- iOS/Objective-C 元类和类别
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给出的粒子系统pos = [x1, y1, z1,
x2, y2, z2,
xn, yn , zn]
我想旋转系统,使第一个粒子移动到原点,即 x1 = 0 , y1 =0 , z1=0,第二个粒子移动到 z 轴,即新坐标 x2 = 0, y2 = 0, z2 = new z2, 最后第三个粒子移动到yz平面,即x3=0, y3 = new y3, z3 = new z3。重要的是所有粒子之间的距离必须保持不变。
我尝试使用 Givens Rotation用于将我上面指定的坐标归零,但此方法会改变粒子之间的距离。我正在用 Fortran 90 编码。
SUBROUTINE constraint(pos)
REAL(KIND=dp) :: r1, r2
REAL(KIND=dp), DIMENSION(3,3) :: rotMatrix
! Translating the whole system so that the first particle at the origin
IF(pos(1,1) .NE. 0.0d0) THEN
pos(:,1) = pos(:,1) - pos(1,1)
IF(pos(1,2) .NE. 0.0d0) THEN
pos(:,2) = pos(:,2) - pos(1,2)
IF(pos(1,3) .NE. 0.0d0) THEN
pos(:,3) = pos(:,3) - pos(1,3)
! First rotation: Roates the whole system so that the second particle is on
! the z-axis
IF(pos(2,1) .NE. 0.0d0 .OR. pos(2,2) .NE. 0.0d0) THEN
r1 = NORM2(pos(2,:))
r2 = NORM2(pos(2,1:2))
r2 = r2*r2
rotMatrix(1,1) = ( pos(2,2)*pos(2,2) + ( pos(2,1) * pos(2,1) * pos(2,3) ) /r1 ) / r2
rotMatrix(1,2) = pos(2,1)* pos(2,2) * (-1.0d0 + pos(2,3)/r1) / r2
rotMatrix(1,3) = - pos(2,1) / r1
rotMatrix(2,1) = rotMatrix(1,2)
rotMatrix(2,2) = ( pos(2,1)*pos(2,1) + ( pos(2,2) * pos(2,2) * pos(2,3) ) /r1 ) / r2
rotMatrix(2,3) = - pos(2,2) / r1
rotMatrix(3,1) = pos(2,1) / r1
rotMatrix(3,2) = pos(2,2) / r1
rotMatrix(3,3) = pos(2,3) / r1
pos = MATMUL( pos, TRANSPOSE(rotMatrix) )
! Second rotation: Roates the whole system around the z-axis so that the
! third particle is on the zy-plane
! the z-axis
IF( pos(3,1) .NE. 0.0d0 ) THEN
r1 = NORM2(pos(3,1:2))
rotMatrix(1,1) = pos(3,2) / r1
rotMatrix(1,2) = - pos(3,1) / r1
rotMatrix(1,3) = 0.0d0
rotMatrix(2,1) = pos(3,1) / r1
rotMatrix(2,2) = - pos(3,2) / r1
rotMatrix(2,3) = 0.0d0
rotMatrix(3,1) = 0.0d0
rotMatrix(3,2) = 0.0d0
rotMatrix(3,3) = 1.0d0
pos = MATMUL( pos, TRANSPOSE(rotMatrix) )
在我写答案时,您已经包含了您的代码,它似乎是基于刚体旋转的。因为我下面的代码也是基于刚体旋转的,所以就不详细解释了;所以请在必要时比较这两个代码(仅供引用,在我的例子中,我执行顺序 Rz -> Ry -> Rz 旋转,由欧拉角定义)。
program rotation
implicit none
integer, parameter :: N = 10, x=1, y=2, z=3
real, parameter :: pi = acos(-1.0)
real :: pos( 3, N ), alpha, beta, gamma, phi, ref( 3 ), rot(3,3)
integer i
!> Initial coordinates.
do i = 1, N
phi = 2.0 * pi / N * (i - 1)
pos( :, i ) = [ cos( phi ), sin( phi ), 0. ] &
* ( 3.0 + 2.0 * mod(i,2) ) * 0.55
pos(2,:) = pos(2,:) + 5.0
!> Translate the system such that pos(:,1) = 0.
ref(:) = pos( :, 1 )
do i = 1, N
pos( :, i ) = pos( :, i ) - ref(:)
!> Get the polar coordinates of pos(:, 2).
beta = acos( pos( z, 2 ) / norm2( pos(:, 2) ) ) !! in [0,pi]
alpha = atan2( pos( y, 2 ), pos( x, 2 ) ) !! in [-pi,pi]
!> Apply Rz( -alpha ).
pos = matmul( get_Rz( -alpha ), pos )
!> Apply Ry( -beta ).
pos = matmul( get_Ry( -beta ), pos )
!> Get the azimuthal angle of pos(:, 3).
gamma = atan2( pos( y, 3 ), pos( x, 3 ) )
!> Apply Rz( -gamma + pi/2 ).
pos = matmul( get_Rz( -gamma + pi/2 ), pos )
!> Result.
print *, "new coord:"
do i = 1, N
print "(3f10.5)", pos( :, i )
rot = matmul( get_Rz( -gamma + pi/2 ), &
matmul( get_Ry( -beta ), get_Rz( -alpha ) ) )
print *, "full rotational matrix (to be applied after translation):"
do i = 1, 3
print "(3f10.5)", rot( i, : )
function get_Rz( ang ) result( R )
real :: ang, R(3,3)
R( 1, : ) = [ cos( ang ), -sin( ang ), 0. ]
R( 2, : ) = [ sin( ang ), cos( ang ), 0. ]
R( 3, : ) = [ 0., 0., 1. ]
function get_Ry( ang ) result( R )
real :: ang, R(3,3)
R( 1, : ) = [ cos( ang ), 0., sin( ang ) ]
R( 2, : ) = [ 0., 1., 0. ]
R( 3, : ) = [ -sin( ang ), 0., cos( ang ) ]
!> Apply Ry( -beta ) * Rz( -alpha ).
p(:) = pos( :, 2 )
r1 = norm2( p(:) )
L = norm2( p( 1:2 ) )
Lr = L * r1
rot( 1, : ) = [ p(z)*p(x) / Lr, p(z)*p(y) / Lr, - L / r1 ]
rot( 2, : ) = [ - p(y) / L, p(x) / L, 0. ]
rot( 3, : ) = [ p(x) / r1, p(y) / r1, p(z) / r1 ]
pos = matmul( rot, pos )
!> Apply Rz( -gamma + pi/2 ).
p(:) = pos( :, 3 )
L = norm2( p( 1:2 ) )
rot( 1, : ) = [ p(y) / L, p(x) / L, 0. ]
rot( 2, : ) = [ -p(x) / L, p(y) / L, 0. ]
rot( 3, : ) = [ 0., 0., 1. ]
pos = matmul( rot, pos )
关于algorithm - 如何旋转粒子系统(大小为 =num_particles*3 的二维矩阵),以便某些条目变为零,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/39801309/
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