- iOS/Objective-C 元类和类别
- objective-c - -1001 错误,当 NSURLSession 通过 httpproxy 和/etc/hosts
- java - 使用网络类获取 url 地址
- ios - 推送通知中不播放声音
我有一个程序可以扫描图像并将 gem 转换为特定数字。看下图:
所以我有一张带有数字的表格。数字 1 代表黄色 gem ,2 代表蓝色,等等......
1 | 1 2 3 4 5
2 | 3 5 2 4 1
3 | 1 4 4 1 2
4 | 3 3 2 1 5
5 | 5 1 5 2 5
我想计算一个步骤,在水平或垂直方向上获得 3 个相等的数字( gem )。例如,在此表中,如果我将 E2 与 D2 交换,则 D2 将为 1,并且 D2、D3、D4 将创建一个有效步骤,因为它们都是 1。我使用的是 VB.NET 2010。
我的表格是 8x8 大小,上面只是一个例子。
Module Module1
Sub Main()
Dim input = {{1, 3, 2, 4, 1, 1, 2, 1},
{1, 2, 5, 3, 2, 1, 3, 4},
{2, 1, 5, 4, 3, 2, 5, 4},
{3, 5, 1, 5, 2, 4, 1, 2},
{4, 2, 5, 1, 5, 2, 4, 2},
{2, 3, 2, 2, 5, 1, 3, 1},
{2, 1, 5, 4, 3, 2, 5, 4},
{3, 5, 1, 3, 2, 4, 1, 2}}
Console.Write(" |")
For i = 1 To input.GetLength(1)
Console.Write("{0,3}", GetColumnName(i))
For i = 1 To input.GetLength(1)
For y = 0 To input.GetUpperBound(0)
Console.Write("{0,3}|", y + 1)
For x = 0 To input.GetUpperBound(1)
Console.Write("{0,3}", input(y, x))
Console.WriteLine("{0}{0}SOLUTION:", vbCrLf)
For Each match In Solve(input)
Console.WriteLine("Move {0} {1} for a match of {2}", match.Item1, match.Item2, match.Item3)
End Sub
Function Solve(ByVal input As Integer(,)) As IEnumerable(Of Tuple(Of String, Char, Integer))
Dim matches As New List(Of Tuple(Of String, Char, Integer))
Dim result As Tuple(Of Boolean, Tuple(Of String, Char, Integer))
Dim test As Integer(,)
Dim maxX = input.GetUpperBound(0) - 1
Dim maxY = input.GetUpperBound(1) - 1
For x = 0 To maxX
For y = 0 To maxY
ReDim test(If(maxX - x > 4, 3, maxX - x), If(maxY - y > 4, 3, maxY - y))
For x1 = x To x + test.GetLength(0) - 1
For y1 = y To y + test.GetLength(1) - 1
test(x1 - x, y1 - y) = input(y1, x1)
'check if the result is a match
For Each result In {IsMatchOnThird(test), IsMatchOnSecond(test), IsMatchOnFirst(test)} '<-- Updated Line
If result.Item1 = True Then
Dim matchPoint = Tuple.Create(CInt(result.Item2.Item1.Split(","c)(0)),
matches.Add(Tuple.Create(GetColumnName(matchPoint.Item1 + x + 1) & CStr(matchPoint.Item2 + y + 1),
result.Item2.Item2, result.Item2.Item3))
End If
Return RemoveDuplicates(matches)
End Function
Public Function GetColumnName(ByVal colIndex As Integer) As String
Dim result As New List(Of String)
Do While colIndex > 0
result.Insert(0, Chr(65 + CInt((colIndex - 1) Mod 26)))
colIndex = (colIndex - 1) \ 26
Return String.Join("", result.ToArray)
End Function
Function RemoveDuplicates(ByVal list As IEnumerable(Of Tuple(Of String, Char, Integer))) As IEnumerable(Of Tuple(Of String, Char, Integer))
'remove those where gems and swap direction are the same
Dim l = (From i In list Order By i.Item3 Descending, i.Item1, i.Item2).ToList
For i = l.Count - 1 To 1 Step -1
If (l(i).Item1 = l(i - 1).Item1) AndAlso (l(i).Item2 = l(i - 1).Item2) Then
End If
l = (From i In list Order By i.Item1, i.Item3 Descending).ToList
For i = l.Count - 1 To 1 Step -1
If (l(i).Item1 = l(i - 1).Item1) AndAlso (l(i).Item2 = l(i - 1).Item2) Then
End If
Return From i In l Order By i.Item3 Descending, i.Item1
End Function
Function IsMatchOnThird(ByVal input As Integer(,)) As Tuple(Of Boolean, Tuple(Of String, Char, Integer))
Dim size = Math.Min(input.GetLength(0), 4).ToString & "C," & Math.Min(input.GetLength(1), 4).ToString & "R"
Dim i = input
Dim isValid = Function(test As Integer()) test.All(Function(v) v = test(0))
Select Case size
Case "4C,4R"
If isValid({i(0, 0), i(0, 1), i(1, 2)}) Then
Return Tuple.Create(True, Tuple.Create("1,2", "L"c, If(isValid({i(0, 0), i(0, 3)}), 4, 3)))
ElseIf isValid({i(1, 0), i(1, 1), i(0, 2)}) Then
Return Tuple.Create(True, Tuple.Create("0,2", "R"c, If(isValid({i(1, 0), i(1, 3)}), 4, 3)))
ElseIf isValid({i(0, 0), i(1, 0), i(2, 1)}) Then
Return Tuple.Create(True, Tuple.Create("2,1", "U"c, If(isValid({i(0, 1), i(3, 0)}), 4, 3)))
ElseIf isValid({i(0, 1), i(1, 1), i(2, 0)}) Then
Return Tuple.Create(True, Tuple.Create("2,0", "D"c, If(isValid({i(0, 1), i(3, 1)}), 4, 3)))
End If
Case "4C,3R"
If isValid({i(0, 0), i(0, 1), i(1, 2)}) Then
Return Tuple.Create(True, Tuple.Create("1,2", "L"c, 3))
ElseIf isValid({i(1, 0), i(1, 1), i(0, 2)}) Then
Return Tuple.Create(True, Tuple.Create("0,2", "R"c, 3))
ElseIf isValid({i(0, 0), i(1, 0), i(2, 1)}) Then
Return Tuple.Create(True, Tuple.Create("2,1", "U"c, If(isValid({i(0, 1), i(3, 0)}), 4, 3)))
ElseIf isValid({i(0, 1), i(1, 1), i(2, 0)}) Then
Return Tuple.Create(True, Tuple.Create("2,0", "D"c, If(isValid({i(0, 1), i(3, 1)}), 4, 3)))
End If
Case "4C,2R"
If isValid({i(0, 0), i(1, 0), i(2, 1)}) Then
Return Tuple.Create(True, Tuple.Create("2,1", "U"c, If(isValid({i(0, 1), i(3, 0)}), 4, 3)))
ElseIf isValid({i(0, 1), i(1, 1), i(2, 0)}) Then
Return Tuple.Create(True, Tuple.Create("2,0", "D"c, If(isValid({i(0, 1), i(3, 1)}), 4, 3)))
End If
Case "3C,4R"
If isValid({i(0, 0), i(0, 1), i(1, 2)}) Then
Return Tuple.Create(True, Tuple.Create("1,2", "L"c, If(isValid({i(0, 0), i(0, 3)}), 4, 3)))
ElseIf isValid({i(1, 0), i(1, 1), i(0, 2)}) Then
Return Tuple.Create(True, Tuple.Create("0,2", "R"c, If(isValid({i(1, 0), i(1, 3)}), 4, 3)))
ElseIf isValid({i(0, 0), i(1, 0), i(2, 1)}) Then
Return Tuple.Create(True, Tuple.Create("2,1", "U"c, 3))
ElseIf isValid({i(0, 1), i(1, 1), i(2, 0)}) Then
Return Tuple.Create(True, Tuple.Create("2,0", "D"c, 3))
End If
Case "3C,3R"
If isValid({i(0, 0), i(0, 1), i(1, 2)}) Then
Return Tuple.Create(True, Tuple.Create("1,2", "L"c, 3))
ElseIf isValid({i(1, 0), i(1, 1), i(0, 2)}) Then
Return Tuple.Create(True, Tuple.Create("0,2", "R"c, 3))
ElseIf isValid({i(0, 0), i(1, 0), i(2, 1)}) Then
Return Tuple.Create(True, Tuple.Create("2,1", "U"c, 3))
ElseIf isValid({i(0, 1), i(1, 1), i(2, 0)}) Then
Return Tuple.Create(True, Tuple.Create("2,0", "D"c, 3))
End If
Case "3C,2R"
If isValid({i(0, 0), i(1, 0), i(2, 1)}) Then
Return Tuple.Create(True, Tuple.Create("2,1", "U"c, 3))
ElseIf isValid({i(0, 1), i(1, 1), i(2, 0)}) Then
Return Tuple.Create(True, Tuple.Create("2,0", "D"c, 3))
End If
Case "2C,4R"
If isValid({i(0, 0), i(0, 1), i(1, 1)}) Then
Return Tuple.Create(True, Tuple.Create("1,1", "L"c, If(isValid({i(0, 1), i(0, 3)}), 4, 3)))
ElseIf isValid({i(1, 0), i(1, 1), i(0, 2)}) Then
Return Tuple.Create(True, Tuple.Create("0,2", "R"c, If(isValid({i(1, 0), i(1, 3)}), 4, 3)))
End If
Case "2C,3R"
If isValid({i(0, 0), i(0, 1), i(1, 1)}) Then
Return Tuple.Create(True, Tuple.Create("1,1", "L"c, 3))
ElseIf isValid({i(1, 0), i(1, 1), i(0, 2)}) Then
Return Tuple.Create(True, Tuple.Create("0,2", "R"c, 3))
End If
End Select
Return Tuple.Create(False, Tuple.Create("None", "."c, 0))
End Function
Function IsMatchOnSecond(ByVal input As Integer(,)) As Tuple(Of Boolean, Tuple(Of String, Char, Integer))
Dim i = input
Dim isValid = Function(test As Integer()) test.All(Function(v) v = test(0))
Dim xLength = input.GetLength(0)
Dim yLength = input.GetLength(1)
If xLength >= 3 AndAlso yLength >= 3 Then
If isValid({i(0, 0), i(1, 1), i(0, 2)}) Then
Return Tuple.Create(True, Tuple.Create("1,1", "L"c, 3))
ElseIf isValid({i(1, 0), i(2, 1), i(1, 2)}) Then
Return Tuple.Create(True, Tuple.Create("2,1", "L"c, 3))
ElseIf isValid({i(1, 0), i(0, 1), i(1, 2)}) Then
Return Tuple.Create(True, Tuple.Create("0,1", "R"c, 3))
ElseIf isValid({i(2, 0), i(1, 1), i(2, 2)}) Then
Return Tuple.Create(True, Tuple.Create("1,1", "R"c, 3))
ElseIf isValid({i(0, 0), i(1, 1), i(2, 0)}) Then
Return Tuple.Create(True, Tuple.Create("1,1", "U"c, 3))
ElseIf isValid({i(0, 1), i(1, 2), i(2, 1)}) Then
Return Tuple.Create(True, Tuple.Create("1,2", "U"c, 3))
ElseIf isValid({i(0, 2), i(1, 1), i(2, 2)}) Then
Return Tuple.Create(True, Tuple.Create("1,1", "D"c, 3))
ElseIf isValid({i(0, 1), i(1, 0), i(2, 1)}) Then
Return Tuple.Create(True, Tuple.Create("1,0", "D"c, 3))
End If
End If
Return Tuple.Create(False, Tuple.Create("None", "."c, 0))
End Function
Private Function IsMatchOnFirst(ByVal input As Integer(,)) As Tuple(Of Boolean, Tuple(Of String, Char, Integer)) '<-- New method
Dim i = input
Dim isValid = Function(test As Integer()) test.All(Function(v) v = test(0))
Dim xLength = input.GetLength(0)
Dim yLength = input.GetLength(1)
If xLength >= 3 AndAlso yLength >= 3 Then
If isValid({i(0, 0), i(1, 1), i(1, 2)}) Then
Return Tuple.Create(True, Tuple.Create("0,0", "R"c, 3))
ElseIf isValid({i(1, 0), i(2, 1), i(2, 2)}) Then
Return Tuple.Create(True, Tuple.Create("1,0", "R"c, 3))
ElseIf isValid({i(2, 0), i(1, 1), i(1, 2)}) Then
Return Tuple.Create(True, Tuple.Create("2,0", "L"c, 3))
ElseIf isValid({i(1, 0), i(0, 1), i(0, 2)}) Then
Return Tuple.Create(True, Tuple.Create("1,0", "L"c, 3))
ElseIf isValid({i(0, 0), i(1, 1), i(2, 1)}) Then
Return Tuple.Create(True, Tuple.Create("0,0", "D"c, 3))
ElseIf isValid({i(0, 1), i(1, 2), i(2, 2)}) Then
Return Tuple.Create(True, Tuple.Create("0,1", "D"c, 3))
ElseIf isValid({i(0, 1), i(1, 0), i(2, 0)}) Then
Return Tuple.Create(True, Tuple.Create("0,1", "U"c, 3))
ElseIf isValid({i(0, 2), i(1, 1), i(2, 1)}) Then
Return Tuple.Create(True, Tuple.Create("0,2", "U"c, 3))
End If
End If
Return Tuple.Create(False, Tuple.Create("None", "."c, 0))
End Function
End Module
顺便说一句: 我从 StackOverflow 上的一个问题将其从 C# 转换为 VB.NET。
Imports System.Collections.Generic
Public Class Tuple(Of T1, T2, T3)
Inherits Tuple(Of T1, T2)
Implements IEqualityComparer(Of Tuple(Of T1, T2, T3))
Private _third As T3
Public Sub New(ByVal item1 As T1, ByVal item2 As T2, ByVal item3 As T3)
MyBase.New(item1, item2)
_third = item3
End Sub
Public Property Item3() As T3
Return _third
End Get
Private Set(ByVal value As T3)
_third = value
End Set
End Property
Public Overloads Function Equals(ByVal x As Tuple(Of T1, T2, T3), ByVal y As Tuple(Of T1, T2, T3)) As Boolean Implements IEqualityComparer(Of Tuple(Of T1, T2, T3)).Equals
Return EqualityComparer(Of T1).[Default].Equals(x.Item1, y.Item1) AndAlso EqualityComparer(Of T2).[Default].Equals(x.Item2, y.Item2) AndAlso EqualityComparer(Of T3).[Default].Equals(x.Item3, y.Item3)
End Function
Public Overrides Function Equals(ByVal obj As Object) As Boolean
Return TypeOf obj Is Tuple(Of T1, T2, T3) AndAlso Equals(Me, DirectCast(obj, Tuple(Of T1, T2, T3)))
End Function
Public Overloads Function GetHashCode(ByVal obj As Tuple(Of T1, T2, T3)) As Integer Implements IEqualityComparer(Of Tuple(Of T1, T2, T3)).GetHashCode
Return EqualityComparer(Of T1).[Default].GetHashCode(Item1) Xor EqualityComparer(Of T2).[Default].GetHashCode(Item2) Xor EqualityComparer(Of T3).[Default].GetHashCode(Item3)
End Function
Public Shared Shadows Operator =(ByVal left As Tuple(Of T1, T2, T3), ByVal right As Tuple(Of T1, T2, T3)) As Boolean
If DirectCast(left, Object) Is Nothing AndAlso DirectCast(right, Object) Is Nothing Then
Return True
End If
Return left.Equals(right)
End Operator
Public Shared Shadows Operator <>(ByVal left As Tuple(Of T1, T2, T3), ByVal right As Tuple(Of T1, T2, T3)) As Boolean
If DirectCast(left, Object) Is Nothing AndAlso DirectCast(right, Object) Is Nothing Then
Return False
End If
Return Not left.Equals(right)
End Operator
End Class
Public Class Tuple(Of T1, T2)
Implements IEqualityComparer(Of Tuple(Of T1, T2))
Public Property Item1() As T1
Return _first
End Get
Private Set(ByVal value As T1)
_first = value
End Set
End Property
Private _first As T1
Public Property Item2() As T2
Return _second
End Get
Private Set(ByVal value As T2)
_second = value
End Set
End Property
Private _second As T2
Public Sub New(ByVal item1 As T1, ByVal item2 As T2)
_first = item1
_second = item2
End Sub
Public Overloads Function Equals(ByVal x As Tuple(Of T1, T2), ByVal y As Tuple(Of T1, T2)) As Boolean Implements IEqualityComparer(Of Tuple(Of T1, T2)).Equals
Return EqualityComparer(Of T1).[Default].Equals(x.Item1, y.Item1) AndAlso EqualityComparer(Of T2).[Default].Equals(x.Item2, y.Item2)
End Function
Public Overrides Function Equals(ByVal obj As Object) As Boolean
Return TypeOf obj Is Tuple(Of T1, T2) AndAlso Equals(Me, DirectCast(obj, Tuple(Of T1, T2)))
End Function
Public Overloads Function GetHashCode(ByVal obj As Tuple(Of T1, T2)) As Integer Implements IEqualityComparer(Of Tuple(Of T1, T2)).GetHashCode
Return EqualityComparer(Of T1).[Default].GetHashCode(Item1) Xor EqualityComparer(Of T2).[Default].GetHashCode(Item2)
End Function
Public Shared Operator =(ByVal left As Tuple(Of T1, T2), ByVal right As Tuple(Of T1, T2)) As Boolean
If DirectCast(left, Object) Is Nothing AndAlso DirectCast(right, Object) Is Nothing Then
Return True
End If
Return left.Equals(right)
End Operator
Public Shared Operator <>(ByVal left As Tuple(Of T1, T2), ByVal right As Tuple(Of T1, T2)) As Boolean
If DirectCast(left, Object) Is Nothing AndAlso DirectCast(right, Object) Is Nothing Then
Return False
End If
Return Not left.Equals(right)
End Operator
End Class
Public MustInherit Class Tuple
<DebuggerStepThrough()> _
Public Shared Function Create(Of T1, T2)(ByVal first As T1, ByVal second As T2) As Tuple(Of T1, T2)
Return New Tuple(Of T1, T2)(first, second)
End Function
<DebuggerStepThrough()> _
Public Shared Function Create(Of T1, T2, T3)(ByVal first As T1, ByVal second As T2, ByVal third As T3) As Tuple(Of T1, T2, T3)
Return New Tuple(Of T1, T2, T3)(first, second, third)
End Function
End Class
INPUT: | A B C D E F G H---+------------------------ 1| 1 3 2 4 1 1 2 1 2| 1 2 5 3 2 1 3 4 3| 2 1 5 4 3 2 5 4 4| 3 5 1 5 2 4 1 2 5| 4 2 5 1 5 2 4 2 6| 2 3 2 2 5 1 3 1 7| 2 1 5 4 3 2 5 4 8| 3 5 1 3 2 4 1 2SOLUTION:Move B4 R for a match of 4Move D4 L for a match of 4Move B3 L for a match of 3Move B5 D for a match of 3Move C3 D for a match of 3Move C5 U for a match of 3Move D4 D for a match of 3Move E4 R for a match of 3Move F3 L for a match of 3
求解器似乎无法在第一个 gem 上找到匹配项(请参见下面的示例)。
5, 2, 52, 5, 31, 5, 4
我现在已经解决了。现在有一个 IsMatchOnFirst()
关于vb.net - gem 游戏步骤计算,换句话说一些数学,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/5139358/
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这是我的code : &n
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我参与了一个项目,需要向我的一位同事提供生产数据的子集(日期范围),以进行故障排除。我想将经过清理的生产数据子集插入新的数据库表中我的同事可以访问。请提出实现此目标的最佳方法。 最佳答案 最简单的方法
我有这样的场景: 鉴于我去这个页面 当我输入 cucumber 时 然后我点击 然后我应该看到文字 我不应该看到这条线 如果我运行这个场景,它将执行所有 5 个步骤。但是我想跳过第4步(然后我应该看到
是否有任何功能可以避免 m 文件的绘图输出? 我的意思是我在文件的开头放置了一个函数(如 clc),然后所有绘图函数都被阻止。 最佳答案 您可以使用自己的(嵌套在您的函数内或同一目录中)重载内置绘图函
我是小 cucumber 语言的新手,这在我看来是非常基本的问题,但我找不到答案。 我知道可以在 Gherking 中编写多行步骤参数,如下所示: Given a blog post named "R
即使其中一个步骤失败,有没有办法继续执行 Cucumber Steps。在我当前的设置中,当一个步骤失败时, cucumber 会跳过剩余的步骤......我想知道是否有某种方法可以设置 cucumb
start-step-stop 码是一种数据压缩技术,用于压缩相对较小的数字。 该代码的工作原理如下:它具有三个参数,start、step 和 stop。 Start 确定用于计算前几个数字的位数。