gpt4 book ai didi

竞争性编程 Dijkstra

转载 作者:塔克拉玛干 更新时间:2023-11-03 06:39:28 25 4
gpt4 key购买 nike

谁能告诉我这个程序的错误在哪里,这真的很有帮助,我尽力解决了这个问题,这段代码只通过了两个测试用例给定一个无向图和一个起始节点,确定从起始节点到图中所有其他节点的最短路径的长度。如果一个节点不可到达,它的距离是-1。节点将从 到 连续编号,边将具有不同的距离或长度。这里是问题

    #include <stdio.h> 
#include <stdlib.h>
#pragma warning(disable:4996)
// Node
typedef struct node {
int data;

// Lower values indicate higher priority
int priority;

struct node* next;

} Node;

// Function to Create A New Node
Node* newNode(int d, int p)
Node* temp = (Node*)malloc(sizeof(Node));
temp->data = d;
temp->priority = p;
temp->next = NULL;

return temp;

// Return the value at head
int peek(Node** head)
return (*head)->data;

// Removes the element with the
// highest priority form the list
void pop(Node** head)
Node* temp = *head;
(*head) = (*head)->next;
void updateprt(Node** head, int data) {
if ((*head)->data == data)
Node* temp = *head;
*head = (*head)->next;
Node* prev = *head;

while ((prev->next)->data != data) {
prev = prev->next;
Node* start = prev->next;
prev->next = start->next;


// Function to push according to priority
void push(Node** head, int d, int p)
Node* start = (*head);

// Create new Node
Node* temp = newNode(d, p);
if (*head == NULL) {
*head = temp;
// Special Case: The head of list has lesser
// priority than new node. So insert new
// node before head node and change head node.
if ((*head)->priority > p) {

// Insert New Node before head
temp->next = *head;
(*head) = temp;
else {

// Traverse the list and find a
// position to insert new node
while (start->next != NULL &&
start->next->priority < p) {
start = start->next;


// Either at the ends of the list
// or at required position
temp->next = start->next;
start->next = temp;

// Function to check is list is empty
int isEmpty(Node** head)
return (*head) == NULL;
struct adjlistnode {
int data;
struct adjlistnode* next;
struct adjlist {
struct adjlistnode* head;
struct graph {
int v;
struct adjlist* array;
struct graph* creategraph(int v) {
struct graph* G = (struct graph*) malloc(sizeof(struct graph));
G->v = v;
int i;
G->array = (struct adjlist*)malloc(sizeof(struct adjlist)*v);
for (i = 0; i < v; i++) {
G->array[i].head = NULL;
return G;
int Distance[100000], path[50];
struct adjlistnode* getnewnode(int ver) {
struct adjlistnode* newnode = (struct adjlistnode*)malloc(sizeof(struct adjlistnode));
newnode->data = ver;
newnode->next = NULL;
return newnode;

void addedge(struct graph* G, int src, int dest, long int w, long int** weight) {
struct adjlistnode* temp;
temp = getnewnode(dest);
temp->next = G->array[src].head;
G->array[src].head = temp;

temp = getnewnode(src);
temp->next = G->array[dest].head;
G->array[dest].head = temp;
if (weight[src][dest] != 0 || weight[dest][src] != 0 && w < weight[src][dest]) {
weight[src][dest] = w;
weight[dest][src] = w;
if (weight[src][dest] == 0) {
weight[src][dest] = w;
weight[dest][src] = w;
void printgraph(struct graph* G) {
for (int i = 0; i < G->v; i++) {
struct adjlistnode* temp = G->array[i].head;
printf("%d-> ", i);
while (temp) {
printf(" %d", temp->data);
temp = temp->next;

void Dijkstra(Node** queue, struct graph* G, int s, long int** weight) {
int v, w, d;
push(queue, s, 0);
for (int i = 0; i < 100000; i++) {
Distance[i] = -1;
Distance[s] = 0;
while (!isEmpty(queue)) {
v = peek(queue);
struct adjlistnode* temp = G->array[v].head;
while (temp) {
w = temp->data;
d = Distance[v] + weight[v][w];

//To update the distance of w check the below two conditions
if (Distance[w] == -1) {
Distance[w] = d;
push(queue, w, d);
path[w] = v;
if (Distance[w] > d)
Distance[w] = d;

path[w] = v;
updateprt(queue, w);
push(queue, w, d);

temp = temp->next;

int main()
int t;
scanf("%d", &t);
while (t) {

Node* pq = NULL;

int v;
int e;
scanf("%d %d", &v, &e);
long int** weight = (long int**)malloc(sizeof(long int*)*v);
for (int i = 0; i < v; i++)
weight[i] = (long int*)malloc(sizeof(long int)*v);
struct graph* G = creategraph(v);
int u, w;
long int l;
for (int i = 0; i < e; i++) {
scanf("%d %d %ld", &u, &w, &l);
addedge(G, u - 1, w - 1, l, weight);

int s;
scanf("%d", &s);
// printgraph(G);
Dijkstra(&pq, G, s - 1, weight);
for (int i = 0; i < G->v; i++) {
if (i == s - 1)
printf("%d ", Distance[i]);
/* while (!isEmpty(&pq)) {
printf("%d ", peek(&pq));

return 0;




int isEmpty(Node **head) ...


int isEmpty(Node *head) ...


int isEmpty(const Node *head) ...

另一方面,push , popupdateprt函数必须能够通过指针更改头部,因此它们需要一个指向节点指针的指针。你的pop总是改变头部的函数就是这样做的。其他函数如下所示:

void push(Node** head, int d, int p)
Node* start = (*head);

// ... do stuff with start, leave head alone ...

在这里,您只是使用指向节点指针的指针作为一种过于模糊的方式来传递有关头部的信息,但您从未修改它(除了插入到 ampty 列表的特殊情况)。


void push(Node **head, int d, int p)
Node *temp = newNode(d, p);

while (*head && (*head)->priority < p) {
head = &(*head)->next;

temp->next = *head;
*head = temp;

请注意没有任何特殊情况。当您调用 push(&queue, ...) ,你传递头指针的地址就可以修改局部变量queue在调用函数中分配给 *head .当您使用 head = &(*head)->next 遍历列表时, head持有 next 的地址前一个节点的字段,您也可以通过 *head 修改.指向指针的指针添加了一层间接寻址并告诉您您来自哪里并允许您修改该值。

同样,您可以更改(并简化)您的 updateptr功能:

void updateprt(Node** head, int data)
while (*head && (*head)->data != data) {
head = &(*head)->next;

if (*head) pop(head);


if (权重[源][目标] != 0 || 权重[目标][源] != 0 && w < 权重[源][目标]) ...

条件(w1 == 0 || w2 == 0 && w < w1)被解析为 (w1 == 0 || (w2 == 0 && w < w1)) ,这可能不是你想要的。零检查没有正确完成,因为您从未初始化 weight . (您可以使用 calloc 而不是 malloc 来创建一个零初始化数组。)`


struct adjlistnode {
int data; // destination vertex
int weight;
struct adjlistnode* next;


int  Distance[100000], path[50];

两个数组都为每个顶点提供一个条目。第一个太慷慨了(“我会多分配一点,以防万一......”),第二个可能太小了。 (你不需要任务的路径,但能够验证它总是很好。变量不是路径,但是,它保存了朝向每个顶点起点的下一步。)

比赛规则规定最多有 3,000 个节点,因此您可以使用 [3000] 对数组进行维数处理。 , 但你也冷酷地将它们作为图结构的一部分,并根据顶点数进行分配。


关于竞争性编程 Dijkstra,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:

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