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我正在使用 .NET 客户端 API:IUploadProgress progress = insertMediaUpload.Upload() 将 csv 上传到 BigQuery。基本上我做的是:
2. 获取作业状态(pending, running, done..)
3. 如果BigQuery报错,则打印报错并抛出异常,以便进一步处理。
1. 即使在故意失败的同一 CSV 上运行相同的代码,在 UploadOnResponseReceived() 中解析出的 BQ 错误消息也会在某些调用中打印出来,但不会在其他调用中打印出来。为什么?
2. IUploadProgress 值似乎与 UploadOnResponseReceived() 行为有关:如果我在 UploadOnResponseReceived 中什么都不做,那么 progress.status 将始终为“已完成”,如果 UploadOnResponseReceived 抛出异常,则 progress.status 将失败。
3. 当progress.status 失败时,无法获取UploadOnResponseReceived 抛出的异常。我实际上确实需要获得异常,我该怎么办?
public bool ExecuteUploadJobToTable(string dataset, string tableId, string filePath, TableSchema schema, string createDisposition, char delimiter)
TableReference destTable = new TableReference { ProjectId = _account.ProjectId, DatasetId = dataset, TableId = tableId };
JobConfigurationLoad configLoad = new JobConfigurationLoad
Schema = schema,
DestinationTable = destTable,
Encoding = "ISO-8859-1",
CreateDisposition = "CREATE_IF_NEEDED",
WriteDisposition = createDisposition,
FieldDelimiter = delimiter.ToString(),
AllowJaggedRows = true,
SourceFormat = "CSV"
JobConfiguration config = new JobConfiguration {Load = configLoad};
Job job = new Job {Configuration = config};
//set job reference (mainly job id)
JobReference jobRef = new JobReference
JobId = GenerateJobID("Upload"),
ProjectId = _account.ProjectId
job.JobReference = jobRef;
bool isSuccess = true;
using (var fileStream = new FileStream(filePath, FileMode.Open))
JobsResource.InsertMediaUpload insertMediaUpload = new JobsResource.InsertMediaUpload(BigQueryService, job, job.JobReference.ProjectId, stream: fileStream, contentType: "application/octet-stream");
insertMediaUpload.ProgressChanged += UploadOnProgressChanged;
insertMediaUpload.ResponseReceived += UploadOnResponseReceived;
Console.WriteLine(string.Format("start {0}",jobRef.JobId));
IUploadProgress progress = insertMediaUpload.Upload();
if (progress.Status.ToString().Contains("Fail"))
isSuccess = false;
return isSuccess;
private void UploadOnProgressChanged(IUploadProgress process)
Console.WriteLine(process.Status + " " + process.BytesSent);
//thowring an exception will make IUploadProgress "Failed", otherwise, IUploadProgress will be "Completed"
private void UploadOnResponseReceived(Job job)
job = PollUntilJobDone(job.JobReference, 5);
catch(Exception e)
Console.WriteLine("Unexcepted unretryable exception happens when poll job status");
throw new BigQueryException("Unexcepted unretryable exception happens when poll job status",e);
StringBuilder errorMessageBuilder = new StringBuilder();
ErrorProto fatalError = job.Status.ErrorResult;
IList<ErrorProto> errors = job.Status.Errors;
if (fatalError != null)
errorMessageBuilder.AppendLine("Job failed while writing to Bigquery. " + fatalError.Reason + ": " + fatalError.Message +
" at " + fatalError.Location);
if (errors != null)
foreach (ErrorProto error in errors)
errorMessageBuilder.AppendLine("Error: [REASON] " + error.Reason + " [MESSAGE] " + error.Message +
" [LOCATION] " + error.Location);
if (errorMessageBuilder.Length>0)//fatalError != null || errors != null
throw new BigQueryException(errorMessageBuilder.ToString());
Console.WriteLine("upload should be successful");
private Job PollUntilJobDone(JobReference jobReference, int pauseSeconds)
int backoff = 1000;//backoff starts from 1 sec + random
for(int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
var pollJob = BigQueryService.Jobs.Get(jobReference.ProjectId, jobReference.JobId).Execute();
Console.WriteLine(jobReference.JobId + ": " + pollJob.Status.State);
if (pollJob.Status.State.Equals("DONE"))
return pollJob;
// Pause execution for pauseSeconds before polling job status again,
// to reduce unnecessary calls to the BigQuery API and lower overall
// application bandwidth.
Thread.Sleep(pauseSeconds * 1000);
catch (Exception e)
BigQueryException exception = new BigQueryException(e.Message,e);
if (exception.IsTemporary)
int sleep = backoff + Random.Next(1000);
Console.WriteLine("pollUntilJobDone job execute failed. Sleeping {0} ms before retry", sleep);
backoff *= 2;
return null;
在搜索类似问题时,我找到了这些可能对您有帮助的答案:Catching an exception thrown in an asynchronous callback ,这个显示了如何根据后台线程中收到的上传进度更新另一个线程中的 UI:Tracking upload progress of WebClient
关于c# - .NET InsertMediaUpload 将 CSV 上传到 BigQuery 时的奇怪问题,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/29833955/
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