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java - 洗牌(SPOJ/Interviewstreet)

转载 作者:塔克拉玛干 更新时间:2023-11-03 05:29:58 25 4
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这个问题以前有人问过,但是没有一个得到明确的回答,我试着编译我在这里找到的所有信息。如有必要,请随意合并/移动到另一个 stackexchange 站点。


该问题最初作为 Interviewstreet Code Sprint 发布,但现在列为 a practice problem .它也是ported to SPOJ .


Here is an algorithm for shuffling N cards:

1) The cards are divided into K equal piles.

2) The bottom N / K cards belong to pile 1 in the same order (so the bottom card of the initial pile is the bottom card of pile 1).

3) The next N / K cards from the bottom belong to pile 2, and so on.

4) Now the top card of the shuffled pile is the top card of pile 1. The next card is the top card of pile 2, ..., the Kth card of the shuffled pile is the top > card of pile K. Then (K + 1)th card is the card which is now at the top of pile 1, the (K + 2)nd is the card which is now at the top of pile 2 and so on.

For example, if N = 6 and K = 3, the order of a deck of cards "ABCDEF" (top to bottom) when shuffled once would change to "ECAFDB".

Given N and K, what is the least number of shuffles needed after which the pile is restored to its original order?

Input: The first line contains the number of test cases T. The next T lines contain two integers each N and K.

Output: Output T lines, one for each test case containing the minimum number of shuffles needed. If the deck never comes back to its original order, output -1.


  • K will be a factor of N.
  • T <= 10000
  • 2 <= K <= N <= 10^9

剧透警告 - 如果您想自己解决问题,请不要阅读下文。


Find the number of times a K-way (perfect) in-shuffle needs to be performed to restore a deck of N cards to its initial ordering.


  • 找到一个公式,给定初始顺序中的位置将生成卡片的下一个位置
  • 使用公式确定从第一堆(大小为 n/k)中每张牌返回其初始位置所需的洗牌次数
  • 返回之前确定的洗牌次数的最小公倍数

这个解决方案的复杂度是 O(n/k + max_number_of_suhffles)。 Here's the actual implementation .这样做的问题是它超过了最长时间,所以我开始寻找一个可以让我在接近常数的时间内获得数字的公式。

我在这里可以优化的最多(例如,使用一些映射在相同的排列周期中缓存计算值等)是让它通过 interviewstreet 上的 3/10 测试。

我找到了 this implementation ,假设返回初始状态所需的洗牌次数为 multiplicative order K 相对于 N + 1。来自 wiki:

As a consequence of Lagrange's theorem, ordn(a) always divides φ(n). 

φ(n) 是 Euler totient function , ordn 是 group order - 我们正在寻找什么。我找到了 this paper它使用 φ 来计算洗牌次数,但它仅适用于 2-way in-shuffle,而不是 k-way。


  • 预先计算了 < 100 000 个素数的列表
  • 根据其质因数计算φ(N+1)
  • 通过以所有可能的方式组合主要因子来确定所有φ(N + 1) 的因子。
  • 依次尝试每个因素并得到最小的一个,x,这验证了k ^ x % N + 1 = 1

这个实现也是posted on GitHub .

这运行得非常快,但是自动评分器在 SPOJ 和 Interviewstreet 上的 10 次测试中有 9 次给出了“错误答案”分类。



我没有考虑没有数字洗牌可以将牌组恢复到初始状态的情况 - 我的理解是这是不可能的。有限次数的完美洗牌最终会恢复初始顺序,即使洗牌次数可能非常多。

如果您花时间阅读本文,谢谢。 :) 我很好奇这个问题,我想解决它。



class CardShuffle {
private long k;
private long n;
private long kn;
private long kn2;

public CardShuffle(long k, long n) {
//I omitted some checks done here
this.k = k;
this.n = n; = k / n;
this.kn2 = k - kn;

public long shuffle() {
long count = 0L;
long next = 0L;
do {
//this can be further optimized
next = kn2 - kn * (next % n) + (next / n);
} while((next != 0L) && (count < k));
if(count > k)
return -1;
return count;


Testing 1000000 : 2
#ms: 3.121905
#ms: 1424.487191
#1: 9900 #2: 9900
Testing 1000000 : 5
#ms: 1.409955
#ms: 556.329366
#1: 2475 #2: 2475
Testing 1000000 : 10
#ms: 0.007823
#ms: 186.797204
#1: 12 #2: 12
Testing 1000000 : 20
#ms: 0.590298
#ms: 275.751527
#1: 4950 #2: 4950
Testing 1000000 : 25
#ms: 0.298642
#ms: 260.559372
#1: 2475 #2: 2475
Testing 1000000 : 40
#ms: 1.187581
#ms: 241.956729
#1: 9900 #2: 9900
Testing 1000000 : 50
#ms: 1.187581
#ms: 241.015548
#1: 9900 #2: 9900
Testing 9999999 : 41841
#ms: 14.499887
#ms: 1829.868042
#1: 125000 #2: 125000
Testing 9999999 : 3333333
#ms: 58.119398
#ms: 311.005728
#1: 500000 #2: 500000
Testing 9999999 : 13947
#ms: 52.704185
#ms: 2095.336418
#1: 500000 #2: 500000


1000000 2
1000000 5
1000000 10
1000000 20
1000000 25
1000000 40
1000000 50
9999999 41841
9999999 3333333
9999999 13947

第一个 #ms 是我的方法所花费的时间(以毫秒为单位),第二个是你的。#1#2 分别是结果。


1000000000 2
1000000000 5
1000000000 10
1000000000 20
1000000000 25
1000000000 40
1000000000 50
1000000000 1000
1000000000 200000000
1000000000 250000000
1000000000 500000000
1000000000 50000000
999999999 1001001
999999999 37037037
999999999 333333333


Testing 1000000000 : 2
#ms: 71.360466
#1: 525780
Testing 1000000000 : 5
#ms: 68.987259
#1: 525780
Testing 1000000000 : 10
#ms: 0.008381
#1: 18
Testing 1000000000 : 20
#ms: 75.608492
#1: 525780
Testing 1000000000 : 25
#ms: 31.843154
#1: 262890
Testing 1000000000 : 40
#ms: 33.014531
#1: 262890
Testing 1000000000 : 50
#ms: 84.27384
#1: 525780
Testing 1000000000 : 1000
#ms: 0.006705
#1: 6
Testing 1000000000 : 200000000
#ms: 53.991778
#1: 525780
Testing 1000000000 : 250000000
#ms: 43.765898
#1: 262890
Testing 1000000000 : 500000000
#ms: 54.457201
#1: 525780
Testing 1000000000 : 50000000
#ms: 68.080999
#1: 525780
Testing 999999999 : 1001001
#ms: 115.060154
#1: 1000000
Testing 999999999 : 37037037
#ms: 5783.539528
#1: 50000000
Testing 999999999 : 333333333
#ms: 5391.880532
#1: 50000000




我也已将解决方案提交给 interviewstreet 但由于时间限制,它在第 4 个测试用例中失败了。

我很快就会尝试使用 c 程序,并会在这里报告。

关于java - 洗牌(SPOJ/Interviewstreet),我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:

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