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我正在编写一个 Java 应用程序来充当本地代理。 http://www.nsftools.com/tips/jProxy.java 中的这段代码对我帮助很大.请参阅下面的程序:
/* <!-- in case someone opens this in a browser... --> <pre> */
* This is a simple multi-threaded Java proxy server
* for HTTP requests (HTTPS doesn't seem to work, because
* the CONNECT requests aren't always handled properly).
* I implemented the class as a thread so you can call it
* from other programs and kill it, if necessary (by using
* the closeSocket() method).
* We'll call this the 1.1 version of this class. All I
* changed was to separate the HTTP header elements with
* \r\n instead of just \n, to comply with the official
* HTTP specification.
* This can be used either as a direct proxy to other
* servers, or as a forwarding proxy to another proxy
* server. This makes it useful if you want to monitor
* traffic going to and from a proxy server (for example,
* you can run this on your local machine and set the
* fwdServer and fwdPort to a real proxy server, and then
* tell your browser to use "localhost" as the proxy, and
* you can watch the browser traffic going in and out).
* One limitation of this implementation is that it doesn't
* close the ProxyThread socket if the client disconnects
* or the server never responds, so you could end up with
* a bunch of loose threads running amuck and waiting for
* connections. As a band-aid, you can set the server socket
* to timeout after a certain amount of time (use the
* setTimeout() method in the ProxyThread class), although
* this can cause false timeouts if a remote server is simply
* slow to respond.
* Another thing is that it doesn't limit the number of
* socket threads it will create, so if you use this on a
* really busy machine that processed a bunch of requests,
* you may have problems. You should use thread pools if
* you're going to try something like this in a "real"
* application.
* Note that if you're using the "main" method to run this
* by itself and you don't need the debug output, it will
* run a bit faster if you pipe the std output to 'nul'.
* You may use this code as you wish, just don't pretend
* that you wrote it yourself, and don't hold me liable for
* anything that it does or doesn't do. If you're feeling
* especially honest, please include a link to nsftools.com
* along with the code. Thanks, and good luck.
* Julian Robichaux -- http://www.nsftools.com
import java.io.*;
import java.net.*;
import java.lang.reflect.Array;
public class jProxy extends Thread
public static final int DEFAULT_PORT = 8080;
private ServerSocket server = null;
private int thisPort = DEFAULT_PORT;
private String fwdServer = "";
private int fwdPort = 0;
private int ptTimeout = ProxyThread.DEFAULT_TIMEOUT;
private int debugLevel = 0;
private PrintStream debugOut = System.out;
/* here's a main method, in case you want to run this by itself */
public static void main (String args[])
int port = 0;
String fwdProxyServer = "";
int fwdProxyPort = 0;
if (args.length == 0)
System.err.println("USAGE: java jProxy <port number> [<fwd proxy> <fwd port>]");
System.err.println(" <port number> the port this service listens on");
System.err.println(" <fwd proxy> optional proxy server to forward requests to");
System.err.println(" <fwd port> the port that the optional proxy server is on");
System.err.println("\nHINT: if you don't want to see all the debug information flying by,");
System.err.println("you can pipe the output to a file or to 'nul' using \">\". For example:");
System.err.println(" to send output to the file prox.txt: java jProxy 8080 > prox.txt");
System.err.println(" to make the output go away: java jProxy 8080 > nul");
// get the command-line parameters
port = Integer.parseInt(args[0]);
if (args.length > 2)
fwdProxyServer = args[1];
fwdProxyPort = Integer.parseInt(args[2]);
// create and start the jProxy thread, using a 20 second timeout
// value to keep the threads from piling up too much
System.err.println(" ** Starting jProxy on port " + port + ". Press CTRL-C to end. **\n");
jProxy jp = new jProxy(port, fwdProxyServer, fwdProxyPort, 20);
jp.setDebug(1, System.out); // or set the debug level to 2 for tons of output
// run forever; if you were calling this class from another
// program and you wanted to stop the jProxy thread at some
// point, you could write a loop that waits for a certain
// condition and then calls jProxy.closeSocket() to kill
// the running jProxy thread
while (true)
try { Thread.sleep(3000); } catch (Exception e) {}
// if we ever had a condition that stopped the loop above,
// we'd want to do this to kill the running thread
/* the proxy server just listens for connections and creates
* a new thread for each connection attempt (the ProxyThread
* class really does all the work)
public jProxy (int port)
thisPort = port;
public jProxy (int port, String proxyServer, int proxyPort)
thisPort = port;
fwdServer = proxyServer;
fwdPort = proxyPort;
public jProxy (int port, String proxyServer, int proxyPort, int timeout)
thisPort = port;
fwdServer = proxyServer;
fwdPort = proxyPort;
ptTimeout = timeout;
/* allow the user to decide whether or not to send debug
* output to the console or some other PrintStream
public void setDebug (int level, PrintStream out)
debugLevel = level;
debugOut = out;
/* get the port that we're supposed to be listening on
public int getPort ()
return thisPort;
/* return whether or not the socket is currently open
public boolean isRunning ()
if (server == null)
return false;
return true;
/* closeSocket will close the open ServerSocket; use this
* to halt a running jProxy thread
public void closeSocket ()
try {
// close the open server socket
// send it a message to make it stop waiting immediately
// (not really necessary)
/*Socket s = new Socket("localhost", thisPort);
OutputStream os = s.getOutputStream();
} catch(Exception e) {
if (debugLevel > 0)
server = null;
public void run()
try {
// create a server socket, and loop forever listening for
// client connections
server = new ServerSocket(thisPort);
if (debugLevel > 0)
debugOut.println("Started jProxy on port " + thisPort);
while (true)
Socket client = server.accept();
ProxyThread t = new ProxyThread(client, fwdServer, fwdPort);
t.setDebug(debugLevel, debugOut);
} catch (Exception e) {
if (debugLevel > 0)
debugOut.println("jProxy Thread error: " + e);
* The ProxyThread will take an HTTP request from the client
* socket and send it to either the server that the client is
* trying to contact, or another proxy server
class ProxyThread extends Thread
private Socket pSocket;
private String fwdServer = "";
private int fwdPort = 0;
private int debugLevel = 0;
private PrintStream debugOut = System.out;
// the socketTimeout is used to time out the connection to
// the remote server after a certain period of inactivity;
// the value is in milliseconds -- use zero if you don't want
// a timeout
public static final int DEFAULT_TIMEOUT = 20 * 1000;
private int socketTimeout = DEFAULT_TIMEOUT;
public ProxyThread(Socket s)
pSocket = s;
public ProxyThread(Socket s, String proxy, int port)
pSocket = s;
fwdServer = proxy;
fwdPort = port;
public void setTimeout (int timeout)
// assume that the user will pass the timeout value
// in seconds (because that's just more intuitive)
socketTimeout = timeout * 1000;
public void setDebug (int level, PrintStream out)
debugLevel = level;
debugOut = out;
public void run()
long startTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
// client streams (make sure you're using streams that use
// byte arrays, so things like GIF and JPEG files and file
// downloads will transfer properly)
BufferedInputStream clientIn = new BufferedInputStream(pSocket.getInputStream());
BufferedOutputStream clientOut = new BufferedOutputStream(pSocket.getOutputStream());
// the socket to the remote server
Socket server = null;
// other variables
byte[] request = null;
byte[] response = null;
int requestLength = 0;
int responseLength = 0;
int pos = -1;
StringBuffer host = new StringBuffer("");
String hostName = "";
int hostPort = 80;
// get the header info (the web browser won't disconnect after
// it's sent a request, so make sure the waitForDisconnect
// parameter is false)
request = getHTTPData(clientIn, host, false);
requestLength = Array.getLength(request);
// separate the host name from the host port, if necessary
// (like if it's "servername:8000")
hostName = host.toString();
pos = hostName.indexOf(":");
if (pos > 0)
try { hostPort = Integer.parseInt(hostName.substring(pos + 1));
} catch (Exception e) { }
hostName = hostName.substring(0, pos);
// either forward this request to another proxy server or
// send it straight to the Host
if ((fwdServer.length() > 0) && (fwdPort > 0))
server = new Socket(fwdServer, fwdPort);
} else {
server = new Socket(hostName, hostPort);
} catch (Exception e) {
// tell the client there was an error
String errMsg = "HTTP/1.0 500\nContent Type: text/plain\n\n" +
"Error connecting to the server:\n" + e + "\n";
clientOut.write(errMsg.getBytes(), 0, errMsg.length());
if (server != null)
BufferedInputStream serverIn = new BufferedInputStream(server.getInputStream());
BufferedOutputStream serverOut = new BufferedOutputStream(server.getOutputStream());
// send the request out
serverOut.write(request, 0, requestLength);
// and get the response; if we're not at a debug level that
// requires us to return the data in the response, just stream
// it back to the client to save ourselves from having to
// create and destroy an unnecessary byte array. Also, we
// should set the waitForDisconnect parameter to 'true',
// because some servers (like Google) don't always set the
// Content-Length header field, so we have to listen until
// they decide to disconnect (or the connection times out).
if (debugLevel > 1)
response = getHTTPData(serverIn, true);
responseLength = Array.getLength(response);
} else {
responseLength = streamHTTPData(serverIn, clientOut, true);
// send the response back to the client, if we haven't already
if (debugLevel > 1)
clientOut.write(response, 0, responseLength);
// if the user wants debug info, send them debug info; however,
// keep in mind that because we're using threads, the output won't
// necessarily be synchronous
if (debugLevel > 0)
long endTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
debugOut.println("Request from " + pSocket.getInetAddress().getHostAddress() +
" on Port " + pSocket.getLocalPort() +
" to host " + hostName + ":" + hostPort +
"\n (" + requestLength + " bytes sent, " +
responseLength + " bytes returned, " +
Long.toString(endTime - startTime) + " ms elapsed)");
if (debugLevel > 1)
debugOut.println("REQUEST:\n" + (new String(request)));
debugOut.println("RESPONSE:\n" + (new String(response)));
// close all the client streams so we can listen again
} catch (Exception e) {
if (debugLevel > 0)
debugOut.println("Error in ProxyThread: " + e);
private byte[] getHTTPData (InputStream in, boolean waitForDisconnect)
// get the HTTP data from an InputStream, and return it as
// a byte array
// the waitForDisconnect parameter tells us what to do in case
// the HTTP header doesn't specify the Content-Length of the
// transmission
StringBuffer foo = new StringBuffer("");
return getHTTPData(in, foo, waitForDisconnect);
private byte[] getHTTPData (InputStream in, StringBuffer host, boolean waitForDisconnect)
// get the HTTP data from an InputStream, and return it as
// a byte array, and also return the Host entry in the header,
// if it's specified -- note that we have to use a StringBuffer
// for the 'host' variable, because a String won't return any
// information when it's used as a parameter like that
ByteArrayOutputStream bs = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
streamHTTPData(in, bs, host, waitForDisconnect);
return bs.toByteArray();
private int streamHTTPData (InputStream in, OutputStream out, boolean waitForDisconnect)
StringBuffer foo = new StringBuffer("");
return streamHTTPData(in, out, foo, waitForDisconnect);
private int streamHTTPData (InputStream in, OutputStream out,
StringBuffer host, boolean waitForDisconnect)
// get the HTTP data from an InputStream, and send it to
// the designated OutputStream
StringBuffer header = new StringBuffer("");
String data = "";
int responseCode = 200;
int contentLength = 0;
int pos = -1;
int byteCount = 0;
// get the first line of the header, so we know the response code
data = readLine(in);
if (data != null)
header.append(data + "\r\n");
pos = data.indexOf(" ");
if ((data.toLowerCase().startsWith("http")) &&
(pos >= 0) && (data.indexOf(" ", pos+1) >= 0))
String rcString = data.substring(pos+1, data.indexOf(" ", pos+1));
responseCode = Integer.parseInt(rcString);
} catch (Exception e) {
if (debugLevel > 0)
debugOut.println("Error parsing response code " + rcString);
// get the rest of the header info
while ((data = readLine(in)) != null)
// the header ends at the first blank line
if (data.length() == 0)
header.append(data + "\r\n");
// check for the Host header
pos = data.toLowerCase().indexOf("host:");
if (pos >= 0)
host.append(data.substring(pos + 5).trim());
// check for the Content-Length header
pos = data.toLowerCase().indexOf("content-length:");
if (pos >= 0)
contentLength = Integer.parseInt(data.substring(pos + 15).trim());
// add a blank line to terminate the header info
// convert the header to a byte array, and write it to our stream
out.write(header.toString().getBytes(), 0, header.length());
// if the header indicated that this was not a 200 response,
// just return what we've got if there is no Content-Length,
// because we may not be getting anything else
if ((responseCode != 200) && (contentLength == 0))
return header.length();
// get the body, if any; we try to use the Content-Length header to
// determine how much data we're supposed to be getting, because
// sometimes the client/server won't disconnect after sending us
// information...
if (contentLength > 0)
waitForDisconnect = false;
if ((contentLength > 0) || (waitForDisconnect))
try {
byte[] buf = new byte[4096];
int bytesIn = 0;
while ( ((byteCount < contentLength) || (waitForDisconnect))
&& ((bytesIn = in.read(buf)) >= 0) )
out.write(buf, 0, bytesIn);
byteCount += bytesIn;
} catch (Exception e) {
String errMsg = "Error getting HTTP body: " + e;
if (debugLevel > 0)
//bs.write(errMsg.getBytes(), 0, errMsg.length());
} catch (Exception e) {
if (debugLevel > 0)
debugOut.println("Error getting HTTP data: " + e);
//flush the OutputStream and return
try { out.flush(); } catch (Exception e) {}
return (header.length() + byteCount);
private String readLine (InputStream in)
// reads a line of text from an InputStream
StringBuffer data = new StringBuffer("");
int c;
// if we have nothing to read, just return null
if (in.read() == -1)
return null;
while ((c = in.read()) >= 0)
// check for an end-of-line character
if ((c == 0) || (c == 10) || (c == 13))
// deal with the case where the end-of-line terminator is \r\n
if (c == 13)
if (in.read() != 10)
} catch (Exception e) {
if (debugLevel > 0)
debugOut.println("Error getting header: " + e);
// and return what we have
return data.toString();
问题是“https://www.google.com”之类的安全站点无法正常工作。我试图一遍又一遍地调整代码,但都无济于事。我已经浏览过这里和更多网站上回答的问题,但我似乎无法让它工作。我会 av 发布链接,但我不能,因为我还没有 av enuf 声誉。
有人请帮助我需要做些什么来支持安全站点 (HTTPS)。
https 的默认端口是 443
。如果 URL 中未指定端口,则使用此选项,例如您给出的 google 站点就是这种情况。考虑到这一点,尝试调整代码。
关于Java 隧道 HTTPS(SSL) 请求,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/29459425/
发起 HTTPS 对话时,会生成一个随机数来为交换创建 key (或类似的东西)。我不明白这是如何防止重放攻击的。 为什么攻击者不能重复真实客户端发出的所有请求? This answer claims
要使这个简单的 HTTP header 与支持 HTTPS 的服务器通信,还需要进行哪些其他更改。 GET /index.php HTTP/1.1 Host: localhost [CR] [CR]
我想弄清楚 HTTPS 是有状态还是无状态?这是关于我构建的 RESTful API。我们最初使用 HTTP。由于 HTTP 本质上是在无状态的 TCP/IP 上工作的,因此 HTTP 是无状态的,但
我从各种来源了解到,HTTPS 握手是使用 HTTPS 中最重要的部分。我在服务器之间内部使用 POST 来传达信息,并希望为此使用 HTTPS。我想知道实际的 HTTPS 握手持续多长时间/“保持打
我想知道HTTPS是如何实现的。是数据加密还是路径加密(数据通过哪个路径)。如果有人向我提供实现细节,我将不胜感激。 最佳答案 很简单,HTTPS 使用安全套接字层来加密客户端和服务器之间传输的数据。
我是 HTTPS 技术的初学者:(。我对 HTTPS 的实现有一些疑问。 假设我有一张注册表 http://www.sitename.com/register.php 如果我想在 HTTPS 中使用它
在带有 Devise 1.51 的 Rails 3.1.1 应用程序中,我希望确认消息中使用的确认链接是 https 而不是 http。因此,在电子邮件中,“确认链接”会指向如下内容: https:/
我对 HTTPS 有疑问。我的一位前辈告诉我,Https 实际上并不使用 SSL/TLS,而只是使用它们的加密算法。他说,证书的握手过程是在传输层完成的,但实际有效负载的安全 key 加密是在应用层完
我建立了一个使用 PHP mail() 的网站。如果我在 http://上点击脚本,我可以让它成功运行,但如果我切换到 https://它就不起作用了!我使用 Godaddy 进行托管,并通过他们购买
我最近更改了域并设置了来自 https://sadlergatestoyou.co.uk 的重定向至https://www.sadlergates.co.uk但是,www.sadlergatestoy
我正在制作一个依赖于设置 http.proxyPort 和 http.proxyHost 的 Java 应用程序。有两个进程:一个是正则程序,一个是代理程序。我有一个在 http.proxyPort(
我正在开发一个 RESTful 应用程序,为此我需要将从 http 地址传入的请求重定向到它的 https 等效项。我似乎无法使用 ring/compojure 启用 https。 有人有一些有用的教
我看过很多关于重写的文章。都好。但没有一个涵盖这种具体情况。所以这是我的问题:希望你能帮忙。因为我无法让它发挥作用。 我们在domain.com(非www)上运行网站 我们已设置 ssl(因此仅限 h
我需要将大量请求自动提交到基于云的数据库接口(interface) (Intelex)。没有任何方法可以批量提交某些操作,但是提交单个请求所必需的只是让经过身份验证的用户尝试打开 Web 链接。因此,
我正在使用 https 设置一个独立的(非嵌入式) jetty 9.2.1。 我在本地机器上使用自签名证书玩了一会儿,一切顺利。 现在我正在设置一个 uat 服务器(类似于我将在生产中获得的服务器),
我对 Web 开发(从今年 1 月开始)和 Web 安全(在不到一周前开始!)都是新手,所以如果我的问题完全没有受过教育、误导或简单愚蠢,请原谅我。 我工作的公司的主要产品是一个很好的老式客户端/服务
HTTPS头是否加密到什么程度(如果有的话)? 最佳答案 它们在通过SSL传输时被加密。没有专门用于 header 的特殊加密,HTTPS对整个消息进行加密。 关于https - HTTPS head
在 HTTPS 安全模型中,最薄弱的部分是浏览器中的可信 CA 列表。有人可以通过多种方式将额外的 CA 添加到用户信任错误的人的列表中。 例如,您公司的公用计算机或 PC。管理员可能会强制您信任自己
我们最近切换到 HTTPS,当提交我们的一个表单时,Firefox 会弹出: Although this page is encrypted, the information you have ent
我知道没有愚蠢的问题,但这是:您能否在完全支持 https 的网站上通过 AdSense 或其他方式转换基于上下文的广告? 最佳答案 更新: We’ve updated the AdSense ad