gpt4 book ai didi

python - 斐波那契数列 Mod 1000000007

转载 作者:太空宇宙 更新时间:2023-11-03 11:51:24 31 4
gpt4 key购买 nike


F[0]=1, F[1]=1, F[2]=2, F[3]=3, F[4]=5, F[5]=8,

F[n] = F[n-1]+F[n-2]

现在,当取模 1000000007 = 10^9+7 时,您如何计算斐波那契数列中的数字?

需要尽可能高效地运行,并且使用 Python 语言:)

例如 F[10**15] 应该不到一秒左右。

我知道矩阵求幂有效,但如何更正矩阵求幂以反射(reflect) MODULO? (另一个例子,参见 )



1) 使用斐波那契数列的封闭形式,这比递归快得多。 (公式6)

2) 模本质上是乘法和加法的因子,以及除法的因子(您必须首先使用扩展欧几里得算法计算模空间中的乘法逆元),因此您基本上可以随心所欲地进行模运算。


def rootiply(a1,b1,a2,b2,c):
''' multipy a1+b1*sqrt(c) and a2+b2*sqrt(c)... return a,b'''
return a1*a2 + b1*b2*c, a1*b2 + a2*b1

def rootipower(a,b,c,n):
''' raise a + b * sqrt(c) to the nth power... returns the new a,b and c of the result in the same format'''
ar,br = 1,0
while n != 0:
if n%2:
ar,br = rootiply(ar,br,a,b,c)
a,b = rootiply(a,b,a,b,c)
n /= 2
return ar,br

def rootipowermod(a,b,c,k,n):
''' compute root powers, but modding as we go'''
ar,br = 1,0
while k != 0:
if k%2:
ar,br = rootiply(ar,br,a,b,c)
ar,br = ar%n,br%n
a,b = rootiply(a,b,a,b,c)
a,b = a%n, b%n
k /= 2
return ar,br

def fib(k):
''' the kth fibonacci number'''
a1,b1 = rootipower(1,1,5,k)
a2,b2 = rootipower(1,-1,5,k)
a = a1-a2
b = b1-b2
a,b = rootiply(0,1,a,b,5)
# b should be 0!
assert b == 0
return a/2**k/5

def powermod(a,k,n):
''' raise a**k, modding as we go by n'''
r = 1
while k!=0:
if k%2:
r = (a*r)%n
a = (a**2)%n
return r

def mod_inv(a,n):
''' compute the multiplicative inverse of a, mod n'''
t,newt,r,newr = 0,1,n,a
while newr != 0:
quotient = r / newr
t, newt = newt, t - quotient * newt
r, newr = newr, r - quotient * newr
if r > 1: return "a is not invertible"
if t < 0: t = t + n
return t

def fibmod(k,n):
''' compute the kth fibonacci number mod n, modding as we go for efficiency'''
a1,b1 = rootipowermod(1,1,5,k,n)
a2,b2 = rootipowermod(1,-1,5,k,n)
a = a1-a2
b = b1-b2
a,b = rootiply(0,1,a,b,5)
a,b = a%n,b%n
assert b == 0
return (a*mod_inv(5,n)*mod_inv(powermod(2,k,n),n))%n

if __name__ == "__main__":
assert rootipower(1,2,3,3) == (37,30) # 1+2sqrt(3) **3 => 13 + 4sqrt(3) => 39 + 30sqrt(3)
assert fib(10)==55
#print fib(10**15)%(10**9+7) # takes forever because the integers involved are REALLY REALLY REALLY BIG
print fibmod(10**15,10**9+7) # much faster because we never deal with integers bigger than 10**9+7

关于python - 斐波那契数列 Mod 1000000007,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:

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