gpt4 book ai didi

python - 内存蛋花

转载 作者:塔克拉玛干 更新时间:2023-11-03 06:06:46 26 4
gpt4 key购买 nike

我正在努力理解基于鸡蛋掉落问题的以下代码行。特别是,我无法理解 memo_cyclic 函数。您能向我解释一下 *args 的作用吗,以及 decorator 在此设置中的工作原理吗? f_memo.__name__ = f.__name__ 有什么作用?为什么当我删除上面的行并包括 @memo_cyclic 时,程序会返回错误?

def memo_cyclic(f_cycle):
def decorator(f):
cache = {}
def f_memo(*args):
args = tuple(args)
if args not in cache:
cache[args] = f_cycle(*args)
cache[args] = f(*args)
return cache[args]
f_memo.__name__ = f.__name__
return f_memo
return decorator

fail = float("infinity")

@memo_cyclic(lambda *args: fail)
def f(n, lo, hi, fl=0, dr=0):
if lo == hi:
return 0 # only one floor is possible
if n+dr == 0:
return fail # out of eggs
if fl == 0:
n, dr = n+dr, 0 # pick up any dropped eggs
return 1 + min(f(n, lo, hi, fl-1, dr) if fl > 0 else fail, # go down one floor
f(n, lo, hi, fl+1, dr) if fl < hi else fail, # go up one floor
max(f(n-1, lo, fl, fl, dr), # drop egg (broken)
f(n-1, fl+1, hi, fl, dr+1)) # drop egg (unbroken)
if n > 0 and lo <= fl < hi else fail)

import sys

print [f(n, 0, n) for n in range(20)]
print [f(1, 0, n) for n in range(20)]
print f(2, 0, 99)


这在任何关于装饰器的优秀教程中都有解释。例如 .


def some_function (...):


def some_function (...):

some_function = decorator(some_function)


def some_function (...):


def some_function (...):

some_function = complex_decorator(stuff)(some_function)

所以complex_decorator需要是一个返回函数的函数。它返回的函数需要接受一个函数并返回一个新函数! (是的,这应该会让你在头几次遇到它时头晕目眩。但这都是合乎逻辑的。)


# 1) This is a recursive cache that will avoid repeated work and
# also replace infinite cycles with a failure value that is
# f_cycle(whatever, the, arguments, were)
def memo_cyclic(f_cycle):
# 3) decorator will take our original function, and returns the
# replacement. By possibly confusing coincidence, the
# function was originally called f before (global namespace)
# and is locally called f here in scope. But it would work
# just fine if we locally called it g.
def decorator(f):
# 5) cache will have the values that we have produced
# before so that we can return them instead of
# having to calculate them a second time. This trick
# is called "memoizing"
cache = {}
# 6) f_memo will be our replacement for f. Note that *args
# here just means, "Turn whatever list of arguments we got
# before into an array."
def f_memo(*args):
# 9) A tuple is the same as an array except that it can't
# change. Because it can't change, Python will let us
# use it as the key to a dictionary.
args = tuple(args)
# 10) And now we check if the tuple is in the cache. If
# we have received this set of arguments before, the
# cache will be filled and we skip this. Else we have
# work to do.
if args not in cache:
# 11) We set the value to return upon hitting an
# infinite loop. Note that *args here means
# "turn a list back into a list of arguments
# before calling the function".
cache[args] = f_cycle(*args)
# 12) And now we recursively do the original
# calculation. Note that when f calls itself
# recursively, it will call what is bound to
# the name f. Which will _actually_ be the
# function f_memo. Which means that if it
# WOULD have gone into an infinite loop, it
# will INSTEAD return the failure value. (In
# our case, infinity.)
cache[args] = f(*args)
# 13) And whether we just calculated it, or had it
# from before, the answer should be cache[args].
return cache[args]

# 7) As a nicety, we make f_memo report itself as whatever
# name f had for itself. This will, for example, make
# stack backtraces look nicer.
f_memo.__name__ = f.__name__

# 8) Returning f_memo here with f_cycle and the old f
# bound to it tells Python to make it become the new f.
return f_memo

# 4) Returning decorator here with f_cycle already bound is what
# tells python to replace f with decorator(f).
return decorator

fail = float("infinity")

# 2) f_cycle will be a function that takes any arguments and
# returns infinity.
@memo_cyclic(lambda *args: fail)
def f (...)

关于python - 内存蛋花,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:

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