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java - Google GCM XMPP 代码示例

转载 作者:太空宇宙 更新时间:2023-11-03 13:18:40 25 4
gpt4 key购买 nike

因此,Google 曾经有一个不错的页面,他们在该页面上提供了有关如何在该页面上实现 GCM Xmpp 服务器的代码示例:

每当我想查看实现时,我都已将此答案添加为书签 Confused about Google GCM XMPP

但是该答案中链接的所有内容都消失了。 Google 删除了它们。

但是现在,他们删除了所有内容,并添加了一个页面来解释它的作用。当然可以,但是示例 Java 代码会很好。我试图访问他们链接到的 github 上的示例站点

但它只提供了 HTTP GCM 服务器版本的示例。

有人可以指点我一个有效的代码示例吗?或者是否有一个可以与 c# 一起使用的库?如果没有,我也会选择 Java 版本。



这是我为类示例编写的一个(删除了一些非 XMPP 部分以使其足够小以便我可以发布代码,但完整的服务器位于 ):

// derived from

import javax.swing.*;
import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.event.*;
//import javax.swing.JScrollPane;
//import javax.swing.SwingUtilities;

import org.jivesoftware.smack.ConnectionConfiguration;
import org.jivesoftware.smack.ConnectionConfiguration.SecurityMode;
import org.jivesoftware.smack.ConnectionListener;
import org.jivesoftware.smack.PacketInterceptor;
import org.jivesoftware.smack.PacketListener;
import org.jivesoftware.smack.SmackException;
import org.jivesoftware.smack.SmackException.NotConnectedException;
import org.jivesoftware.smack.XMPPConnection;
import org.jivesoftware.smack.XMPPException;
import org.jivesoftware.smack.filter.PacketTypeFilter;
import org.jivesoftware.smack.packet.DefaultPacketExtension;
import org.jivesoftware.smack.packet.Message;
import org.jivesoftware.smack.packet.Packet;
import org.jivesoftware.smack.packet.PacketExtension;
import org.jivesoftware.smack.provider.PacketExtensionProvider;
import org.jivesoftware.smack.provider.ProviderManager;
import org.jivesoftware.smack.tcp.XMPPTCPConnection;
import org.jivesoftware.smack.util.StringUtils;
import org.json.simple.JSONValue;
import org.json.simple.JSONObject;
import org.json.simple.parser.ParseException;
import org.xmlpull.v1.XmlPullParser;

import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.UUID;
import java.text.DateFormat;
import java.text.SimpleDateFormat;
import java.util.Calendar;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Enumeration;
import java.util.Random;
import java.util.*;

// list of all users and associated devices
class UserList {
// (--deleted--)

// constructor/read existing data from file
public UserList() {
// (--deleted--)

// add a new device to an existing user (called from networking thread)
// duplicate IDs are quietly accepted
public synchronized void addDevice( String uname, String newRegToken ) {
// (--deleted--)

// generate a group address/notification key
// !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! W A R N I N G !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
// If the group addr/notification key is lost, it currently CANNOT be recovered/rebuilt
public String createNotificationKey( String nKeyName, String addr ) {
String[] idset = new String[1];
idset[0] = addr;

String newGroupAddr;

try {
// create a https connection to create the notification_key
URL url = new URL( "" );
HttpsURLConnection conn = (HttpsURLConnection)url.openConnection();

// send as a POST request

// add request parameters
conn.addRequestProperty( "project_id", ""+GcmPushServer.senderId );
conn.addRequestProperty( "Authorization", "key="+GcmPushServer.password );
// use "set" since this may already exist
conn.setRequestProperty( "Content-Type", "application/json" );

// create data to send with request
Map<String,Object> sendData = new HashMap<>();

// create a new notification key
sendData.put( "operation", "create" );
sendData.put( "notification_key_name", (--deleted--) );
sendData.put( "registration_ids", (--deleted--) );

String strData = JSONValue.toJSONString(sendData);

// Send post request
DataOutputStream wr = new DataOutputStream(conn.getOutputStream());
wr.writeBytes( strData );

// successful?
int rc = conn.getResponseCode();
//System.out.println("ResponseCode = " + rc );

// read the response
Scanner input = new Scanner( conn.getInputStream() );
String resp="";

// read/display lines
while( input.hasNextLine() ) {
String s = input.nextLine();
resp += s;

//System.out.println("Response content: " + resp);

if ( rc == HttpsURLConnection.HTTP_OK ) {
JSONObject obj = (JSONObject) JSONValue.parse(resp);

newGroupAddr = (String) obj.get( "notification_key" );
//System.out.println(" new notification_key: " + newGroupAddr );
return newGroupAddr;
} else {

} catch ( Exception e ) {
//System.out.println("-- Exception: " + e.getMessage() );

return null;

// add/delete a single address to/from a notification key
// (add if doAdd is true, delete otherwise)
// removing final address will quietly delete the key
public static void modifyNotificationKey( String nKeyName, String nKey,
String addr, boolean doAdd ) {
String[] idset = new String[1];
idset[0] = addr;

try {
// create a https connection to create the notification_key
URL url = new URL( "" );
HttpsURLConnection conn = (HttpsURLConnection)url.openConnection();

// send as a POST request

// add request parameters
conn.addRequestProperty( "project_id", ""+GcmPushServer.senderId );
conn.addRequestProperty( "Authorization", "key="+GcmPushServer.password );
// use "set" since this may already exist
conn.setRequestProperty( "Content-Type", "application/json" );

// create data to send with request
Map<String,Object> sendData = new HashMap<>();

// create a new notification key
sendData.put( "operation", doAdd? "add" : "remove" ); // add or delete key?
sendData.put( "notification_key_name", (--deleted--) );
sendData.put( "notification_key", (--deleted--) );
sendData.put( "registration_ids", (--deleted--) );

String strData = JSONValue.toJSONString(sendData);
//System.out.println("genGroupAddress POST data: " + strData );

// Send post request
DataOutputStream wr = new DataOutputStream(conn.getOutputStream());
wr.writeBytes( strData );


// successful?
int rc = conn.getResponseCode();
//System.out.println("ResponseCode = " + rc );

Scanner input = new Scanner( conn.getInputStream() );

// read/display lines
while( input.hasNextLine() ) {
System.out.println("Response content:");
String s = input.nextLine();
System.out.println( s );
} catch ( Exception e ) {
// do nothing

// text area for log messages
class LogTextArea extends JTextArea {
// update the "log" with the specified message
public void logMessage( String msg ) {
// (--deleted--)

class CcsServer {
private static final String GCM_SERVER = "";
private static final int GCM_PORT = 5235;

private static final String GCM_ELEMENT_NAME = "gcm";
private static final String GCM_NAMESPACE = "google:mobile:data";

// display/log area
LogTextArea logArea;
UserList users;

CcsServer( LogTextArea lta, UserList u ) {
logArea = lta;
users = u;

static {
ProviderManager.addExtensionProvider(GCM_ELEMENT_NAME, GCM_NAMESPACE,
new PacketExtensionProvider() {
public PacketExtension parseExtension(XmlPullParser parser) throws
Exception {
String json = parser.nextText();
return new GcmPacketExtension(json);

private XMPPConnection connection;

* Indicates whether the connection is in draining state, which means that it
* will not accept any new downstream messages.
protected volatile boolean connectionDraining = false;

* Sends a downstream message to GCM.
* @return true if the message has been successfully sent.
public boolean sendDownstreamMessage(String jsonRequest) throws
NotConnectedException {
if (!connectionDraining) {
return true;
logArea.logMessage("Dropping downstream message since the connection is draining");
return false;

* Returns a random message id to uniquely identify a message.
* <p>Note: This is generated by a pseudo random number generator for
* illustration purpose, and is not guaranteed to be unique.
public String nextMessageId() {
return "m-" + UUID.randomUUID().toString();

* Sends a packet with contents provided.
protected void send(String jsonRequest) throws NotConnectedException {
Packet request = new GcmPacketExtension(jsonRequest).toPacket();

* Handles an upstream data message from a device application.
* <p>This sample echo server sends an echo message back to the device.
* Subclasses should override this method to properly process upstream messages.
protected void handleUpstreamMessage(Map<String, Object> jsonObject) {
// PackageName of the application that sent this message.
String category = (String) jsonObject.get("category");
String from = (String) jsonObject.get("from");
Map<String, String> payload = (Map<String, String>) jsonObject.get("data");

// what type of upstream message is this?
if ( ! payload.containsKey( "my_action" ) )
// Hmmm - this shouldn't happen!
logArea.logMessage( "handleUpstreamMessage - incoming message is missing my_action" );
// just ignore the message

// what action do they want?
String my_action = (String) payload.get( "my_action" );
if ( my_action.equals( "edu.eku.styere.gcmpushclient.REGISTER" ) ) {
// registration request
String username = (String) payload.get( "username" );

logArea.logMessage( "Registration request: user=" + username + ", ID/Token=" + from );

// save the information
users.addDevice( username, from );

} else {
// take default action of echoing the message
payload.put("ECHO", "Application: " + category);

// Send an ECHO response back
String echo = createJsonMessage(from, nextMessageId(), payload,
"echo:CollapseKey", null, false);

try {
} catch (NotConnectedException e) {
logArea.logMessage( "Not connected anymore, echo message is not sent: " + e.getMessage() );

* Handles an ACK.
* <p>Logs a INFO message, but subclasses could override it to
* properly handle ACKs.
protected void handleAckReceipt(Map<String, Object> jsonObject) {
String messageId = (String) jsonObject.get("message_id");
String from = (String) jsonObject.get("from");
logArea.logMessage( "handleAckReceipt() from: " + from + ", messageId: " + messageId );

* Handles a NACK.
* <p>Logs a INFO message, but subclasses could override it to
* properly handle NACKs.
protected void handleNackReceipt(Map<String, Object> jsonObject) {
String messageId = (String) jsonObject.get("message_id");
String from = (String) jsonObject.get("from");
logArea.logMessage( "handleNackReceipt() from: " + from + ", messageId: " + messageId );

protected void handleControlMessage(Map<String, Object> jsonObject) {
logArea.logMessage( "handleControlMessage(): " + jsonObject );
String controlType = (String) jsonObject.get("control_type");
if ("CONNECTION_DRAINING".equals(controlType)) {
connectionDraining = true;
} else {
logArea.logMessage( "Unrecognised control type: " + controlType + ". This could "+
"happen if new features are " + "added to the CCS protocol." );

* Creates a JSON encoded GCM message.
* @param to RegistrationId of the target device (Required).
* @param messageId Unique messageId for which CCS sends an
* "ack/nack" (Required).
* @param payload Message content intended for the application. (Optional).
* @param collapseKey GCM collapse_key parameter (Optional).
* @param timeToLive GCM time_to_live parameter (Optional).
* @param delayWhileIdle GCM delay_while_idle parameter (Optional).
* @return JSON encoded GCM message.
public static String createJsonMessage(String to, String messageId,
Map<String, String> payload, String collapseKey, Long timeToLive,
Boolean delayWhileIdle) {
Map<String, Object> message = new HashMap<String, Object>();
message.put("to", to);
if (collapseKey != null) {
message.put("collapse_key", collapseKey);
if (timeToLive != null) {
message.put("time_to_live", timeToLive);
if (delayWhileIdle != null && delayWhileIdle) {
message.put("delay_while_idle", true);
message.put("message_id", messageId);
message.put("data", payload);
return JSONValue.toJSONString(message);

* Creates a JSON encoded ACK message for an upstream message received
* from an application.
* @param to RegistrationId of the device who sent the upstream message.
* @param messageId messageId of the upstream message to be acknowledged to CCS.
* @return JSON encoded ack.
protected static String createJsonAck(String to, String messageId) {
Map<String, Object> message = new HashMap<String, Object>();
message.put("message_type", "ack");
message.put("to", to);
message.put("message_id", messageId);
return JSONValue.toJSONString(message);

* Connects to GCM Cloud Connection Server using the supplied credentials.
* @param senderId Your GCM project number
* @param apiKey API Key of your project
public void connect(long senderId, String apiKey)
throws XMPPException, IOException, SmackException {
ConnectionConfiguration config =
new ConnectionConfiguration(GCM_SERVER, GCM_PORT);

connection = new XMPPTCPConnection(config);

connection.addConnectionListener( new LoggingConnectionListener() );

// Handle incoming packets
connection.addPacketListener(new PacketListener() {

public void processPacket(Packet packet) {
logArea.logMessage( "Received: " + packet.toXML() );
Message incomingMessage = (Message) packet;
GcmPacketExtension gcmPacket =
(GcmPacketExtension) incomingMessage.
String json = gcmPacket.getJson();
try {
Map<String, Object> jsonObject =
(Map<String, Object>) JSONValue.

// present for "ack"/"nack", null otherwise
Object messageType = jsonObject.get("message_type");

if (messageType == null) {
// Normal upstream data message

// Send ACK to CCS
String messageId = (String) jsonObject.get("message_id");
String from = (String) jsonObject.get("from");
String ack = createJsonAck(from, messageId);
} else if ("ack".equals(messageType.toString())) {
// Process Ack
} else if ("nack".equals(messageType.toString())) {
// Process Nack
} else if ("control".equals(messageType.toString())) {
// Process control message
} else {
logArea.logMessage( "Unrecognised message type: " +
messageType.toString() );
} catch (ParseException e) {
logArea.logMessage( "Error parsing JSON " + json );
} catch (Exception e) {
logArea.logMessage( "Failed to process packet" );
}, new PacketTypeFilter(Message.class));

// Log all outgoing packets
connection.addPacketInterceptor(new PacketInterceptor() {
public void interceptPacket(Packet packet) {
logArea.logMessage( "Sent: " + packet.toXML());
}, new PacketTypeFilter(Message.class));

connection.login(senderId + "", apiKey);

//---------- support classes ----------

* XMPP Packet Extension for GCM Cloud Connection Server.
private static class GcmPacketExtension extends DefaultPacketExtension {

private final String json;

public GcmPacketExtension(String json) {
this.json = json;

public String getJson() {
return json;

public String toXML() {
return String.format("<%s xmlns=\"%s\">%s</%s>",
StringUtils.escapeForXML(json), GCM_ELEMENT_NAME);

public Packet toPacket() {
Message message = new Message();
return message;

class LoggingConnectionListener implements ConnectionListener {

public void connected(XMPPConnection xmppConnection) {
logArea.logMessage( "Connected." );

public void authenticated(XMPPConnection xmppConnection) {
logArea.logMessage( "Authenticated." );

public void reconnectionSuccessful() {
logArea.logMessage( "Reconnecting.." );

public void reconnectionFailed(Exception e) {
logArea.logMessage( "Reconnection failed.. " + e.getMessage() );

public void reconnectingIn(int seconds) {
logArea.logMessage( "Reconnecting in " + seconds + " secs" );

public void connectionClosedOnError(Exception e) {
logArea.logMessage( "Connection closed on error." );

public void connectionClosed() {
logArea.logMessage( "Connection closed." );

// a non-editable combo (drop-down) box for destination addresses
class DestComboBox extends JComboBox<String> {
// (deleted to save space)

// screen panel for sending a message
class SendMessagePanel extends JPanel implements ActionListener, ItemListener {
// Message Types
protected final int MSGTYPE_NOTIFICATION = 1;
protected final int MSGTYPE_NOTIFICATION_DATA = 2;
protected final int MSGTYPE_DATA_COLLAPSE = 3;
protected final int MSGTYPE_DATA_NONCOLLAPSE = 4;

// log window
LogTextArea msgs;

// server class
CcsServer ccsServer;

// constructor
SendMessagePanel( UserList u, LogTextArea m, CcsServer c ) {
// (deleted to save space)

// respond to the button
public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
String toAddr = "zzzzzz"; // destination address
// may be device, notification_key, or topic address
ttl = 2419200; // time-to-live in seconds

// what type of message?
int msgTypeIndex = (--deleted--);

// create the message
Map<String, Object> message = new HashMap<String, Object>();
message.put("to", toAddr);

if ( msgTypeIndex == MSGTYPE_NOTIFICATION ||
// create a collapse key
message.put("collapse_key", "ck"+msgTypeIndex );

message.put("time_to_live", ttl);
message.put("message_id", ccsServer.nextMessageId());

// notification included?
if ( msgTypeIndex == MSGTYPE_NOTIFICATION ||

// create the notification payload
HashMap<String, String> notePayload = new HashMap<>();
notePayload.put( "title", "Gcm Push Message Example" );
notePayload.put( "body", (--deleted--) );
// identify which notifications should replace older versions
notePayload.put( "tag", "ntag" + msgTypeIndex );
notePayload.put( "icon", "@drawable/new_picture" ); // notification icon

// additional stuff if we also have data
if ( msgTypeIndex == MSGTYPE_NOTIFICATION_DATA ) {
// what to do when the user opens the notification
notePayload.put( "click_action", "OPEN_MAIN_ACTIVITY" );
message.put( "notification", notePayload );

// data included?
HashMap<String, String> dataPayload = new HashMap<>();

dataPayload.put( "contents", (--deleted--) );

message.put("data", dataPayload);

// actually send the message
try {
ccsServer.sendDownstreamMessage( JSONValue.toJSONString(message) );
} catch (NotConnectedException enc ) {
msgs.logMessage( "Not connected anymore, echo message is not sent: " + enc.getMessage() );

class BorderPanel extends JPanel {
// (--deleted--)

public class GcmPushServer
// (--deleted--)

关于java - Google GCM XMPP 代码示例,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:

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