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php - mysql - 在 mysql 提示符下获取结果,而不是通过脚本?

转载 作者:太空宇宙 更新时间:2023-11-03 11:19:33 26 4
gpt4 key购买 nike

我正在使用 php 从我的数据库中获取一些记录,但它一直返回“未找到结果”。但是,当我将查询打印到屏幕上并将其复制并粘贴到 mysql 提示符时,我得到了 1 行。诚然,这是一个巨大的查询,但我不应该得到相同的结果吗?是什么原因导致这种情况发生?关于要检查什么的任何建议?


$q = db_query("SELECT node.nid AS nid, gallery.field_attach_gallery_value AS gallery, 
node.type AS type, node.vid AS vid, ce.field_brochure_link_url AS ce_brochure_url,
ce.field_brochure_link_title AS ce_brochure_title,
ce.field_brochure_link_attributes AS ce_brochure_attributes,
location.field_location_value AS location_field_location_value,
ce.field_ongoing_value AS ce_field_ongoing_value,
ce.field_poster_link_url AS ce_poster_url,
ce.field_poster_link_title AS ce_poster_title,
ce.field_poster_link_attributes AS ce_poster_attributes,
ce.field_press_release_link_url AS ce_press_release_url,
ce.field_press_release_link_title AS ce_press_release_title,
ce.field_press_release_link_attributes AS ce_press_release_attributes,
(DATE_FORMAT(STR_TO_DATE(ce.field_start_date_value,'%Y-%m-%dT%T'),'%M %d, %Y %h:%i %p')) AS start,
(DATE_FORMAT(STR_TO_DATE(ce.field_start_date_value2,'%Y-%m-%dT%T'),'%M %d, %Y %h:%i %p')) AS end,
ce.field_web_resources_url AS ce_web_resources_url,
ce.field_web_resources_title AS ce_web_resources_title,
ce.field_web_resources_attributes AS ce_web_resources_attributes,
node_revisions.body AS body,
node_revisions.format AS node_revisions_format,
node.title AS title
FROM node node
LEFT JOIN content_field_attach_gallery gallery ON node.vid = gallery.vid
LEFT JOIN content_type_exhibitions_and_programs ce ON node.vid = ce.vid
LEFT JOIN content_field_location location ON node.vid = location.vid
LEFT JOIN node_revisions node_revisions ON node.vid = node_revisions.vid
WHERE (node.status <> 0)
AND (node.type in ('exhibitions_and_programs'))
AND '2010-01-19' BETWEEN (DATE_FORMAT(STR_TO_DATE(ce.field_start_date_value, '%Y-%m-%dT%T'), '%Y-%m-%d'))
AND (DATE_FORMAT(STR_TO_DATE(ce.field_start_date_value2, '%Y-%m-%dT%T'), '%Y-%m-%d'))
ORDER BY (DATE_FORMAT(STR_TO_DATE(ce.field_start_date_value, '%Y-%m-%dT%T'), '%Y-%m-%d')) DESC");

$num = FALSE;

while($r = db_fetch_array($q)) {
$num = TRUE;
$line = 'ok, found something!';

if($num == TRUE) {
print $line;
} else {
print 'No records found';


编辑:您评论说您正在使用 Drupal。

From Drupal's docs on db_query (强调我的):

Runs a basic query in the active database.

User-supplied arguments to the query should be passed in as separate parameters so that they can be properly escaped to avoid SQL injection attacks.

Valid %-modifiers are: %s, %d, %f, %b (binary data, do not enclose in '') and %%.NOTE: using this syntax will cast NULL and FALSE values to decimal 0, and TRUE values to decimal 1.

所以我的猜测是 Drupal 正在替换您查询中的 %d


db_query() 不是我所知道的原生 PHP/mySQL/mysqli 函数。你在使用数据库包装器吗?如果是这样,您需要告诉我们是哪一个,或者改用标准的 mysql_*



  • 在查询后添加一个echo mysql_error();,看是否静默失败
  • 确保使用 mysql_select_db()
  • 选择正确的数据库
  • 确保您为 phpMyAdmin 和脚本请求使用完全相同的服务器和用户数据。

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