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python - Anaconda 中 Keras 的包安装?

转载 作者:太空宇宙 更新时间:2023-11-03 15:52:24 26 4
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Python 3.5,我正在尝试查找为 Anaconda 安装 Keras 深度学习包的命令。命令 conda install -c keras 不起作用,任何人都可以回答为什么它不起作用?


问题的具体答案是 conda 命令的 -c 选项指定一个或多个包的搜索 channel 您要安装。

-c CHANNEL, --channel CHANNEL

Additional channel to search for packages. These are URLs searched in the order they are given (including file:// for local directories). Then, the defaults or channels from .condarc are searched (unless --override-channels is given). You can use 'defaults' to get the default packages for conda, and 'system' to get the system packages, which also takes .condarc into account. You can also use any name and the .condarc channel_alias value will be prepended. The default channel_alias is

您的命令 conda install -c keras 指定了一个名为 keras 的 channel (在默认的channel_alias url 上),但没有指定要安装的任何软件包,这就是为什么您会收到值错误:参数太少错误。

正如 Madhu Babu 的回答所述,keras 在 conda-forge channel 上可用,因此正确的命令是

conda install -c conda-forge keras

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