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php - 可变产品选择器 : Getting the live selected values

转载 作者:塔克拉玛干 更新时间:2023-11-03 06:07:42 27 4
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在 WooCommerce 中,使用以下代码在简单和可变产品的产品价格后添加自定义标签:

add_filter('woocommerce_variation_price_html','prices_custom_labels', 10, 2    );
add_filter('woocommerce_price_html','prices_custom_labels', 10, 2 );
function prices_custom_labels( $price, $product ){

// Set HERE your custom labels names
$per_dozen = ' '. __('per dozen', 'woocommerce' );
$per_case = ' '. __('per case (20 dozens)', 'woocommerce' );

// 1) Variable products
if ($product->product_type != 'simple' && $product->variation_id ) {

// Getting the array of existing attributes values for a variation
$variation_attribute_value = $product->variation_data;
// Here we keep only the last value in this array
$last_variation_attribute_slug_value = ' ' . end($variation_attribute_value);

// Finding the word 'case' in the attribute value slug
$has_case = strstr($last_variation_attribute_slug_value, 'case');

// Setting the right displayed label depending on attribute value slug
if( $has_case )
$attribute_quantity_name_value = $per_case;
$attribute_quantity_name_value = $per_dozen;

// Here the output price + custom label
$price = '<ins class="highlight">'.woocommerce_price( $product- >regular_price ).$attribute_quantity_name_value.'</ins>';
// 2) Simple products
// Here the output price + custom default label
$price = '<ins class="highlight">'.woocommerce_price( $product- >regular_price ).$per_dozen.'</ins>';
return $price;



  • 如果选择的值为“Dozen”,我需要在实时价格“per dozen”之后显示,
  • 如果选择的值为“Case(20打)”,我需要在实时价格后显示“每箱(20打)”。


enter image description here

在我的网站上检查这个问题specific product page

So I would need to get the attribute "quantity" selected value to append the right label to the live price.



实现此功能的唯一方法是使用 Javascript/jQuery,但它很复杂,因为 WooCommerce 已经在其上运行了一些 Javascript/Ajax 代码。

首先,不可能检测选择器上选定的客户选择,因为 WooCommerce 删除了 "selected"来自 <option> 的属性html 标签。

Once customer have make a complete selection (so choosed one variation from this variable product), Woocommerce add the corresponding variation ID value in a hidden <imput> html field and display the corresponding price.

Our PHP code pass to javascript an array of the variations IDs for this variable product, with the corresponding value of the "quantity" attribute for each of them.

Then we can use the "on blur" javascript event on the <select> html tags to get that hidden variation ID value and then append the price with the right "label".


add_action( 'woocommerce_after_add_to_cart_form', 'custom_get_variations_js' );
function custom_get_variations_js() {
global $product;

// Set HERE your "quantity" attribute slug
$attribute_qty_slug = 'pa_quantity';
$attribute_qty_slug_key = 'attribute_'.$attribute_qty_slug;

foreach($product->get_available_variations() as $values){
$attribute_qty_slug_value = $values['attributes'][$attribute_qty_slug_key];
$attribute_qty_name_value = get_term_by( 'slug', $attribute_qty_slug_value, $attribute_qty_slug );
$variations_id_arr[$values['variation_id']] = __(' per ', 'woocommerce' ) . strtolower($attribute_qty_name_value->name);

var $attributes;
// Passing the product variations attributes array to javascript
$js_array = json_encode($variations_id_arr);
echo 'var $variationsIdsAttr = '. $js_array ;
$('td.value select').blur(function() {
var $variationId = $('input[name="variation_id"]').val();
if (typeof $variationId !== 'undefined' ){
for(key in $variationsIdsAttr){
if( key == $variationId ){
$attributes = $variationsIdsAttr[key];
if ( typeof $attributes !== 'undefined' ){
$('.woocommerce-variation-price .woocommerce-Price-amount.amount').append( $attributes );

然后我们需要更改您现有的代码以避免在此特定变量产品上显示第二个自定义标签(在第一个 Hook 函数中):

add_filter('woocommerce_variation_price_html','prices_custom_labels', 10, 2 );
add_filter('woocommerce_price_html','prices_custom_labels', 10, 2 );
function prices_custom_labels( $price, $product ){

// Custom label name
$per_dozen = ' '. __('per dozen', 'woocommerce' );

// Set HERE your "quantity" attribute slug
$attribute_qty_slug = 'pa_quantity';

$attribute_qty_slug_key = 'attribute_'.$attribute_qty_slug;
$append_label = '';

// 1) Variable products
if ($product->product_type != 'simple' && $product->variation_id ) {

// Getting the attribute "quantity" value
$attribute_qty_is_set = $product->variation_data[$attribute_qty_slug_key];
echo '<pre>'; print_r($product->variation_data[$attribute_qty_slug_key]); echo '</pre>';

// if "quantity" not set we display " per dozen"
if( ! $attribute_qty_is_set )
$append_label = $per_dozen;

// Outputed price + custom label
$price = '<ins class="highlight">'.woocommerce_price( $product->regular_price ).$append_label.'</ins>';
// 2) Simple products
// Here the output price + custom default label
$price = '<ins class="highlight">'.woocommerce_price( $product->regular_price ).$per_dozen.'</ins>';
return $price;

add_filter('woocommerce_variable_price_html', 'prices_custom_labels_min_max', 20, 2);
function prices_custom_labels_min_max( $price, $product) {

// Custom label name
$per_dozen = ' '. __('per dozen', 'woocommerce' );
$per_case = ' '. __('per case', 'woocommerce' );

// Set HERE your quantity attribute slug
$attribute_qty_slug = 'pa_quantity';

// Getting the min and max variations prices
$variation_min_reg_price = $product->get_variation_regular_price('min', true);
$variation_max_reg_price = $product->get_variation_regular_price('max', true);
$variation_reg_price = $product->get_variation_regular_price();

if( $variation_min_reg_price == $variation_max_reg_price )
$price = '<ins class="highlight">'.woocommerce_price($variation_reg_price) . $per_dozen . '</ins>';
if( !in_array( $attribute_qty_slug, array_keys( $product->get_attributes() ) ) )
$price = '<ins class="highlight">' . woocommerce_price($variation_min_reg_price) . $per_dozen . ' - ' . woocommerce_price($variation_max_reg_price) . $per_dozen . '</ins>';
$price = '<ins class="highlight">' . woocommerce_price($variation_min_reg_price) . $per_dozen . ' - ' . woocommerce_price($variation_max_reg_price) . $per_case . '</ins>';
// print_r($product->get_attributes());
return $price;

代码进入您活跃的子主题(或主题)的 function.php 文件或任何插件文件。


关于php - 可变产品选择器 : Getting the live selected values,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:

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