gpt4 book ai didi

无法在 if 语句之外访问 c++ 结构

转载 作者:塔克拉玛干 更新时间:2023-11-03 08:03:50 28 4
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问题是当我尝试使用 if 语句之外的函数时,它们无法再被访问。

#include <iostream>
#include <string>
using namespace std;

struct MovieData // the stuct
string Title, // required varibles
int yearReleased,

MovieData(string TITLE, string DIRECTOR, int YearReleased, int RunTime) // constructors
Title = TITLE;
Director = DIRECTOR;
yearReleased = YearReleased;
runTime = RunTime;
string getTitle() // getters
{ return Title; }
string getDirector()
{ return Director; }
int getYear()
{ return yearReleased; }
int getLength()
{ return runTime; }

void printMovie1(MovieData movieprint1) // fucntion that outputs movie 1
cout << "Title of movie " << movieprint1.getTitle() << endl;
cout << "Director is " << movieprint1.getDirector()<< endl;
cout << "Movie release year " << movieprint1.getYear()<< endl;
cout << "Movie length " << movieprint1.getLength() << endl;

void printMovie2(MovieData movieprint2) // function that outputs movie 2
cout << "Title of movie " << movieprint2.getTitle() << endl;
cout << "Director is " << movieprint2.getDirector() << endl;
cout << "Movie release year " << movieprint2.getYear() << endl;
cout << "Movie length " << movieprint2.getLength() << endl;

int main()
string Title, // local varibles
int yearReleased,

for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) // forward loop to enter movie info
cout << "Please enter the movie " << (i + 1) << " title ";
getline(cin, Title);

cout << "Now the director ";
getline(cin, Director);

cout << "What year was " << Title << " releasted ";
cin >> yearReleased;

cout << "Lastly the length ";
cin >> runTime;

if (i == 0)
MovieData movie1(Title, Director, yearReleased, runTime);
// I know function works when placed here
// printMovie1(movie1);
else if (i == 1)
MovieData movie2(Title, Director, yearReleased, runTime);
// I know function works when placed here
// printMovie2(movie2);
// these functions now dont work
enter code hereprintMovie1(movie1);
return 0;


您的 MovieData 仅存在于括号范围内。一旦退出外部范围,就无法再访问它。您可以修复它,在范围之外声明您的变量。

    MovieData  movie; //default construction
if (i == 0)
movie = MovieData(Title, Director, yearReleased, runTime);
// I know function works when placed here
// printMovie1(movie1);
else if (i == 1)
movie= MovieData(Title, Director, yearReleased, runTime);
// I know function works when placed here
// printMovie2(movie2);

//you can now use movie

关于无法在 if 语句之外访问 c++ 结构,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:

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