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php - 将链接添加到 wordpress 短代码中

转载 作者:太空宇宙 更新时间:2023-11-03 17:51:36 26 4
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<?php echo do_shortcode('[display-posts category="competitions" posts_per_page="4" include_excerpt="true" image_size="thumbnail" wrapper="ul"]'); 



// Create the shortcode
add_shortcode( 'display-posts', 'be_display_posts_shortcode' );
function be_display_posts_shortcode( $atts ) {

// Original Attributes, for filters
$original_atts = $atts;

// Pull in shortcode attributes and set defaults
$atts = shortcode_atts( array(
'title' => '',
'author' => '',
'category' => '',
'date_format' => '(n/j/Y)',
'display_posts_off' => false,
'exclude_current' => false,
'id' => false,
'ignore_sticky_posts' => false,
'image_size' => false,
'include_title' => true,
'include_author' => false,
'include_content' => false,
'include_date' => false,
'include_excerpt' => false,
'meta_key' => '',
'meta_value' => '',
'no_posts_message' => '',
'offset' => 0,
'order' => 'DESC',
'orderby' => 'date',
'post_parent' => false,
'post_status' => 'publish',
'post_type' => 'post',
'posts_per_page' => '10',
'tag' => '',
'tax_operator' => 'IN',
'tax_term' => false,
'taxonomy' => false,
'wrapper' => 'ul',
'wrapper_class' => 'display-posts-listing',
'wrapper_id' => false,
), $atts, 'display-posts' );

// End early if shortcode should be turned off
if( $atts['display_posts_off'] )

$shortcode_title = sanitize_text_field( $atts['title'] );
$author = sanitize_text_field( $atts['author'] );
$category = sanitize_text_field( $atts['category'] );
$date_format = sanitize_text_field( $atts['date_format'] );
$exclude_current = be_display_posts_bool( $atts['exclude_current'] );
$id = $atts['id']; // Sanitized later as an array of integers
$ignore_sticky_posts = be_display_posts_bool( $atts['ignore_sticky_posts'] );
$image_size = sanitize_key( $atts['image_size'] );
$include_title = be_display_posts_bool( $atts['include_title'] );
$include_author = be_display_posts_bool( $atts['include_author'] );
$include_content = be_display_posts_bool( $atts['include_content'] );
$include_date = be_display_posts_bool( $atts['include_date'] );
$include_excerpt = be_display_posts_bool( $atts['include_excerpt'] );
$meta_key = sanitize_text_field( $atts['meta_key'] );
$meta_value = sanitize_text_field( $atts['meta_value'] );
$no_posts_message = sanitize_text_field( $atts['no_posts_message'] );
$offset = intval( $atts['offset'] );
$order = sanitize_key( $atts['order'] );
$orderby = sanitize_key( $atts['orderby'] );
$post_parent = $atts['post_parent']; // Validated later, after check for 'current'
$post_status = $atts['post_status']; // Validated later as one of a few values
$post_type = sanitize_text_field( $atts['post_type'] );
$posts_per_page = intval( $atts['posts_per_page'] );
$tag = sanitize_text_field( $atts['tag'] );
$tax_operator = $atts['tax_operator']; // Validated later as one of a few values
$tax_term = sanitize_text_field( $atts['tax_term'] );
$taxonomy = sanitize_key( $atts['taxonomy'] );
$wrapper = sanitize_text_field( $atts['wrapper'] );
$wrapper_class = sanitize_html_class( $atts['wrapper_class'] );
if( !empty( $wrapper_class ) )
$wrapper_class = ' class="' . $wrapper_class . '"';
$wrapper_id = sanitize_html_class( $atts['wrapper_id'] );
if( !empty( $wrapper_id ) )
$wrapper_id = ' id="' . $wrapper_id . '"';

// Set up initial query for post
$args = array(
'category_name' => $category,
'order' => $order,
'orderby' => $orderby,
'post_type' => explode( ',', $post_type ),
'posts_per_page' => $posts_per_page,
'tag' => $tag,

// Ignore Sticky Posts
if( $ignore_sticky_posts )
$args['ignore_sticky_posts'] = true;

// Meta key (for ordering)
if( !empty( $meta_key ) )
$args['meta_key'] = $meta_key;

// Meta value (for simple meta queries)
if( !empty( $meta_value ) )
$args['meta_value'] = $meta_value;

// If Post IDs
if( $id ) {
$posts_in = array_map( 'intval', explode( ',', $id ) );
$args['post__in'] = $posts_in;

// If Exclude Current
if( $exclude_current )
$args['post__not_in'] = array( get_the_ID() );

// Post Author
if( !empty( $author ) )
$args['author_name'] = $author;

// Offset
if( !empty( $offset ) )
$args['offset'] = $offset;

// Post Status
$post_status = explode( ', ', $post_status );
$validated = array();
$available = array( 'publish', 'pending', 'draft', 'auto-draft', 'future', 'private', 'inherit', 'trash', 'any' );
foreach ( $post_status as $unvalidated )
if ( in_array( $unvalidated, $available ) )
$validated[] = $unvalidated;
if( !empty( $validated ) )
$args['post_status'] = $validated;

// If taxonomy attributes, create a taxonomy query
if ( !empty( $taxonomy ) && !empty( $tax_term ) ) {

// Term string to array
$tax_term = explode( ', ', $tax_term );

// Validate operator
if( !in_array( $tax_operator, array( 'IN', 'NOT IN', 'AND' ) ) )
$tax_operator = 'IN';

$tax_args = array(
'tax_query' => array(
'taxonomy' => $taxonomy,
'field' => 'slug',
'terms' => $tax_term,
'operator' => $tax_operator

// Check for multiple taxonomy queries
$count = 2;
$more_tax_queries = false;
isset( $original_atts['taxonomy_' . $count] ) && !empty( $original_atts['taxonomy_' . $count] ) &&
isset( $original_atts['tax_' . $count . '_term'] ) && !empty( $original_atts['tax_' . $count . '_term'] )

// Sanitize values
$more_tax_queries = true;
$taxonomy = sanitize_key( $original_atts['taxonomy_' . $count] );
$terms = explode( ', ', sanitize_text_field( $original_atts['tax_' . $count . '_term'] ) );
$tax_operator = isset( $original_atts['tax_' . $count . '_operator'] ) ? $original_atts['tax_' . $count . '_operator'] : 'IN';
$tax_operator = in_array( $tax_operator, array( 'IN', 'NOT IN', 'AND' ) ) ? $tax_operator : 'IN';

$tax_args['tax_query'][] = array(
'taxonomy' => $taxonomy,
'field' => 'slug',
'terms' => $terms,
'operator' => $tax_operator



if( $more_tax_queries ):
$tax_relation = 'AND';
if( isset( $original_atts['tax_relation'] ) && in_array( $original_atts['tax_relation'], array( 'AND', 'OR' ) ) )
$tax_relation = $original_atts['tax_relation'];
$args['tax_query']['relation'] = $tax_relation;

$args = array_merge( $args, $tax_args );

// If post parent attribute, set up parent
if( $post_parent ) {
if( 'current' == $post_parent ) {
global $post;
$post_parent = get_the_ID();
$args['post_parent'] = intval( $post_parent );

// Set up html elements used to wrap the posts.
// Default is ul/li, but can also be ol/li and div/div
$wrapper_options = array( 'ul', 'ol', 'div' );
if( ! in_array( $wrapper, $wrapper_options ) )
$wrapper = 'ul';
$inner_wrapper = 'div' == $wrapper ? 'div' : 'li';

$listing = new WP_Query( apply_filters( 'display_posts_shortcode_args', $args, $original_atts ) );
if ( ! $listing->have_posts() )
return apply_filters( 'display_posts_shortcode_no_results', wpautop( $no_posts_message ) );

$inner = '';
while ( $listing->have_posts() ): $listing->the_post(); global $post;

$image = $date = $author = $excerpt = $content = '';

if ( $include_title )
$title = '<a class="title" href="' . apply_filters( 'the_permalink', get_permalink() ) . '">' . get_the_title() . '</a>';

if ( $image_size && has_post_thumbnail() )
$image = '<a class="image" href="' . get_permalink() . '">' . get_the_post_thumbnail( get_the_ID(), $image_size ) . '</a> ';

if ( $include_date )
$date = ' <span class="date">' . get_the_date( $date_format ) . '</span>';

if( $include_author )
$author = apply_filters( 'display_posts_shortcode_author', ' <span class="author">by ' . get_the_author() . '</span>' );

if ( $include_excerpt )
$excerpt = ' <span class="excerpt-dash">-</span> <span class="excerpt">' . get_the_excerpt() . '</span>';

if( $include_content ) {
add_filter( 'shortcode_atts_display-posts', 'be_display_posts_off', 10, 3 );
$content = '<div class="content">' . apply_filters( 'the_content', get_the_content() ) . '</div>';
remove_filter( 'shortcode_atts_display-posts', 'be_display_posts_off', 10, 3 );

$class = array( 'listing-item' );
$class = sanitize_html_class( apply_filters( 'display_posts_shortcode_post_class', $class, $post, $listing, $original_atts ) );
$output = '<' . $inner_wrapper . ' class="' . implode( ' ', $class ) . '">' . $image . $title . $date . $author . $excerpt . $content . '</' . $inner_wrapper . '>';

// If post is set to private, only show to logged in users
if( 'private' == get_post_status( get_the_ID() ) && !current_user_can( 'read_private_posts' ) )
$output = '';

$inner .= apply_filters( 'display_posts_shortcode_output', $output, $original_atts, $image, $title, $date, $excerpt, $inner_wrapper, $content, $class );

endwhile; wp_reset_postdata();

$open = apply_filters( 'display_posts_shortcode_wrapper_open', '<' . $wrapper . $wrapper_class . $wrapper_id . '>', $original_atts );
$close = apply_filters( 'display_posts_shortcode_wrapper_close', '</' . $wrapper . '>', $original_atts );

$return = $open;

if( $shortcode_title ) {

$title_tag = apply_filters( 'display_posts_shortcode_title_tag', 'h2', $original_atts );

$return .= '<' . $title_tag . ' class="display-posts-title">' . $shortcode_title . '</' . $title_tag . '>' . "\n";

$return .= $inner . $close;

return $return;

* Turn off display posts shortcode
* If display full post content, any uses of [display-posts] are disabled
* @param array $out, returned shortcode values
* @param array $pairs, list of supported attributes and their defaults
* @param array $atts, original shortcode attributes
* @return array $out
function be_display_posts_off( $out, $pairs, $atts ) {
$out['display_posts_off'] = true;
return $out;

* Convert string to boolean
* because (bool) "false" == true
function be_display_posts_bool( $value ) {
return !empty( $value ) && 'true' == $value ? true : false;


您需要编辑您在上面给出的代码的第 243 行的 $output 变量。

添加静态 url 的简单修改就可以了,如下所示:

$static_link = '';
$output = '<' . $inner_wrapper . ' class="' . implode( ' ', $class ) . '">' . $image . $title . $date . $author . $excerpt . $content . '<a href="'.$static_link.'">Read more</a>' . '</' . $inner_wrapper . '>';



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