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COL1 Col2 Col3
CBT.151.5.T.FEED S1 t1
CBT.151.5.T.FEED s2 t2
CBT.151.5.T.FEED s3 t3
CBT.151.5.T.FEED s4 t4
CBT.151.5.T.FEED s5 t1
CBT.151.8.T.FEED s7 t1
CBT.151.5.Q.FEED s8 t3
COL1 - 是 ID,对于给定的 ID,可以有多个符号。
COL2 - 符号,它们是独一无二的
COL3 - 符号的更新时间,两个不同的符号可能同时更新,因此它们不是唯一的。
我的目标是获取最活跃的代码,假设是在过去 60 秒内更新的符号。为此,我使用了 boost 多重索引。
#include <boost/interprocess/containers/string.hpp>
#include <boost/interprocess/shared_memory_object.hpp>
#include <boost/multi_index_container.hpp>
#include <boost/multi_index/member.hpp>
#include <boost/multi_index/ordered_index.hpp>
#include <TickerInfoManagerConstants.h>
#include <TickerInfo.h>
namespace bmi = boost::multi_index;
namespace bip = boost::interprocess;
struct id_index{};
struct symbol_index{};
struct last_update_time_index{};
struct Less {
template<class T, class U>
bool operator()(T const& t, U const& u) const {
return t < u;
typedef bmi::multi_index_container<
<bmi::tag<id_index>, BOOST_MULTI_INDEX_MEMBER( tickerUpdateInfo, shm_string, m_id), Less>,
bmi::tag<symbol_index>,BOOST_MULTI_INDEX_MEMBER(tickerUpdateInfo, shm_string, m_symbol), Less>,
<bmi::tag<last_update_time_index>, BOOST_MULTI_INDEX_MEMBER(tickerUpdateInfo, int, m_last_update_time), Less> >,
> ticker_update_info_set;
class tickerInfoMangerImplementation {
tickerInfoMangerImplementation( const sharedMemoryNameT & name );
bool put_records( const tickerUpdateInfoT & record );
int get_active_ticker_count( const thresholdT seconds );
void print_contents();
bip::managed_shared_memory& get_managed_memory_segment() {
return m_managed_memory_segment;
const sharedMemoryNameT m_name;
bip::managed_shared_memory m_managed_memory_segment;
ticker_update_info_set *p_ticker_info_set;
#include <TickerInfoMangerImplementation.h>
#include <boost/interprocess/managed_shared_memory.hpp>
#include <iostream>
#include "basic_time.h"
using namespace boost::interprocess;
tickerInfoMangerImplementation::tickerInfoMangerImplementation( const sharedMemoryNameT & name ): m_name(name),
m_managed_memory_segment( open_or_create, "test", 65536 )
p_ticker_info_set = m_managed_memory_segment.find_or_construct<ticker_update_info_set>
("SetOfTickerUpdateInformation") //Container's name in shared memory
( ticker_update_info_set::ctor_args_list()
, m_managed_memory_segment.get_allocator<tickerUpdateInfoT>()); //Ctor parameters
bool tickerInfoMangerImplementation::put_records( const tickerUpdateInfoT & record ) {
std::pair<ticker_update_info_set::iterator, bool> result_pair = p_ticker_info_set->insert( record );
if( result_pair.second ) {
return result_pair.second;
typedef ticker_update_info_set::index<symbol_index>::type ticker_update_info_set_by_symbol;
ticker_update_info_set_by_symbol & sym_index = (*p_ticker_info_set).get<symbol_index>();
ticker_update_info_set_by_symbol::iterator it = sym_index.find( record.m_symbol );
tickerUpdateInfoT ticker_info = *it;
ticker_info.m_last_update_time = record.m_last_update_time;
return sym_index.replace( it, ticker_info );
int tickerInfoMangerImplementation::calculate_historical_time_using_threshold( const thresholdT seconds ) {
basic_time::Secs_t seconds( threshold );
basic_time tick_time;
tick_time -= seconds;
return ( tick_time.fullTime() );
int tickerInfoMangerImplementation::get_active_ticker_count( const thresholdT seconds, std::string key ) {
typedef ticker_update_info_set::index<id_index>::type ticker_update_info_set_by_id;
ticker_update_info_set_by_id & id_index = (*p_ticker_info_set).get<id_index>();
int tick_time = calculate_historical_time_using_threshold( seconds );
//Here I would like to find the key
//Based on that key I would like to fetch all the symbols which have updated after a certain time(using lower bound)
std::copy( it, time_index.end(), std::ostream_iterator<tickerUpdateInfoT>(std::cout) );
void tickerInfoMangerImplementation::print_contents() {
const ticker_update_info_set::nth_index<1>::type& name_index = (*p_ticker_info_set).get<1>();
std::copy( name_index.begin(), name_index.end(), std::ostream_iterator<tickerUpdateInfoT>(std::cout) );
std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const tickerUpdateInfoT & obj) {
os << obj.m_id << " ";
os << obj.m_symbol << " ";
os << obj.m_last_update_time << " " << "\n";
return os;
我要插入到 boost 多索引中的记录的结构
#ifndef __TICKER_INFO__
#define __TICKER_INFO__
#include <boost/interprocess/managed_shared_memory.hpp>
#include <boost/interprocess/allocators/allocator.hpp>
#include <boost/interprocess/containers/string.hpp>
typedef boost::interprocess::managed_shared_memory::allocator<char>::type char_allocator;
typedef boost::interprocess::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, char_allocator> shm_string;
//Data to insert in shared memory
typedef struct tickerUpdateInfo {
shm_string m_id;
shm_string m_symbol;
int m_last_update_time;
tickerUpdateInfo( const char * id,
const char *symbol,
int last_update_time,
const char_allocator &a)
: m_id( id, a), m_symbol( symbol, a), m_last_update_time( last_update_time) {
tickerUpdateInfo& operator=(const tickerUpdateInfo& other) {
if (this != &other) {
m_last_update_time = other.m_last_update_time;
return *this;
} tickerUpdateInfoT;
现在在函数 get_active_ticker_count() 中,我想指定像 CBT.151.5.T.FEED 这样的键,它应该返回:
S1 t1
s2 t2
s3 t3
s4 t4
s5 t1
假设 t1 > t2 > t3 > t4,那么我想找出时间大于 t3 的集合,并且还想找出此类符号的数量。我如何进行相同的操作,我已经能够插入,但我被检索部分卡住了。请帮忙!
enum TimePoints { // Lets assume t1 > t2 > t3 > t4
t1 = 100,
t2 = 80,
t3 = 70,
t4 = 20,
using IdType = std::string;
using Symbol = std::string;
using TimeT = unsigned int;
struct tickerUpdateInfo {
IdType m_id;
Symbol m_symbol;
TimeT m_last_update_time;
friend std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, tickerUpdateInfo const& tui) {
return os << "T[" << tui.m_id << ",\t" << tui.m_symbol << ",\t" << tui.m_last_update_time << "]";
} static const data[] = {
{ "CBT.151.5.T.FEED", "S1", t1 },
{ "CBT.151.5.T.FEED", "s2", t2 },
{ "CBT.151.5.T.FEED", "s3", t3 },
{ "CBT.151.5.T.FEED", "s4", t4 },
{ "CBT.151.5.T.FEED", "s5", t1 },
{ "CBT.151.8.T.FEED", "s7", t1 },
{ "CBT.151.5.Q.FEED", "s8", t3 },
那里。我们可以解决这个问题。您想要一个主要基于时间的索引,但您可以稍后针对符号/ID 进行优化:
typedef bmi::multi_index_container<tickerUpdateInfo,
bmi::ordered_non_unique<bmi::tag<struct most_active_index>,
BOOST_MULTI_INDEX_MEMBER(tickerUpdateInfo, TimeT, m_last_update_time),
BOOST_MULTI_INDEX_MEMBER(tickerUpdateInfo, Symbol, m_symbol),
BOOST_MULTI_INDEX_MEMBER(tickerUpdateInfo, IdType, m_id)
> > >
> ticker_update_info_set;
std::map<Symbol, size_t> activity_histo(ticker_update_info_set const& tuis, TimeT since)
std::map<Symbol, size_t> histo;
auto const& index = tuis.get<most_active_index>();
auto lb = index.upper_bound(since); // for greater-than-inclusive use lower_bound
for (auto& rec : boost::make_iterator_range(lb, index.end()))
return histo;
查看 Live On Coliru .
std::map<Symbol, size_t> activity_histo_ex(ticker_update_info_set const& tuis, TimeT since)
std::map<Symbol, size_t> histo;
auto const& index = tuis.get<most_active_index>();
for (auto lb = index.upper_bound(since), end = tuis.end(); lb != end;) // for greater-than-inclusive use lower_bound
auto ub = index.upper_bound(boost::make_tuple(lb->m_last_update_time, lb->m_symbol));
histo[lb->m_symbol] += std::distance(lb, ub);
lb = ub;
return histo;
我不确定这会成为更快的方法(您的探查器会知道)。见<强>Live On Coliru也是。
TBH 这整个多索引的事情可能会降低你的速度,因为插入时间不理想,并且在迭代记录时缺乏引用位置。
一旦您使用 Boost Lockfree 的 spsc_queue
产品实现了环形缓冲区,第二种方法应该真的有一些优点。为什么? 因为您可以将其托管在共享内存中:
¹ 复杂性是有保证的iff 您的代码是自包含的。可悲的是,它不是(根本)。我不得不修剪它才能让一些东西发挥作用。显然,这是在删除所有行号之后:)
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