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c++ - 从可变参数推导迭代器类别

转载 作者:塔克拉玛干 更新时间:2023-11-03 06:54:38 25 4
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如何填写 ???

template<class...Itrs> struct itr_category { typedef /* ??? */ type; };

所以type是最专业的iterator_traits<Itrs>::iterator_category...支持所有 Itrs ' 操作,否则失败(如 enable_if<false>::type )如果没有一个这样的类别?

最特殊 表示以下继承中的最后代类型 ( iterator_category ):

struct input_iterator_tag { };
struct output_iterator_tag { };
struct forward_iterator_tag : public input_iterator_tag,
public output_iterator_tag { };
struct bidirectional_iterator_tag : public forward_iterator_tag { };
struct random_access_iterator_tag : public bidirectional_iterator_tag { };

因此,例如,类似 itr_category<InputIterator,OutputIterator,...> 的内容会失败。

注意:这是一个不同于 std::iterator_traits 中定义的层次结构(参见 24.3 或 ):此处 forward_iterator_tag派生自 input_iterator_tagoutput_iterator_tag ,而不仅仅是前者。这对应于例如 SGI 文档(参见中描述的继承。如果相关,请随意评论此差异(顺便说一下,这是 zip 迭代器实现的一部分)。


首先,您需要一个类型的 fold 函数,如下所示:

template< template< typename, typename > class f, typename init, typename... types >
class fold;

template< template< typename, typename > class f, typename init >
struct fold< f, init > {
typedef init type;

template< template< typename, typename > class f, typename init, typename type_arg, typename... type_args >
struct fold< f, init, type_arg, type_args... > {
typedef typename fold< f, typename f< init, type_arg >::type, type_args... >::type type;


template< typename i1, typename i2 >
struct combine_iterators {
typedef typename iterator_traits< i1 >::category c1;
typedef typename iterator_traits< i2 >::category c2;
typedef decltype( false ? ( c1 * )nullptr : ( c2 * )nullptr ) ptype;
typedef typename std::decay< decltype( *( ptype )nullptr ) >::type type;

template<class...Itrs> struct itr_category {
typedef typename fold< combine_iterators, random_access_iterator_tag, Itrs... >::type type;


class it1;
template<> struct iterator_traits< it1 > {
typedef bidirectional_iterator_tag category;

class it2;
template<> struct iterator_traits< it2 > {
typedef input_iterator_tag category;

class it3;
template<> struct iterator_traits< it3 > {
typedef output_iterator_tag category;

itr_category< it1, it2 >::type x; // typeid( x ).name() == "struct input_iterator_tag"
itr_category< it1, it3 >::type y; // typeid( x ).name() == "struct output_iterator_tag"
itr_category< it2, it3 >::type z; // operand types are incompatible ("input_iterator_tag *" and "output_iterator_tag *")
itr_category< it1, it2, it3 >::type w; // operand types are incompatible ("input_iterator_tag *" and "output_iterator_tag *")

关于c++ - 从可变参数推导迭代器类别,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:

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