- iOS/Objective-C 元类和类别
- objective-c - -1001 错误,当 NSURLSession 通过 httpproxy 和/etc/hosts
- java - 使用网络类获取 url 地址
- ios - 推送通知中不播放声音
我不知道如何创建自己的声音播放器,所以我选择使用 ChiliTomatoNoodle 的框架。
但是,我遇到的问题是我有一个 180 年代的波形文件,它只播放了第一秒左右。我需要做什么才能让它播放更长时间?
#pragma once
#include <windows.h>
#include <mmsystem.h>
#include <dsound.h>
#include <stdio.h>
class DSound;
class Sound
friend DSound;
Sound( const Sound& base );
const Sound& operator=( const Sound& rhs );
void Play( int attenuation = DSBVOLUME_MAX );
Sound( IDirectSoundBuffer8* pSecondaryBuffer );
IDirectSoundBuffer8* pBuffer;
class DSound
struct WaveHeaderType
char chunkId[4];
unsigned long chunkSize;
char format[4];
char subChunkId[4];
unsigned long subChunkSize;
unsigned short audioFormat;
unsigned short numChannels;
unsigned long sampleRate;
unsigned long bytesPerSecond;
unsigned short blockAlign;
unsigned short bitsPerSample;
char dataChunkId[4];
unsigned long dataSize;
DSound( HWND hWnd );
Sound CreateSound( char* wavFileName );
IDirectSound8* pDirectSound;
IDirectSoundBuffer* pPrimaryBuffer;
#include "Sound.h"
#include <assert.h>
#pragma comment(lib, "dsound.lib")
#pragma comment(lib, "dxguid.lib")
#pragma comment(lib, "winmm.lib" )
DSound::DSound( HWND hWnd )
: pDirectSound( NULL ),
pPrimaryBuffer( NULL )
HRESULT result;
result = DirectSoundCreate8( NULL,&pDirectSound,NULL );
assert( !FAILED( result ) );
// Set the cooperative level to priority so the format of the primary sound buffer can be modified.
result = pDirectSound->SetCooperativeLevel( hWnd,DSSCL_PRIORITY );
assert( !FAILED( result ) );
// Setup the primary buffer description.
bufferDesc.dwSize = sizeof(DSBUFFERDESC);
bufferDesc.dwBufferBytes = 0;
bufferDesc.dwReserved = 0;
bufferDesc.lpwfxFormat = NULL;
bufferDesc.guid3DAlgorithm = GUID_NULL;
// Get control of the primary sound buffer on the default sound device.
result = pDirectSound->CreateSoundBuffer( &bufferDesc,&pPrimaryBuffer,NULL );
assert( !FAILED( result ) );
// Setup the format of the primary sound bufffer.
// In this case it is a .WAV file recorded at 44,100 samples per second in 16-bit stereo (cd audio format).
waveFormat.wFormatTag = WAVE_FORMAT_PCM;
waveFormat.nSamplesPerSec = 44100;
waveFormat.wBitsPerSample = 16;
waveFormat.nChannels = 2;
waveFormat.nBlockAlign = (waveFormat.wBitsPerSample / 8) * waveFormat.nChannels;
waveFormat.nAvgBytesPerSec = waveFormat.nSamplesPerSec * waveFormat.nBlockAlign;
waveFormat.cbSize = 0;
// Set the primary buffer to be the wave format specified.
result = pPrimaryBuffer->SetFormat( &waveFormat );
assert( !FAILED( result ) );
if( pPrimaryBuffer )
pPrimaryBuffer = NULL;
if( pDirectSound )
pDirectSound = NULL;
// must be 44.1k 16bit Stereo PCM Wave
Sound DSound::CreateSound( char* wavFileName )
int error;
FILE* filePtr;
unsigned int count;
WaveHeaderType waveFileHeader;
HRESULT result;
IDirectSoundBuffer* tempBuffer;
IDirectSoundBuffer8* pSecondaryBuffer;
unsigned char* waveData;
unsigned char* bufferPtr;
unsigned long bufferSize;
// Open the wave file in binary.
error = fopen_s( &filePtr,wavFileName,"rb" );
assert( error == 0 );
// Read in the wave file header.
count = fread( &waveFileHeader,sizeof( waveFileHeader ),1,filePtr );
assert( count == 1 );
// Check that the chunk ID is the RIFF format.
assert( (waveFileHeader.chunkId[0] == 'R') &&
(waveFileHeader.chunkId[1] == 'I') &&
(waveFileHeader.chunkId[2] == 'F') &&
(waveFileHeader.chunkId[3] == 'F') );
// Check that the file format is the WAVE format.
assert( (waveFileHeader.format[0] == 'W') &&
(waveFileHeader.format[1] == 'A') &&
(waveFileHeader.format[2] == 'V') &&
(waveFileHeader.format[3] == 'E') );
// Check that the sub chunk ID is the fmt format.
assert( (waveFileHeader.subChunkId[0] == 'f') &&
(waveFileHeader.subChunkId[1] == 'm') &&
(waveFileHeader.subChunkId[2] == 't') &&
(waveFileHeader.subChunkId[3] == ' ') );
// Check that the audio format is WAVE_FORMAT_PCM.
assert( waveFileHeader.audioFormat == WAVE_FORMAT_PCM );
// Check that the wave file was recorded in stereo format.
assert( waveFileHeader.numChannels == 2 );
// Check that the wave file was recorded at a sample rate of 44.1 KHz.
assert( waveFileHeader.sampleRate == 44100 );
// Ensure that the wave file was recorded in 16 bit format.
assert( waveFileHeader.bitsPerSample == 16 );
// Check for the data chunk header.
assert( (waveFileHeader.dataChunkId[0] == 'd') &&
(waveFileHeader.dataChunkId[1] == 'a') &&
(waveFileHeader.dataChunkId[2] == 't') &&
(waveFileHeader.dataChunkId[3] == 'a') );
// Set the wave format of secondary buffer that this wave file will be loaded onto.
waveFormat.wFormatTag = WAVE_FORMAT_PCM;
waveFormat.nSamplesPerSec = 44100;
waveFormat.wBitsPerSample = 16;
waveFormat.nChannels = 2;
waveFormat.nBlockAlign = (waveFormat.wBitsPerSample / 8) * waveFormat.nChannels;
waveFormat.nAvgBytesPerSec = waveFormat.nSamplesPerSec * waveFormat.nBlockAlign;
waveFormat.cbSize = 0;
// Set the buffer description of the secondary sound buffer that the wave file will be loaded onto.
bufferDesc.dwSize = sizeof(DSBUFFERDESC);
bufferDesc.dwFlags = DSBCAPS_CTRLVOLUME;
bufferDesc.dwBufferBytes = waveFileHeader.dataSize;
bufferDesc.dwReserved = 0;
bufferDesc.lpwfxFormat = &waveFormat;
bufferDesc.guid3DAlgorithm = GUID_NULL;
// Create a temporary sound buffer with the specific buffer settings.
result = pDirectSound->CreateSoundBuffer( &bufferDesc,&tempBuffer,NULL );
assert( !FAILED( result ) );
// Test the buffer format against the direct sound 8 interface and create the secondary buffer.
result = tempBuffer->QueryInterface( IID_IDirectSoundBuffer8,(void**)&pSecondaryBuffer );
assert( !FAILED( result ) );
// Release the temporary buffer.
tempBuffer = 0;
// Move to the beginning of the wave data which starts at the end of the data chunk header.
fseek( filePtr,sizeof(WaveHeaderType),SEEK_SET );
// Create a temporary buffer to hold the wave file data.
waveData = new unsigned char[ waveFileHeader.dataSize ];
assert( waveData );
// Read in the wave file data into the newly created buffer.
count = fread( waveData,1,waveFileHeader.dataSize,filePtr );
assert( count == waveFileHeader.dataSize);
// Close the file once done reading.
error = fclose( filePtr );
assert( error == 0 );
// Lock the secondary buffer to write wave data into it.
result = pSecondaryBuffer->Lock( 0,waveFileHeader.dataSize,(void**)&bufferPtr,(DWORD*)&bufferSize,NULL,0,0 );
assert( !FAILED( result ) );
// Copy the wave data into the buffer.
memcpy( bufferPtr,waveData,waveFileHeader.dataSize );
// Unlock the secondary buffer after the data has been written to it.
result = pSecondaryBuffer->Unlock( (void*)bufferPtr,bufferSize,NULL,0 );
assert( !FAILED( result ) );
// Release the wave data since it was copied into the secondary buffer.
delete [] waveData;
waveData = NULL;
return Sound( pSecondaryBuffer );
Sound::Sound( IDirectSoundBuffer8* pSecondaryBuffer )
: pBuffer( pSecondaryBuffer )
: pBuffer( NULL )
Sound::Sound( const Sound& base )
: pBuffer( base.pBuffer )
if( pBuffer )
pBuffer = NULL;
const Sound& Sound::operator=( const Sound& rhs )
pBuffer = rhs.pBuffer;
return rhs;
// attn is the attenuation value in units of 0.01 dB (larger
// negative numbers give a quieter sound, 0 for full volume)
void Sound::Play( int attn )
attn = max( attn,DSBVOLUME_MIN );
HRESULT result;
// check that we have a valid buffer
assert( pBuffer != NULL );
// Set position at the beginning of the sound buffer.
result = pBuffer->SetCurrentPosition( 0 );
assert( !FAILED( result ) );
// Set volume of the buffer to attn
result = pBuffer->SetVolume( attn );
assert( !FAILED( result ) );
// Play the contents of the secondary sound buffer.
result = pBuffer->Play( 0,0,0 );
assert( !FAILED( result ) );
假设您有一个 .wav 文件,并且您正在按照以下行将声音文件加载到某处:
yourSound = audio.CreateSound("fileName.WAV"); //Capslock on WAV
Sound yourSound;
现在,因为您可能已经这样做了,而且它不起作用,所以它可能与您的文件有关,因为播放声音 160 秒以上应该不是问题。
您使用的是 .WAV 文件作为声音吗?如果是这样,您是否碰巧将其转换(因为它可能是背景声音?)。如果您尝试使用此转换器转换它:
关于c++ - 我怎样才能让这段代码播放波形文件更长时间?,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/16765925/
我做了一个项目,使用两个不同的textview进行触摸来播放两个音频。 这是一个文本 View 的简单代码 tv.setOnTouchListener(new OnTouchListener() {
我正在使用 pygame 模块在 python 中操作声音文件。它在交互式 python session 中工作正常,但相同的代码在 bash 中不会产生任何结果: 交互式Python $ sudo
请注意它只能是 JavaScript。请参阅下面我当前的 HTML。我需要像当前代码一样在页面之间旋转。但是,我需要能够在页面之间暂停/播放。
在尝试进入我的代码中的下一个文件之前,我尝试随机播放.wav文件数毫秒。最好的方法是什么? 我目前有以下代码: #!/usr/bin/env python from random import ran
我有2个回调函数,一个播放音频,另一个停止音频。 function Play_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles) global path; global pla
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我不知道我在做什么错 $(document).ready(function() { var playing = false; var audioElement = document.
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在 Qt 中创建播放/暂停按钮的最佳方法是什么?我应该创建一个操作并在单击时更改其图标,还是应该创建两个操作然后以某种方式在单击时隐藏一个操作?如何使用一个快捷键来激活这两个操作? (播放时暂停,暂停
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当我运行我的方法时,我收到一个MediaException。我使用 playSound("src/assets/timeup.mp3"); 调用该方法。 private void playSound(
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这是一个 JSFiddle: http://jsfiddle.net/8LczkwLz/19/ HTML: JS: var flashcardAudio = documen
我的问题是我无法将歌曲标题文本保持在 line-height: 800px;当用户播放或暂停播放器时。我设法在 :hover 上做到了。这似乎是一件非常棘手的事情,这真的是我第一次遇到 CSS 如此困
我还没有找到与我的完全一样的帖子,所以这就是问题所在。我正在制作一个 mp3 播放器,播放/暂停是两个单独的按钮。这是我的代码。 prevButton = document.getElementByI