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ssl - 如何在 docker swarm 中为 swarm 集群中的特定容器启用 JMX?

转载 作者:太空宇宙 更新时间:2023-11-03 13:22:23 29 4
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问题陈述:我需要通过 JMX 连接到 docker swarm 服务中的特定容器。服务未在任何端口上公开,因此我无法通过直接点击公开端口上的 docker 基板来访问 JMX。

另外,如果服务被暴露,那么 swarm 的负载平衡并不能保证我会命中哪个容器。


Able to solve the problem via the following approach:

1. Update service to take a inject a separate environment variable, say JMX_OPTS, while starting the application.

2. Update the docker service to add that environment variable

docker service update --env-add JMX_OPTS="
-Djava.rmi.server.hostname=<hostname_IP>" service123

You can choose any port number. There is NO need to update dockerfile to EXPOSE the port.

Also, in -Djava.rmi.server.hostname, enter the swarm managers IP, and not the hostname.

3. Add another HA Proxy service to connect with the specific container in using swarm network.
docker service create --name proxy-docker-service123 --network swarm-net -p 7001:7001 -e "BACKEND_HOST=<CONTAINER_IP>" -e "BACKEND_PORT=7001" demandbase/docker-tcp-proxy

CONTAINER_IP can be found by inspecting the
command: docker inspect d87c42441faf | grep IPv4

Make sure that for a docker-tcp-proxy all source, target and backend ports are same.

For JMX with SSL:

Update JMX_OPTS with following parameters
docker service update --env-add JMX_OPTS="

Please note in this case, jmxremote and rmi are running on two separate ports. So, we need to deploy two HA proxy services. One for port 7001 and one for 7002.

关于ssl - 如何在 docker swarm 中为 swarm 集群中的特定容器启用 JMX?,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:

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