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为了防止 SQL 注入(inject),我需要使用 mysql_real_escape_string
,但是这个函数非常笨重并且需要“很多”额外代码。我想将该函数隐藏在本质上 sprintf
doQuery("SELECT * FROM `table` WHERE name LIKE '%%s%%';", input);
假设 input
是一个类似于 Tom's diner
SELECT * FROM `table` WHERE name LIKE '%Tom\'s diner%';
void doQuery(const char *Format, ...) {
char sQuery[1024], tQuery[1024], *pQuery = sQuery, *pTemp = tQuery;
va_list val;
strcpy(sQuery, Format);
while((pQuery = strchr(pQuery, '\'')) != NULL) *pQuery = 1;
va_start(val, Format);
vsprintf(tQuery, sQuery, val);
pQuery = sQuery;
do {
if(*pTemp == 1) {
char *pSearch = strchr(pTemp, 1);
if(!pSearch) return; //Error, missing second placeholder
else {
*pQuery++ = '\'';
mysql_real_escape_string(sql, pQuery, pTemp, pSearch - pTemp);
pQuery += strlen(pQuery);
*pQuery++ = '\'';
pTemp = pSearch;
} else *pQuery++ = *pTemp;
} while(*pTemp++);
//Execute query, return result, etc.
这个函数是凭内存写的,我不能 100% 确定它的正确性,但我想你明白了。无论如何,明显的安全风险在于占位符 1。如果攻击者想到将所述 1(数值,而不是字符“1”)放入输入字符串中,他将自动获得一个攻击点,即非-转义撇号。
现在,有没有人知道如何解决这个问题并仍然获得我想要的行为,最好不要为我要发送到数据库的每个字符串分配额外的缓冲区?如果可能的话,我还想避免覆盖整个 sprintf 函数。
bool SQL::vQuery(const char *Format, va_list val) {
bool Ret = true, bExpanded = false;
if(strchr(Format, '%') != NULL) { //Is there any expanding to be done here?
int32_t ReqLen = vsnprintf(NULL, 0, Format, val) + 1; //Determine the required buffer length.
if(ReqLen < 2) Ret = false; //Lengthquery successful?
else {
char *Exp = new char[ReqLen]; //Evaluation requires a sufficiently large buffer.
bExpanded = true; //Tell the footer of this function to free the query buffer.
vsprintf(Exp, Format, val); //Expand the string into the first buffer.
if(strchr(Format, '\'') == NULL) Format = Exp; //No apostrophes found in the format(!) string? No escaping necessary.
else if(strchr(Exp, 1)) Ret = false; //Illegal character detected. Abort.
else {
char *pExp = Exp,
*Query = new char[ReqLen * 2], //Reserves (far more than) enough space for escaping.
*pQuery = Query;
strcpy(Query, Format); //Copy the format string to the (modifiable) Query buffer.
while((pQuery = strchr(pQuery, '\'')) != NULL)
*pQuery = 1; //Replace the character with the control character.
vsprintf(Exp, Query, val); //Expand the whole thing AGAIN, this time with the substitutions.
pQuery = Query; //And rewind the pointer.
while(char *pEnd = strchr(pExp, 1)) { //Look for the text-delimiter.
*pEnd = 0; //Terminate the string at this point.
strcpy(pQuery, pExp); //Copy the unmodified string to the final buffer.
pQuery += pEnd - pExp; //And advance the pointer to the new end.
pExp = ++pEnd; //Beginning of the 'To be escaped' string.
if((pEnd = strchr(pExp, 1)) != NULL) { //And what about the end?
*pEnd = 0; //Terminate the string at this point.
*pQuery++ = '\'';
pQuery += mysql_real_escape_string(pSQL, pQuery, pExp, pEnd - pExp);
*pQuery++ = '\'';
pExp = ++pEnd; //End of the 'To be escaped' string.
} else Ret = false; //Malformed query string.
strcpy(pQuery, pExp); //No more '? Just copy the rest.
Format = Query; //And please use the Query-Buffer instead of the raw Format.
delete[] Exp; //Get rid of the expansion buffer.
if(Ret) {
if(result) mysql_free_result(result); //Gibt ein ggf. bereits vorhandenes Ergebnis wieder frei.
Ret = mysql_query(pSQL, Format, result);
columns = (result) ? mysql_num_fields(result) : 0;
row = NULL;
if(bExpanded) delete[] Format; //Query completed -> Dispose of buffer.
return Ret;
我想我终于对这个解决方案感到满意了……我只花了 1.5 年的时间就弄明白了。 :D
关于c++ - 结合 mysql_real_escape 字符串与 sprintf,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/28116657/
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