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最常见的原因是与 Windows Phone 上的独立存储交互的线程不安全 性质。无论您如何实现数据库(在一个文件或一系列文件中),您都在某种程度上与隔离存储进行交互。
我强烈建议您阅读并确保您理解 this overview of isolated storage在走得太远之前。
This is in use in another process
您永远不会“重新创建 IsolatedStorage”,Isolated Storage 是一个术语,用于定义您的应用程序有权访问的磁盘空间集合。就像文件夹一样,这个磁盘空间有一个根目录,并且只包含您创建的文件。
为了避免在访问独立存储时出现线程异常,请确保使用 using C# 中的关键字如下所示:
namespace IsolatedStorageExample
public class ISOAccess
// This example method will read a file inside your Isolated Storage.
public static String ReadFile(string filename)
string fileContents = "";
// Ideally, you should enclose this entire next section in a try/catch block since
// if there is anything wrong with below, it will crash your app.
// This line returns the "handle" to your Isolated Storage. The phone considers the
// entire isolated storage folder as a single "file", which is why it can be a
// little bit of a confusing name.
using(IsolatedStorageFile file = IsolatedStorageFile.GetUserStoreForAppliaction())
// If the file does not exist, return an empty string
// Obtain a stream to the file
using(IsolatedStorageFileStream stream = File.OpenFile(filename, FileMode.Open)
// Open a stream reader to actually read the file.
using(StreamReader reader = new StreamReader(stream))
fileContents = reader.ReadToEnd();
return fileContents;
// BE VERY CAREFUL, running this method will delete *all* the files in isolated storage... ALL OF THEM
public static void ClearAllIsolatedStorage()
// get the handle to isolated storage
using(IsolatedStorageFile file = IsolatedStorageFile.GetUserStoreForApplication())
// Get a list of all the folders in the root directory
Queue<String> rootFolders = new Queue<String>(file.GetDirectoryNames());
// For each folder...
while(0 != rootFolders.Count)
string folderName = rootFolders.Dequeue();
// First, recursively delete all the files and folders inside the given folder.
// This is required, because you cannot delete a non-empty directory
DeleteFilesInFolderRecursively(file, folderName);
// Now that all of it's contents have been deleted, you can delete the directory
// itsself.
// And now we delete all the files in the root directory
Queue<String> rootFiles = new Queue<String>(file.GetFileNames());
while(0 != rootFiles.Count)
private static void DeleteFilesInFolderRecursively(IsolatedStorageFile iso, string directory)
// get the folders that are inside this folder
Queue<string> enclosedDirectories = new Queue<string>(iso.GetDirectoryNames(directory));
// loop through all the folders inside this folder, and recurse on all of them
while(0 != enclosedDirectories.Count)
string nextFolderPath = Path.Combine(directory, enclosedDirectories.Dequeue());
// This string will allow you to see all the files in this folder.
string fileSearch = Path.Combine(directory, "*");
// Getting the files in this folder
Queue<string> filesInDirectory = iso.GetFileNames(fileSearch);
// Finally, deleting all the files in this folder
while(0 != filesInDirectory.Count)
我强烈推荐的另一件事是使用描述的“多线程单例模式”实现访问 IsolatedStorage 的类 here.
希望对您有所帮助。代码是“按原样”提供的,我没有编译它,但一般概念都在那里,所以如果有什么不对劲,请阅读 MSDN 文档以查看我犯了什么错误。但我向你保证,其中大部分是从我的功能代码中复制的,因此它应该可以正常工作,只需很少的 fanagaling。
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