gpt4 book ai didi

python - Django 模板语法错误

转载 作者:太空宇宙 更新时间:2023-11-03 14:42:50 24 4
gpt4 key购买 nike

当我运行我的 django 服务器时它显示错误但我找不到它。它显示模板语法错误

Unclosed tag on line 2: 'if'. Looking for one of: elif, else, endif.
Request Method: GET
Request URL:
Django Version: 2.0.5
Exception Type: TemplateSyntaxError
Exception Value:
Unclosed tag on line 2: 'if'. Looking for one of: elif, else, endif.
Exception Location: C:\Users\user\Anaconda3\envs\amirdjango\lib\site-packages\django\template\ in unclosed_block_tag, line 549
Python Executable: C:\Users\user\Anaconda3\envs\amirdjango\python.exe
Python Version: 3.6.5
Python Path:
Server time: Tue, 28 Aug 2018 15:59:01 +0000

-Error: Unclosed tag on line 2: 'if'. Looking for one of: elif, else, endif.

django 模板在这里:-

         <h2> {{|title }} </h2>
{% if tag.startup_set.all %}
<h3>Startup {{ tag.startup_set.count|pluralize }}</h3>
Tag is associated with
{{ tag.startup_set.count }}
startup {{ tag.startup_set.count|pluralize }}
{ % for startup in tag.startup_set.all % }
<li><a href="">
{ { } }
{ % endfor % }
{ % endif % }
{ % if tag.blog_posts.all % }
<h3>Blog Post { { tag.blog_posts.count|pluralize } } </h3>
{ % for post in tag.blog_posts.all % }
<li><a href="">
{ { post.title|title } }
{ % endfor % }
{ % endif % }
{ % if not tag.startup_set.all and not tag.blog_posts.all % }
<p>This tag is not related to any content.</p>
{ % endif % }


Django 标签被 {%%} 包围(变量带有 {{}} 但是让我们暂时忽略它)。

但在您的代码中,除了第一个 {% if ... %} 语句外,您始终这样写:

<s>{ %</s> endif <s>% }</s>

注意 {% 之间的空格,Django 不会将其解析为 Django 标签。因此,您应该删除空格,使标签显示为:

<b>{%</b>  endif  <b>%}</b>


<h2> {{|title }} </h2>
{% if tag.startup_set.all %}
<h3>Startup {{ tag.startup_set.count|pluralize }}</h3>
Tag is associated with
{{ tag.startup_set.count }}
startup {{ tag.startup_set.count|pluralize }}
<b>{% for startup in tag.startup_set.all %}</b>
<li><a href="">
{ { } }
<b>{% endfor %}</b>
<b>{% endif %}</b>
<b>{% if tag.blog_posts.all %}</b>
<h3>Blog Post { { tag.blog_posts.count|pluralize } } </h3>
<b>{% for post in tag.blog_posts.all %}</b>
<li><a href="">
{ { post.title|title } }
<b>{% endfor %}</b>
<b>{% endif %}</b>
<b>{% if not tag.startup_set.all and not tag.blog_posts.all %}</b>
<p>This tag is not related to any content.</p>
<b>{% endif %}</b>

我还建议避免将查询(和其他业务逻辑)写入模板。通常这更多是 View 的任务。

关于python - Django 模板语法错误,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:

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