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c# - 单元测试 C# 创建第一个测试

转载 作者:太空宇宙 更新时间:2023-11-03 13:30:40 24 4
gpt4 key购买 nike

你好,我尝试添加单元测试,但看起来比我想象的要难 :( 有没有人可以帮助我并解释如何进行单元测试?

public class USerService : IUSerService
public int ID { get; set; }
public string Login { get; set; }
public string UserType { get; set; }

public List<UserInfo> GetUserU()
QuizDBEntities contex = new QuizDBEntities();
var userU = from a in contex.UserInfoes select a;

return userU.ToList();




public class USerServiceTest

private TestContext testContextInstance;

/// <summary>
///Gets or sets the test context which provides
///information about and functionality for the current test run.
public TestContext TestContext
return testContextInstance;
testContextInstance = value;

#region Additional test attributes
//You can use the following additional attributes as you write your tests:
//Use ClassInitialize to run code before running the first test in the class
//public static void MyClassInitialize(TestContext testContext)
//Use ClassCleanup to run code after all tests in a class have run
//public static void MyClassCleanup()
//Use TestInitialize to run code before running each test
//public void MyTestInitialize()
//Use TestCleanup to run code after each test has run
//public void MyTestCleanup()

/// <summary>
///A test for USerService Constructor
// TODO: Ensure that the UrlToTest attribute specifies a URL to an ASP.NET page (for example,
// http://.../Default.aspx). This is necessary for the unit test to be executed on the web server,
// whether you are testing a page, web service, or a WCF service.
[AspNetDevelopmentServerHost("C:\\Users\\Drage\\Desktop\\lekcja1\\Dunskiseba", "/Dunskiseba")]
public void USerServiceConstructorTest()
USerService_Accessor target = new USerService_Accessor();
Assert.Inconclusive("TODO: Implement code to verify target");



public void USerServiceConstructorTest()
USerService_Accessor target = new USerService_Accessor();
Assert.Inconclusive("TODO: Implement code to verify target");


public List<UserInfo> GetUserU()
QuizDBEntities contex = new QuizDBEntities();
var userU = from a in contex.UserInfoes select a;

return userU.ToList();



如果您想确保 GetUserU 只返回一个用户,您可以像这样测试它

public void USerServiceConstructorTest()
USerService_Accessor target = new USerService_Accessor();
List<UserInfo> expected = new List<UserInfo>();

expected.Add(new UserInfo{ Name = "made up"});

actual = target.GetUserU();

Assert.Equals(expected, actual);


assert 语句用于指定您正在测试的内容。尽管我不认为以上内容会按原样工作,因为我断言两种列表类型相等。也许最好做这样的事情

public void USerServiceConstructorTest()
USerService_Accessor target = new USerService_Accessor();
List<UserInfo> expected = new List<UserInfo>();

expected.Add(new UserInfo{ Name = "made up"});

actual = target.GetUserU();

Assert.Equals(expected.Count(), actual.Count());
//here I'm going to assume they are sorted
for(int i = 0; i < expected.Count(); i++)
Assert.Equals(expected[i], actual[i]);



关于c# - 单元测试 C# 创建第一个测试,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:

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