- android - 多次调用 OnPrimaryClipChangedListener
- android - 无法更新 RecyclerView 中的 TextView 字段
- android.database.CursorIndexOutOfBoundsException : Index 0 requested, 光标大小为 0
- android - 使用 AppCompat 时,我们是否需要明确指定其 UI 组件(Spinner、EditText)颜色
//Create method to process string.
private string Sentences(string input)
//Capitalize first letter of input.
char firstLetter = char.ToUpper(input[0]);
//Combine the capitalize letter with the rest of the input.
input = firstLetter.ToString() + input.Substring(1);
//Create a char array to hold all characters in input.
char[] letters = new char[input.Length];
//Read the characters from input into the array.
for (int i = 0; i < input.Length; i++)
letters[i] = input[i];
//Loop through array to test for punctuation and capitalize a character 2 index away.
for (int index = 0; index < letters.Length; index++)
if (!((index + 2) >= letters.Length))
char.ToUpper(letters[index+ 2]);
for(int ind = 0; ind < letters.Length; ind++)
input += letters[ind].ToString();
return input;
您可以使用 Linq.Aggregate
n - 查看代码和代码输出中的注释以了解其工作原理。
using System;
using System.Linq;
internal class Program
static string Capitalize(string oldSentence )
// this will look at oldSentence char for char, we start with a
// new string "" (the accumulator, short acc)
// and inspect each char c of oldSentence
// comment all the Console.Writelines in this function, thats
// just so you see whats done by Aggregate, not needed for it to
// work
.Aggregate("", (acc, c) =>
System.Console.WriteLine("Accumulated: " + acc);
System.Console.WriteLine("Cecking: " + c);
// if the accumulator is empty or the last character of
// trimmed acc is a ".?!" we append the
// upper case of c to it
if (acc.Length == 0 || ".?!".Any(p => p == acc.Trim().Last())) // (*)
acc += char.ToUpper(c);
acc += c; // else we add it unmodified
System.Console.WriteLine($"After: {acc}\n");
return acc; // this returns the acc for the next iteration/next c
static void Main(string[] args)
Console.SetBufferSize(120, 1000);
var oldSentence = "This is a testSentence. some occurences "
+ "need capitalization! for examlpe here. or here? maybe "
+ "yes, maybe not.";
var newSentence = Capitalize(oldSentence);
Console.WriteLine(new string('*', 80));
".?!".Any(p => p == ... ))
表示字符串 ".?!"
表示:删除 acc
和 .Any()
也是 Linq。大多数 Linq-esc 扩展都可以在这里找到: https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/9eekhta0(v=vs.110).aspx
输出(被截断 - 它相当长;o)
Cecking: T
After: T
Accumulated: T
Cecking: h
After: Th
Accumulated: Th
Cecking: i
After: Thi
Accumulated: Thi
Cecking: s
After: This
Accumulated: This
After: This
Accumulated: This
Cecking: i
After: This i
Accumulated: This i
Cecking: s
After: This is
<snipp - .. you get the idea how Aggregate works ...>
Accumulated: This is a testSentence.
Cecking: s
After: This is a testSentence. S
Accumulated: This is a testSentence. Some occurences need capitalization!
Cecking: f
After: This is a testSentence. Some occurences need capitalization! F
This is a testSentence. Some occurences need capitalization! For examlpe here. Or here? Maybe yes, maybe not.
关于c# - 如何将每个句子的第一个字符大写,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/47337011/
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所以我一直在用 Java 编写一小段代码,它从用户那里获取输入,计算大写字母、小写字母和其他部分(例如空格、数字,甚至括号),然后返回每个部分的数量用户。 我遇到的问题是,如果我输入“Hello Th
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我需要将相同的变量转换为大写|小写|大写。 /** * @package ${1 default="Hello"} * @subpackage ${com}_${1 capitalize
显然,拉丁字母表也是如此。但我是在概念上提出这个问题,跨越语言和 Unicode 规范。 实际上,这是为了比较两个字符串。如果你已经知道它们的字节数不同——在所有语言中——你能认为这足以保证它们不是同
今天我更新了我的 Octopress 博客,当我运行时: rake new_post["This is a test of title"] 它在 source/_post/2013-02-18-thi
除了大写部分之外,我的程序正在运行:以下是将英语单词 englishWord 翻译为 Pig 拉丁语单词 pigLatinWord 的方法:A。如果英语单词中没有元音,那么pigLatinWord就是
通过使用一个输入文本框,输入类型只允许字母。输入的值为'a',它应该在文本框外显示为'A'? 如果我们在输入文本中输入小写字母“a”,那么它会希望在框外显示大写字母“A”...以下是我的html代码:
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