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python - twiddle 优化器的域?

转载 作者:塔克拉玛干 更新时间:2023-11-03 05:58:46 25 4
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我正在努力弄清楚如何在参数优化方法上设置界限(最小/最大)。 Twiddle是优化算法: .我怎样才能确保 p(参数)保持在某个域内?下面是我在 Python 中的 Twiddle 实现:

def twiddle(objFunction, args, init=0.5, tolerance=0.00001, domain=(0,float("inf"))):
"""Optimize a single parameter given an objective function.

This is a local hill-climbing algorithm. Here is a simple description of it:

@param args (tuple) Arguments necessary for the objective function.

@param tolerance (float) Number used to determine when optimization has
converged to a sufficiently good score.

@param objFunction(function)Objective Function used to quantify how good a
particular parameter choice is.

@param init (float) Initial value of the parameter.

@param domain (tuple) Domain of parameter values, as (min, max).

@return (dict) Contains:
"parameter" (float) Threshold that returns the largest score from the
Objective function.

"score" (float) The score from the objective function given the
pastCalls = {}
x = init
delta = 0.1
bestScore = objFunction(x, args)

pastCalls[x] = bestScore

while delta > tolerance: #and x >= domain[0]+tolerance and x <= domain[1]-tolerance:
x += delta

if x not in pastCalls:
score = objFunction(x, args)
pastCalls[x] = score

score = pastCalls[x]

if score > bestScore:
bestScore = score
delta *= 2

x -= 2*delta

if x not in pastCalls:
score = objFunction(x, args)
pastCalls[x] = score

score = pastCalls[x]

if score > bestScore:
bestScore = score
delta *= 2
x += delta
delta *= 0.5

print "Parameter:", x
print "Best score:", bestScore
print "delta:", delta

return {"parameter": x,
"score": bestScore}

例如我想将正弦函数作为 objFunction 运行,但域设置为 [0, 2*pi]。


明白了!与@AlexMartelli 的评论类似,该算法需要防止每次递增/递减 x 时越界。为了保持爬山算法的核心功能,步长 delta 必须调整为当前位置与外边界之间距离的一半。这样,算法仍然倾向于向边界方向移动,如果最大值在边界处,则可以到达那里,并且可以在必要时从边界移回。代码如下:

def twiddle(objFunction, args, init=0.5, tolerance=0.00001, domain=(float("-inf"), float("inf"))):
"""Optimize a single parameter given an objective function.

This is a local hill-climbing algorithm. Here is a simple description of it:

@param args (tuple) Arguments necessary for the objective function.

@param tolerance (float) Number used to determine when optimization has
converged to a sufficiently good score.

@param objFunction(function)Objective Function used to quantify how good a
particular parameter choice is.

@param init (float) Initial value of the parameter.

@param domain (tuple) Domain of parameter values, as (min, max).

@return (dict) Contains:
"parameter" (float) Threshold that returns the largest score from the
Objective function.

"score" (float) The score from the objective function given the
pastCalls = {}
x = init
delta = 0.1
bestScore = objFunction(x, args)

pastCalls[x] = bestScore

while delta > tolerance:

# Keep x within bounds
if x+delta > domain[1]:
delta = abs(domain[1] - x) / 2
x += delta

if x not in pastCalls:
score = objFunction(x, args)
pastCalls[x] = score

score = pastCalls[x]

if score > bestScore:
bestScore = score
delta *= 2

# Keep x within bounds
if x-delta < domain[0]:
delta = abs(domain[0] - x) / 2
x -= 2*delta

if x not in pastCalls:
score = objFunction(x, args)
pastCalls[x] = score

score = pastCalls[x]

if score > bestScore:
bestScore = score
delta *= 2
x += delta
delta *= 0.5

print "Parameter:", x
print "Best score:", bestScore
print "Step size:", delta

return {"parameter": x,
"score": bestScore}

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