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An ambitious campus expansion plan was proposed by Fr. Vernon F.Gallagher in 1952. Assumption Hall, the first student dormitory, wasopened in 1954, and Rockwell Hall was dedicated in November 1958,housing the schools of business and law. It was during the tenure ofF. Henry J. McAnulty that Fr. Gallagher's ambitious plans were put toaction.
我运行 NLTK nltk.sent_tokenize
['An ambitious campus expansion plan was proposed by Fr.',
'Vernon F. Gallagher in 1952.',
'Assumption Hall, the first student dormitory, was opened in 1954, and Rockwell Hall was dedicated in November 1958, housing the schools of business and law.',
'It was during the tenure of Fr.',
'Henry J. McAnulty that Fr. Gallagher's ambitious plans were put to action.'
虽然 NTLK 可以处理 F. Henry J. McAnulty 作为一个整体,Fr 失败了。 Vernon F. Gallagher,这将句子一分为二。
'An ambitious campus expansion plan was proposed by Fr. Vernon F. Gallagher in 1952.',
'Assumption Hall, the first student dormitory, was opened in 1954, and Rockwell Hall was dedicated in November 1958, housing the schools of business and law.',
'It was during the tenure of Fr. Henry J. McAnulty that Fr. Gallagher's ambitious plans were put to action.'
Kiss 和 Strunk (2006) Punkt 算法的出色之处在于它是无监督的。因此,给定一个新文本,您应该重新训练模型并将模型应用于您的文本,例如
>>> from nltk.tokenize.punkt import PunktSentenceTokenizer, PunktParameters
>>> text = "An ambitious campus expansion plan was proposed by Fr. Vernon F. Gallagher in 1952. Assumption Hall, the first student dormitory, was opened in 1954, and Rockwell Hall was dedicated in November 1958, housing the schools of business and law. It was during the tenure of F. Henry J. McAnulty that Fr. Gallagher's ambitious plans were put to action."
# Training a new model with the text.
>>> tokenizer = PunktSentenceTokenizer()
>>> tokenizer.train(text)
<nltk.tokenize.punkt.PunktParameters object at 0x106c5d828>
# It automatically learns the abbreviations.
>>> tokenizer._params.abbrev_types
{'f', 'fr', 'j'}
# Use the customized tokenizer.
>>> tokenizer.tokenize(text)
['An ambitious campus expansion plan was proposed by Fr. Vernon F. Gallagher in 1952.', 'Assumption Hall, the first student dormitory, was opened in 1954, and Rockwell Hall was dedicated in November 1958, housing the schools of business and law.', "It was during the tenure of F. Henry J. McAnulty that Fr. Gallagher's ambitious plans were put to action."]
如果在重新训练模型时没有足够的数据生成良好的统计数据,您还可以在训练前放入一个预先确定的缩写列表;见How to avoid NLTK's sentence tokenizer spliting on abbreviations?
>>> from nltk.tokenize.punkt import PunktSentenceTokenizer, PunktParameters
>>> punkt_param = PunktParameters()
>>> abbreviation = ['f', 'fr', 'k']
>>> punkt_param.abbrev_types = set(abbreviation)
>>> tokenizer = PunktSentenceTokenizer(punkt_param)
>>> tokenizer.train(text)
<nltk.tokenize.punkt.PunktParameters object at 0x106c5d828>
>>> tokenizer.tokenize(text)
['An ambitious campus expansion plan was proposed by Fr. Vernon F. Gallagher in 1952.', 'Assumption Hall, the first student dormitory, was opened in 1954, and Rockwell Hall was dedicated in November 1958, housing the schools of business and law.', "It was during the tenure of F. Henry J. McAnulty that Fr. Gallagher's ambitious plans were put to action."]
关于python - 如何改进 NLTK 句子分割?,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/47274540/
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已关闭。此问题不符合Stack Overflow guidelines 。目前不接受答案。 要求提供代码的问题必须表现出对所解决问题的最低限度的了解。包括尝试的解决方案、为什么它们不起作用以及预期结果
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我的 .split() 函数有问题,我有以下字符串: var imageUrl = "Images\Products\randomImage.jpg"; 我想用字符“\”分割,但是,这种情况发生了:
是否可以使用正则表达式将字符串拆分两次?例如,假设我有字符串: example=email@address.com|fname|lname 如何拆分结果为: email@address.com,fna
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我有一个字符串 String placeStr="place1*place2*place3"我想获取包含 place1、place2、place3 的数组,如下所示: String[] places=
我在 Python 中有一个类似于 google.com 的字符串,我想将其分成两部分:google 和 .com。问题是我有一个 URL,例如 subdomain.google.com,我想将其拆分
伙计们,这是一个难以解决的问题,因为它涉及很多硬件细节,所以我想把它放到 EE.SE,但它的主要重点是编程,所以我决定坚持在这里。 我最近怀旧(以及渴望回到 CPU 内在函数),所以我决定自制一个 8
给定 haskell 中的排序列表,我如何获得分段列表,其中连续数字位于同一列表中。例如,如果我有一个排序列表 [1,2,3,4,7,8,10,12,13,15] 结果将是 [[1,2,3 ,4],[
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关闭。此题需要details or clarity 。目前不接受答案。 想要改进这个问题吗?通过 editing this post 添加详细信息并澄清问题. 已关闭 6 年前。 Improve th
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