 +0.00000e+000",  "PTotl  -5.91285e+000  50858 +5.19412e+003  50905 -1.44865e+003 N/m^2",  "EVisc  +2.52037e-004 1320370 +1.14488e-002   2229 +0.00000e+000 g/mm-s",  "ECond  +1.05355e-002 1352833 +5.88890e-002   2229 +0.00000e+000 W/mm-K",  "Dens  +2.34793e-004  58024 +3.43080e-003 315867 +1.20473e-006 g/mm^3",  "Visc  +1.62605e-005  10965 +1.81700e-005   2229 +0.00000e+000 g/mm-s",  "Cond  +2.50840e-002   2229 +2.04000e-001 315867 +2.56300e-005 W/mm-K",  "SpecH  +1.01202e+000  38432 +1.81000e+000  10249 +1.00500e-003 J/g-K",  "Emiss  +8.94911e-001  10965 +1.00000e+000   2229 +0.00000e+000",  "Transmiss  +0.00000e+000      0 +0.00000e+000      0 +0.00000e+000",  "WRough  +0.00000e+000  10965 +0.00000e+000 315867 +0.00000e+000 mm",  "SeeBeck  +0.00000e+000      0 +0.00000e+000      0 +0.00000e+000 V/K",  "GenT  +1.11977e+003 223286 +1.18027e+005 584515 +3.19558e-013 1/s"]]

The file was converted to an array of arrays. Leading and trailing whitespace, along with new-lines and carriage-returns were stripped, and blank lines were removed.

Processing the file further is done using a loop over the outer array, and a test that looks at the first line of each sub-array to determine what to do with that block. Something like this would be a starting point:

hash = {}
blocks.each do |block|
case block.shift
when /Summary/
# process the summary information

when /Analysis Information/
# process the analysis information
hash[:analysis_information] = Hash[{ |r| r.split(/ +is +/) }]

when /Field Variable Results/
# process the field variable results


想法是,当代码完成后,hash 将在哈希的哈希或数组的哈希中包含已解析的数据,以供您将其写出。我建议考虑使用 YAML,因为它可以简化将数据序列化到文件的工作。

我不打算添加更多内容,因为这个问题听起来很像家庭作业,而且解析这些行也不是那么难。将文件分成 block 是一项更大的任务,这部分已经为您完成了。

关于ruby - 根据文件中的不同部分从独特的逻辑中生成 ruby​​ 哈希,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:

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