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c# - 我对 session 状态序列化有疑问

转载 作者:太空宇宙 更新时间:2023-11-03 11:06:28 31 4
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public void play(string url, string i)
MP3StreamingPanel mp3=new MP3StreamingPanel ( ); ( url );
HttpContext . Current . Session [ i ] = mp3;

然后当我想获取它时,mp3 属性中的某些值仍然为“null”

  MP3StreamingPanel mp3=new MP3StreamingPanel ( );
mp3 = HttpContext . Current . Session [ i ] as MP3StreamingPanel;

这是 MP3StreamingPanel 类

public class MP3StreamingPanel

enum StreamingPlaybackState
Stopped ,
Playing ,
Buffering ,

public HttpWebRequest webRequest;
public System.Timers.Timer timer1 = new System . Timers . Timer ( );
public SerializableVolumeWaveProvider16 volumeProvider;
delegate void ShowErrorDelegate ( string message );
public string gurl="";
public SerializableBufferedWaveProvider bufferedWaveProvider;
public SerializableWaveOut waveOut;
private volatile StreamingPlaybackState playbackState;
public volatile bool fullyDownloaded;

public MP3StreamingPanel ( )

public void InitTimer ( )
timer1 . Elapsed += new ElapsedEventHandler ( timer1_Tick );
timer1 . Interval = 250; // in miliseconds
timer1 . Start ( );
public void timer1_Tick ( object sender , ElapsedEventArgs e )
if ( playbackState != StreamingPlaybackState . Stopped )
if ( this . waveOut == null && this . bufferedWaveProvider != null )
Debug . WriteLine ( "Creating WaveOut Device" );
this . waveOut = CreateWaveOut ( );
waveOut . PlaybackStopped += waveOut_PlaybackStopped;
this . volumeProvider = new SerializableVolumeWaveProvider16 ( `enter code here`bufferedWaveProvider );
waveOut . Init ( volumeProvider );

else if ( bufferedWaveProvider != null )
var bufferedSeconds = bufferedWaveProvider . BufferedDuration . TotalSeconds;

if ( bufferedSeconds < 0.5 && this . playbackState == StreamingPlaybackState . Playing && !this . fullyDownloaded )
this . playbackState = StreamingPlaybackState . Buffering;
waveOut . Pause ( );
Debug . WriteLine ( String . Format ( "Paused to buffer, waveOut.PlaybackState={0}" , waveOut . PlaybackState ) );
else if ( bufferedSeconds > 4 && this . playbackState == StreamingPlaybackState . Buffering )
waveOut . Play ( );
Debug . WriteLine ( String . Format ( "Started playing, waveOut.PlaybackState={0}" , waveOut . PlaybackState ) );
this . playbackState = StreamingPlaybackState . Playing;
else if ( this . fullyDownloaded && bufferedSeconds == 0 )
Debug . WriteLine ( "Reached end of stream" );
stop ( );


public void StreamMP3 ( object state )
this . fullyDownloaded = false;
string url = ( string ) state;
webRequest = ( HttpWebRequest ) WebRequest . Create ( url );
HttpWebResponse resp = null;
resp = ( HttpWebResponse ) webRequest . GetResponse ( );
catch ( WebException e )
if ( e . Status != WebExceptionStatus . RequestCanceled )
Console.WriteLine ( e . Message );
byte[] buffer = new byte [ 16384 * 4 ];

IMp3FrameDecompressor decompressor = null;
using ( var responseStream = resp . GetResponseStream ( ) )
var readFullyStream = new ReadFullyStream ( responseStream );
if ( bufferedWaveProvider != null && bufferedWaveProvider . BufferLength - bufferedWaveProvider . BufferedBytes < bufferedWaveProvider . WaveFormat . AverageBytesPerSecond / 4 )
Debug . WriteLine ( "Buffer getting full, taking a break" );
Thread . Sleep ( 500 );
Mp3Frame frame = null;
frame = Mp3Frame . LoadFromStream ( readFullyStream );
catch ( EndOfStreamException )
this . fullyDownloaded = true;

catch ( WebException )

if ( decompressor == null )
WaveFormat waveFormat = new Mp3WaveFormat ( frame . SampleRate , frame . ChannelMode == ChannelMode . Mono ? 1 : 2 , frame . FrameLength , frame . BitRate );
decompressor = new AcmMp3FrameDecompressor ( waveFormat );
this . bufferedWaveProvider = new SerializableBufferedWaveProvider ( decompressor . OutputFormat );
this . bufferedWaveProvider . BufferDuration = TimeSpan . FromSeconds ( 20 ); // allow us to get well ahead of ourselves
int decompressed = decompressor . DecompressFrame ( frame , buffer , 0 );
bufferedWaveProvider . AddSamples ( buffer , 0 , decompressed );

} while ( playbackState != StreamingPlaybackState . Stopped );
Debug . WriteLine ( "Exiting" );
decompressor . Dispose ( );
if ( decompressor != null )
decompressor . Dispose ( );

public void play ( string url )
if ( playbackState == StreamingPlaybackState . Stopped )
playbackState = StreamingPlaybackState . Buffering;
this . bufferedWaveProvider = null;
ThreadPool . QueueUserWorkItem ( new WaitCallback ( StreamMP3 ) , url );
gurl = url;
InitTimer ( );
timer1 . Enabled = true;
else if ( playbackState == StreamingPlaybackState . Paused )
playbackState = StreamingPlaybackState . Buffering;

public void stop ( )

if ( playbackState != StreamingPlaybackState . Stopped )
if ( !fullyDownloaded )
webRequest . Abort ( );
this . playbackState = StreamingPlaybackState . Stopped;
if ( waveOut != null )
waveOut . Stop ( );
waveOut . Dispose ( );
waveOut = null;
timer1 . Enabled = false;
// n.b. streaming thread may not yet have exited
Thread . Sleep ( 500 );

public SerializableWaveOut CreateWaveOut ( )
return new SerializableWaveOut ( );


public void pause ( )
if ( playbackState == StreamingPlaybackState . Playing || playbackState == StreamingPlaybackState . Buffering )
waveOut . Pause ( );
Debug . WriteLine ( String . Format ( "User requested Pause, waveOut.PlaybackState={0}" , waveOut . PlaybackState ) );
playbackState = StreamingPlaybackState . Paused;

public void buttonStop_Click ( object sender , EventArgs e )
stop ( );

private void waveOut_PlaybackStopped ( object sender , StoppedEventArgs e )
Debug . WriteLine ( "Playback Stopped" );
if ( e . Exception != null )
MessageBox . Show ( String . Format ( "Playback Error {0}" , e . Exception . Message ) );

对于 SerializableVolumeWaveProvider16SerializableBufferedWaveProviderSerializableWaveOut 是我声明为 [Serializable] 的类但我无法在序列化后获得这些值


不要在 session /缓存中存储复杂的对象

您在此处存储在 session 中的对象很复杂,并且有许多移动部分。人们在使用缓存和 session 时犯的主要错误是存储“事件”对象(见鬼,它有计时器、网络请求等)。您应该只存储(在 session 、缓存或文件系统等中)冷硬非事件数据。我强烈建议您创建一个仅包含数据 的单独 DTO 层;例如:

public class Something {
public string Name {get;set;}
public int SomeNumber {get;set;}
public byte[] Blob {get;set;}
// ... more simple data values

理想情况下,您会填充存储/检索这种形式的东西;简单、易于理解等。然后根据需要映射到此 DTO 模型和您的实际模型。

实际上,一个更好的主意是使 DTO 不可变;如果您的提供者实际上没有序列化,而是将内容保存在内存中,这将避免并发症。因为否则以下是模棱两可的:

var obj = session[key] as Something;
if(obj != null) {
obj.Name = "new name";

使用序列化提供程序,通常不会反射(reflect)该更改,除非最后再次明确存储;使用 内存中 提供程序,所有其他调用者将立即看到它(请记住,用户可以有多个并发请求)。

如果您在使用 session /缓存等时转向基于 DTO 的模型,您将被迫编写可理解且明显正确的代码。而不是“有时工作的原因没人能猜到”。

关于c# - 我对 session 状态序列化有疑问,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:

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