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我正在尝试使用 Bresenham's Line Drawing Algorithm在 20x20 的瓷砖网格上画一条线。
所以基本上,当变量 deltaerror(来自 wiki)大于 1(当 y 的变化大于 x 的变化)时,y 值几乎变成它应该的两倍。希望我在代码的注释中更好地解释它。我还认为我找到了错误的根源,我也会在评论中对此进行解释。
public static void drawLine(Tile t1, Tile t2) {
int dx = t2.x_index - t1.x_index;
int dy = t2.y_index - t1.y_index;
double error = 0;
double d_error = Math.abs((double) dy / dx); // dx =/= 0, therefore no vertical lines
// when d_error is greater than 1, the bug occurs
int y = t1.y_index;
if (d_error <= 1) { // if related acute angle is < 45 degrees
if (dx < 0) { // line drawn towards left side of screen
for (int x=t1.x_index; x>=t2.x_index; x--) {
error += d_error;
while (error >= 0.5) {
y += dy > 0 ? +1 : -1;// this is where I think the error occurs. In the
// wiki for the algorithm, this should be some
// function sign(T) which "decides whether t is
// positive or negative". I wasn't really sure
// what this meant, so I just assumed it returned
// -1 if it was negative and +1 if it was positive.
// Also it's the only place where y is edited
// that seems to be where the error is occurring.
error -= 1.0;
} else if (dx > 0) { // line drawn towards right side of screen
for (int x=t1.x_index; x<=t2.x_index; x++) {
error += d_error;
while (error >= 0.5) {
y += dy > 0 ? +1 : -1;
error -= 1.0;
// update: switched x and y values when d_error is greater than 1.
} else { // if related acute angle is > 45 degrees
dx = t2.y_index - t1.y_index; // switch x and y values
dy = t2.x_index - t1.x_index;
d_error = Math.abs((double) dy / dx); // recalculate d_error
y = t1.x_index;
if (dx < 0) { // line drawn towards left side of screen
for (int x=t1.y_index; x>=t2.y_index; x--) {
error += d_error;
while (error >= 0.5) {
y += dy > 0 ? +1 : -1;
error -= 1.0;
} else if (dx > 0) { // line drawn towards right side of screen
for (int x=t1.y_index; x<=t2.y_index; x++) {
error += d_error;
while (error >= 0.5) {
y += dy > 0 ? +1 : -1;
error -= 1.0;
编辑:当 d_error 大于 1 时切换 x 和 y 值。当斜率高于 1 且低于 -1 时,该线消失。
“如果斜率大于 1 或小于 -1,我们必须采用之前的实现并交换所有 x 和 y 值以将计算“移动”回“第一八分圆”。”
IOW:bresenham 的教科书实现仅适用于具有(用您的话来说)d_error<=1
关于java - Bresenham 的画线算法的错误,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/34686893/
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