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我想自定义将新项目添加到 BindingSource
(所有强类型),如以下 MSDN 文章所述:
How to: Customize Item Addition with the Windows Forms BindingSource
下面的代码导致 InvalidOperationException
:添加到 BindingSource 列表中的对象必须都是同一类型。此外,对象 myTypesBindingSource.Current
似乎是一个 DataRowView
如何自定义强类型 BindingSource
private void InitializeComponent()
this.components = new System.ComponentModel.Container();
this.someDataSet = new myDB.SomeDataSet();
this.myTypesBindingSource = new System.Windows.Forms.BindingSource(this.components);
this.myTypesTableAdapter = new myDB.SomeDataSetTableAdapters.myTypesTableAdapter();
this.tableAdapterManager = new myDB.SomeDataSetTableAdapters.TableAdapterManager();
this.myTypesBindingNavigator = new System.Windows.Forms.BindingNavigator(this.components);
this.someIntValueTextBox = new System.Windows.Forms.TextBox();
// someDataSet
this.someDataSet.DataSetName = "SomeDataSet";
this.someDataSet.SchemaSerializationMode = System.Data.SchemaSerializationMode.IncludeSchema;
// myTypesBindingSource
// As generated:
// this.myTypesBindingSource.DataMember = "myTypes";
// this.myTypesBindingSource.DataSource = this.someDataSet;
this.myTypesBindingSource.DataSource = this.someDataSet;
this.myTypesBindingSource.AddingNew += new System.ComponentModel.AddingNewEventHandler(this.myTypesBindingSource_AddingNew);
// myTypesTableAdapter
this.myTypesTableAdapter.ClearBeforeFill = true;
// tableAdapterManager
this.tableAdapterManager.BackupDataSetBeforeUpdate = false;
this.tableAdapterManager.myTypesTableAdapter = this.myTypesTableAdapter;
this.tableAdapterManager.UpdateOrder = myDB.SomeDataSetTableAdapters.TableAdapterManager.UpdateOrderOption.InsertUpdateDelete;
// someIntValueTextBox
this.someIntValueTextBox.DataBindings.Add(new System.Windows.Forms.Binding("Text", this.myTypesBindingSource, "someIntValue", true));
this.someIntValueTextBox.Name = "someIntValueTextBox";
private void myTypesBindingSource_AddingNew(object sender, AddingNewEventArgs e)
SomeDataSet.myTypesRow newRow = someDataSet.myTypes.NewmyTypesRow();
newRow.someIntValue = 99;
e.NewObject = newRow;
在示例中,它不是强类型 BindingSource
另外,请注意该示例使用类对象 DemoCustomer
,它不是返回 DataRow
的 DataSet.Tables[0].Row
.在我看来,当使用 DataSet
时,游戏有点不同。 .
。作为 BindingSource.DataSource
BindingSource.DataSource = DataSet.Tables[0];
这样,当您将项目添加到 BindingSource.List
时使用 BindingSource.AddNew()
方法和一个新的 DataRow
添加到您的 DataTable
!因此,需要处理 DataRow
Working with a
如果您想执行与 MSDN 上的示例类似的操作,则必须自己创建该行。
DataRow newRow = DataSet.Tables[0].NewRow();
newRow.Columns["intColumn"] = 99;
e.NewObject = newRow;
var newRow = (DataRow)e.NewObject;
newRow["intColumn"] = 99;
这里的弱点是,每当您更改基础数据库表列名称时,您都必须来到这里,更改您的 intColumn
Also, the object myTypesBindingSource.Current seems to be a DataRowView with my relevant row inside
来自 MSDN: DataRowView
Whenever data is displayed, such as in a DataGrid control, only one version of each row can be displayed. The displayed row is a DataRowView.
A DataRowView can have one of four different version states: Default, Original, Current, and Proposed.
After invoking BeginEdit on a DataRow, any edited value becomes the Proposed value. Until either CancelEdit or EndEdit is invoked, the row has an Original and a Proposed version. If CancelEdit is invoked, the proposed version is discarded, and the value reverts to Original. If EndEdit is invoked, the DataRowView no longer has a Proposed version; instead, the proposed value becomes the current value. Default values are available only on rows that have columns with default values defined.
这意味着当添加新行时,您实际上是在添加一个 DataRowView
。您可以通过访问其 DataRowView.Row
var newRow = ((DataRowView)e.NewObject).Row;
newRow.Columns["intColumn"] = 99;
DataView dv = (DataView)myTypesBindingSource.List;
DataRowView drv = dv.AddNew();
SomeDataSet.myTypesRow newMyTypesRow = (SomeDataSet.myTypesRow)drv.Row;
newMyTypesRow.someIntValue = 53;
e.NewObject = drv;
关于c# - 自定义 StronglyTyped BindingSource 项添加,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/23378421/
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title 323 323 323 title 323 323 323 title 323 323 323 JS $(document).keydown(function(e){