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np.gradient 仅适用于均匀间隔的数据,我在这里查看:Second order gradient in numpy需要插值但我无法在 Numpy 中找到 3D 样条实现。
import numpy as np
from scipy.spatial import cKDTree
x = np.random.uniform(-10, 10, 10000)
y = np.random.uniform(-10, 10, 10000)
z = np.random.uniform(-10, 10, 10000)
phi = np.random.uniform(-10**9, 0, 10000)
kdtree = cKDTree(np.c_[x,y,z])
_, index = kdtree.query([0,0,0], 32) #find 32 nearest particles to the origin
#find the gradient at (0,0,0) by considering the 32 nearest particles?
(我的问题和Function to compute 3D gradient with unevenly spaced sample locations很相似,但是好像没有解决办法,所以我想我再问一次。)
这是一个 Julia 实现,可以完成您的要求
using NearestNeighbors
n = 3;
k = 32; # for stability use k > n*(n+3)/2
# Take a point near the center of cube
point = 0.5 + rand(n)*1e-3;
data = rand(n, 10^4);
kdtree = KDTree(data);
idxs, dists = knn(kdtree, point, k, true);
# Coords of the k-Nearest Neighbors
X = data[:,idxs];
# Least-squares recipe for coefficients
C = point * ones(1,k); # central node
dX = X - C; # diffs from central node
G = dX' * dX;
F = G .* G;
v = diag(G);
N = pinv(G) * G;
N = eye(N) - N;
a = N * pinv(F*N) * v; # ...these are the coeffs
# Use a temperature distribution of T = 25.4 * r^2
# whose analytical gradient is gradT = 25.4 * 2*x
X2 = X .* X;
C2 = C .* C;
T = 25.4 * n * mean(X2, 1)';
Tc = 25.4 * n * mean(C2, 1)'; # central node
dT = T - Tc; # diffs from central node
y = dX * (a .* dT); # Estimated gradient
g = 2 * 25.4 * point; # Analytical
# print results
@printf "Estimated Grad = %s\n" string(y')
@printf "Analytical Grad = %s\n" string(g')
@printf "Relative Error = %.8f\n" vecnorm(g-y)/vecnorm(g)
这种方法有大约 1% 的相对误差。这是几次运行的结果...
Estimated Grad = [25.51670916224472 25.421038632006926 25.6711949674633]
Analytical Grad = [25.41499027802736 25.44913042322385 25.448202594123806]
Relative Error = 0.00559934
Estimated Grad = [25.310574056859014 25.549736360607493 25.368056350800604]
Analytical Grad = [25.43200914200516 25.43243178887198 25.45061497749628]
Relative Error = 0.00426558
我不太了解 Python,但这里有一个似乎有效的翻译
import numpy as np
from scipy.spatial import KDTree
n = 3;
k = 32;
# fill the cube with random points
data = np.random.rand(10000,n)
kdtree = KDTree(data)
# pick a point (at the center of the cube)
point = 0.5 * np.ones((1,n))
# Coords of k-Nearest Neighbors
dists, idxs = kdtree.query(point, k)
idxs = idxs[0]
X = data[idxs,:]
# Calculate coefficients
C = (np.dot(point.T, np.ones((1,k)))).T # central node
dX= X - C # diffs from central node
G = np.dot(dX, dX.T)
F = np.multiply(G, G)
v = np.diag(G);
N = np.dot(np.linalg.pinv(G), G)
N = np.eye(k) - N;
a = np.dot(np.dot(N, np.linalg.pinv(np.dot(F,N))), v) # these are the coeffs
# Temperature distribution is T = 25.4 * r^2
X2 = np.multiply(X, X)
C2 = np.multiply(C, C)
T = 25.4 * n * np.mean(X2, 1).T
Tc = 25.4 * n * np.mean(C2, 1).T # central node
dT = T - Tc; # diffs from central node
# Analytical gradient ==> gradT = 2*25.4* x
g = 2 * 25.4 * point;
print( "g[]: %s" % (g) )
# Estimated gradient
y = np.dot(dX.T, np.multiply(a, dT))
print( "y[]: %s, Relative Error = %.8f" % (y, np.linalg.norm(g-y)/np.linalg.norm(g)) )
我想我可以使用格式化的 ASCII 而不是 LaTeX 来写一些易于理解的东西......
`Given a set of M vectors in n-dimensions (call them b_k), find a set of`coeffs (call them a_k) which yields the best estimate of the identity`matrix and the zero vector`` M` (1) min ||E - I||, where E = sum a_k b_k b_k` a_k k=1`` M` (2) min ||z - 0||, where z = sum a_k b_k` a_k k=1```Note that the basis vectors {b_k} are not required`to be normalized, orthogonal, or even linearly independent.``First, define the following quantities:`` B ==> matrix whose columns are the b_k` G = B'.B ==> transpose of B times B` F = G @ G ==> @ represents the hadamard product` v = diag(G) ==> vector composed of diag elements of G``The above minimizations are equivalent to this linearly constrained problem`` Solve F.a = v` s.t. G.a = 0``Let {X} denote the Moore-Penrose inverse of X.`Then the solution of the linear problem can be written:`` N = I - {G}.G ==> projector into nullspace of G` a = N . {F.N} . v``The utility of these coeffs is that they allow you to write`very simple expressions for the derivatives of a tensor field.```Let D be the del (or nabla) operator`and d be the difference operator wrt the central (aka 0th) node,`so that, for any scalar/vector/tensor quantity Y, we have:` dY = Y - Y_0``Let x_k be the position vector of the kth node.`And for our basis vectors, take` b_k = dx_k = x_k - x_0.``Assume that each node has a field value associated with it` (e.g. temperature), and assume a quadratic model [about x = x_0]` for the field [g=gradient, H=hessian, ":" is the double-dot product]`` Y = Y_0 + (x-x_0).g + (x-x_0)(x-x_0):H/2` dY = dx.g + dxdx:H/2` D2Y = I:H ==> Laplacian of Y```Evaluate the model at the kth node `` dY_k = dx_k.g + dx_k dx_k:H/2``Multiply by a_k and sum`` M M M` sum a_k dY_k = sum a_k dx_k.g + sum a_k dx_k dx_k:H/2` k=1 k=1 k=1`` = 0.g + I:H/2` = D2Y / 2``Thus, we have a second order estimate of the Laplacian`` M` Lap(Y_0) = sum 2 a_k dY_k` k=1```Now play the same game with a linear model` dY_k = dx_k.g``But this time multiply by (a_k dx_k) and sum`` M M` sum a_k dx_k dY_k = sum a_k dx_k dx_k.g` k=1 k=1`` = I.g` = g```In general, the derivatives at the central node can be estimated as`` M` D#Y = sum a_k dx_k#dY_k` k=1`` M` D2Y = sum 2 a_k dY_k` k=1`` where` # stands for the {dot, cross, or tensor} product` yielding the {div, curl, or grad} of Y` and` D2Y stands for the Laplacian of Y` D2Y = D.DY = Lap(Y)
关于python - 计算点间距不均匀的 3D 梯度,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/40338386/
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