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c++ - 反调试器技术 : How to hide a thread from the debugger using VB. NET?

转载 作者:塔克拉玛干 更新时间:2023-11-03 07:02:27 27 4
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所以我找到了很多不同的方法来实现这一点。在这些技术中,我发现了从调试器中隐藏线程的可能性,这要归功于 NtSetInformationThread 方法。 我的项目是在我用 VB.NET 编写的代码中使用此方法。


In Windows 2000, a new class of thread information transferred to theNtSetInformationThread function appeared – ThreadHideFromDebugger.This was one of the first anti-debugging techniques provided byWindows in Microsoft's search for how to prevent reverse engineering,and it's very powerful. If this flag is set for a thread, then thatthread stops sending notifications about debug events

From this website

所以我从这个 site 找到了一个来源为了达成这个。这是他在 C++ 中使用的方法:

typedef enum _THREADINFOCLASS {



extern "C" ULONG __stdcall NtSetInformationThread(
__in HANDLE ThreadHandle,
__in THREADINFOCLASS ThreadInformationClass,
__in_bcount(ThreadInformationLength) PVOID ThreadInformation,
__in ULONG ThreadInformationLength

ULONG main()
ULONG Status;

Status=NtSetInformationThread(GetCurrentThread(), ThreadHideFromDebugger, NULL, 0);

printf("Error with NtSetInformationThread : 0x%xn", Status);

__asm {int 3}
return 0;

所以我尝试用我的 C++ 初学者知识来翻译这段代码(老实说,我对这种语言不太了解)。这是它给出的:

Private Declare Function NtSetInformationThread Lib "Ntdll.dll" (ByVal hThread As Long, ByVal ThreadInformationClass As Long, ByVal ThreadInformation As Long, ByVal ThreadInformationLength As Long) As Long

Public Shared Function GetCurrentThreadId() As UInteger
End Function

Shared Function HideFromDebugger() As UInteger
Dim Status As UInteger

Status = NtSetInformationThread(GetCurrentThreadId(), 17, Nothing, 0)

If Status <> 0 Then

Console.Write("Error with NtSetInformationThread : 0x{0:x}n", Status)
Return 0
End If
End Function





首先,您对 NtSetInformationThread 函数的 P/Invoke 声明不太正确,我建议您坚持使用 DllImport 作为大多数 Declare Function 您在 Internet 上找到的声明是为 VB6 编写的,与 VB.NET 不兼容。


Public Shared Function NtSetInformationThread(ByVal hThread As IntPtr, ByVal ThreadInformationClass As Integer, ByVal ThreadInformation As IntPtr, ByVal ThreadInformationLength As UInteger) As UInteger
End Function

其次,请注意 C++ 代码如何使用函数 GetCurrentThread()不是 GetCurrentThreadId()。这两者的不同之处在于,前者为您提供了一个更像是指向线程的指针的句柄,而后者仅为您提供了分配给该线程的数字 ID。

您需要改用 GetCurrentThread 函数:

Public Shared Function GetCurrentThread() As IntPtr
End Function

I do not understand what the argument "17" is for.

17ThreadHideFromDebugger 的值,实际上没有任何特殊来源或意义。它只是告诉 NtSetInformationThread() 要更改有关线程的哪些信息。

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