- iOS/Objective-C 元类和类别
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- java - 使用网络类获取 url 地址
- ios - 推送通知中不播放声音
我正在使用 iText(5.5.13)
库读取 .PDF 并替换文件中的模式。问题在于未找到该模式,因为在库读取 pdf 时不知何故出现了一些奇怪的字符。
"This is a test in order to see if the"
[(This is a )9(te)-3(st)9( in o)-4(rd)15(er )-2(t)9(o)-5( s)8(ee)7( if t)-3(h)3(e )]
因此,如果我尝试查找并替换 "test"
,则不会在 pdf 中找到 "test"
public void processPDF(String src, String dest) {
try {
PdfReader reader = new PdfReader(src);
PdfArray refs = null;
PRIndirectReference reference = null;
int nPages = reader.getNumberOfPages();
for (int i = 1; i <= nPages; i++) {
PdfDictionary dict = reader.getPageN(i);
PdfObject object = dict.getDirectObject(PdfName.CONTENTS);
if (object.isArray()) {
refs = dict.getAsArray(PdfName.CONTENTS);
ArrayList<PdfObject> references = refs.getArrayList();
for (PdfObject r : references) {
reference = (PRIndirectReference) r;
PRStream stream = (PRStream) PdfReader.getPdfObject(reference);
byte[] data = PdfReader.getStreamBytes(stream);
String dd = new String(data, "UTF-8");
dd = dd.replaceAll("@pattern_1234", "trueValue");
dd = dd.replaceAll("test", "tested");
if (object instanceof PRStream) {
PRStream stream = (PRStream) object;
byte[] data = PdfReader.getStreamBytes(stream);
String dd = new String(data, "UTF-8");
System.out.println("content---->" + dd);
dd = dd.replaceAll("@pattern_1234", "trueValue");
dd = dd.replaceAll("This", "FIRST");
PdfStamper stamper = new PdfStamper(reader, new FileOutputStream(dest));
catch (Exception e) {
正如评论和答案中已经提到的,PDF 不是一种用于文本编辑 的格式。它是最终格式,有关文本流、布局甚至到 Unicode 的映射的信息都是可选的。
因此,即使假设存在关于将字形映射到 Unicode 的可选信息,使用 iText 完成此任务的方法可能看起来有点不令人满意:首先使用自定义文本提取策略确定相关文本的位置,然后继续使用 PdfCleanUpProcessor
在这个答案中,我将提供一个辅助类,允许结合前两个步骤,查找和删除现有文本,其优点是确实只删除了文本,不 还有任何背景图形等,如 PdfCleanUpProcessor
帮助类基于 PdfContentStreamEditor
this earlier answer .请使用the version of this class on github ,不过,因为原始类自构想以来已经得到了一些增强。
helper 类说明了从 PDF 中正确删除文本的必要条件。实际上它有几个方面的局限性:
要同时替换嵌入式 XObject 中的文本,必须递归地遍历相关页面的 XObject 资源,并对它们应用编辑器。
它与 SimpleTextExtractionStrategy
public class SimpleTextRemover extends PdfContentStreamEditor {
public SimpleTextRemover() {
super (new SimpleTextRemoverListener());
((SimpleTextRemoverListener)getRenderListener()).simpleTextRemover = this;
* <p>Removes the string to remove from the given page of the
* document in the PDF reader the given PDF stamper works on.</p>
* <p>The result is a list of glyph lists each of which represents
* a match can can be queried for position information.</p>
public List<List<Glyph>> remove(PdfStamper pdfStamper, int pageNum, String toRemove) throws IOException {
if (toRemove.length() == 0)
return Collections.emptyList();
this.toRemove = toRemove;
elementNumber = -1;
editPage(pdfStamper, pageNum);
return allMatches;
* Adds the given operation to the cached operations and checks
* whether some cached operations can meanwhile be processed and
* written to the result content stream.
protected void write(PdfContentStreamProcessor processor, PdfLiteral operator, List<PdfObject> operands) throws IOException {
cachedOperations.add(new ArrayList<>(operands));
while (process(processor)) {
* Removes any started match and sends all remaining cached
* operations for processing.
public void finalizeContent() {
try {
while (!cachedOperations.isEmpty()) {
if (!process(this)) {
// TODO: Should not happen, so warn
System.err.printf("Failure flushing operation %s; dropping.\n", cachedOperations.get(0));
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new ExceptionConverter(e);
* Tries to process the first cached operation. Returns whether
* it could be processed.
boolean process(PdfContentStreamProcessor processor) throws IOException {
if (cachedOperations.isEmpty())
return false;
List<PdfObject> operands = cachedOperations.get(0);
PdfLiteral operator = (PdfLiteral) operands.get(operands.size() - 1);
String operatorString = operator.toString();
if (TEXT_SHOWING_OPERATORS.contains(operatorString))
return processTextShowingOp(processor, operator, operands);
super.write(processor, operator, operands);
return true;
* Tries to processes a text showing operation. Unless a match
* is pending and starts before the end of the argument of this
* instruction, it can be processed. If the instructions contains
* a part of a match, it is transformed to a TJ operation and
* the glyphs in question are replaced by text position adjustments.
* If the original operation had a side effect (jump to next line
* or spacing adjustment), this side effect is explicitly added.
boolean processTextShowingOp(PdfContentStreamProcessor processor, PdfLiteral operator, List<PdfObject> operands) throws IOException {
PdfObject object = operands.get(operands.size() - 2);
boolean isArray = object instanceof PdfArray;
PdfArray array = isArray ? (PdfArray) object : new PdfArray(object);
int elementCount = countStrings(object);
// Currently pending glyph intersects parameter of this operation -> cannot yet process
if (!pendingMatch.isEmpty() && pendingMatch.get(0).elementNumber < processedElements + elementCount)
return false;
// The parameter of this operation is subject to a match -> copy as is
if (matches.size() == 0 || processedElements + elementCount <= matches.get(0).get(0).elementNumber || elementCount == 0) {
super.write(processor, operator, operands);
processedElements += elementCount;
return true;
// The parameter of this operation contains glyphs of a match -> manipulate
PdfArray newArray = new PdfArray();
for (int arrayIndex = 0; arrayIndex < array.size(); arrayIndex++) {
PdfObject entry = array.getPdfObject(arrayIndex);
if (!(entry instanceof PdfString)) {
} else {
PdfString entryString = (PdfString) entry;
byte[] entryBytes = entryString.getBytes();
for (int index = 0; index < entryBytes.length; ) {
List<Glyph> match = matches.size() == 0 ? null : matches.get(0);
Glyph glyph = match == null ? null : match.get(0);
if (glyph == null || processedElements < glyph.elementNumber) {
newArray.add(new PdfString(Arrays.copyOfRange(entryBytes, index, entryBytes.length)));
if (index < glyph.index) {
newArray.add(new PdfString(Arrays.copyOfRange(entryBytes, index, glyph.index)));
index = glyph.index;
newArray.add(new PdfNumber(-glyph.width));
if (match.isEmpty())
writeSideEffect(processor, operator, operands);
writeTJ(processor, newArray);
return true;
* Counts the strings in the given argument, itself a string or
* an array containing strings and non-strings.
int countStrings(PdfObject textArgument) {
if (textArgument instanceof PdfArray) {
int result = 0;
for (PdfObject object : (PdfArray)textArgument) {
if (object instanceof PdfString)
return result;
} else
return textArgument instanceof PdfString ? 1 : 0;
* Writes side effects of a text showing operation which is going to be
* replaced by a TJ operation. Side effects are line jumps and changes
* of character or word spacing.
void writeSideEffect(PdfContentStreamProcessor processor, PdfLiteral operator, List<PdfObject> operands) throws IOException {
switch (operator.toString()) {
case "\"":
super.write(processor, OPERATOR_Tw, Arrays.asList(operands.get(0), OPERATOR_Tw));
super.write(processor, OPERATOR_Tc, Arrays.asList(operands.get(1), OPERATOR_Tc));
case "'":
super.write(processor, OPERATOR_Tasterisk, Collections.singletonList(OPERATOR_Tasterisk));
* Writes a TJ operation with the given array unless array is empty.
void writeTJ(PdfContentStreamProcessor processor, PdfArray array) throws IOException {
if (!array.isEmpty()) {
List<PdfObject> operands = Arrays.asList(array, OPERATOR_TJ);
super.write(processor, OPERATOR_TJ, operands);
* Analyzes the given text render info whether it starts a new match or
* finishes / continues / breaks a pending match. This method is called
* by the {@link SimpleTextRemoverListener} registered as render listener
* of the underlying content stream processor.
void renderText(TextRenderInfo renderInfo) {
int index = 0;
for (TextRenderInfo info : renderInfo.getCharacterRenderInfos()) {
int matchPosition = pendingMatch.size();
pendingMatch.add(new Glyph(info, elementNumber, index));
if (!toRemove.substring(matchPosition, matchPosition + info.getText().length()).equals(info.getText())) {
if (pendingMatch.size() == toRemove.length()) {
matches.add(new ArrayList<>(pendingMatch));
allMatches.add(new ArrayList<>(pendingMatch));
* Reduces the current pending match to an actual (partial) match
* after the addition of the next glyph has invalidated it as a
* whole match.
void reduceToPartialMatch() {
while (!pendingMatch.isEmpty()) {
int index = 0;
for (Glyph glyph : pendingMatch) {
if (!toRemove.substring(index, index + glyph.text.length()).equals(glyph.text)) {
continue outer;
String toRemove = null;
final List<List<PdfObject>> cachedOperations = new LinkedList<>();
int elementNumber = -1;
int processedElements = 0;
final List<Glyph> pendingMatch = new ArrayList<>();
final List<List<Glyph>> matches = new ArrayList<>();
final List<List<Glyph>> allMatches = new ArrayList<>();
* Render listener class used by {@link SimpleTextRemover} as listener
* of its content stream processor ancestor. Essentially it forwards
* {@link TextRenderInfo} events and ignores all else.
static class SimpleTextRemoverListener implements RenderListener {
public void beginTextBlock() { }
public void renderText(TextRenderInfo renderInfo) {
public void endTextBlock() { }
public void renderImage(ImageRenderInfo renderInfo) { }
SimpleTextRemover simpleTextRemover = null;
* Value class representing a glyph with information on
* the displayed text and its position, the overall number
* of the string argument of a text showing instruction
* it is in and the index at which it can be found therein,
* and the width to use as text position adjustment when
* replacing it. Beware, the width does not yet consider
* character and word spacing!
public static class Glyph {
public Glyph(TextRenderInfo info, int elementNumber, int index) {
text = info.getText();
ascent = info.getAscentLine();
base = info.getBaseline();
descent = info.getDescentLine();
this.elementNumber = elementNumber;
this.index = index;
this.width = info.getFont().getWidth(text);
public final String text;
public final LineSegment ascent;
public final LineSegment base;
public final LineSegment descent;
final int elementNumber;
final int index;
final float width;
final PdfLiteral OPERATOR_Tasterisk = new PdfLiteral("T*");
final PdfLiteral OPERATOR_Tc = new PdfLiteral("Tc");
final PdfLiteral OPERATOR_Tw = new PdfLiteral("Tw");
final PdfLiteral OPERATOR_Tj = new PdfLiteral("Tj");
final PdfLiteral OPERATOR_TJ = new PdfLiteral("TJ");
final static List<String> TEXT_SHOWING_OPERATORS = Arrays.asList("Tj", "'", "\"", "TJ");
final static Glyph[] EMPTY_GLYPH_ARRAY = new Glyph[0];
( SimpleTextRemover 辅助类)
PdfReader pdfReader = new PdfReader(SOURCE);
PdfStamper pdfStamper = new PdfStamper(pdfReader, RESULT_STREAM);
SimpleTextRemover remover = new SimpleTextRemover();
System.out.printf("\ntest.pdf - Test\n");
for (int i = 1; i <= pdfReader.getNumberOfPages(); i++)
System.out.printf("Page %d:\n", i);
List<List<Glyph>> matches = remover.remove(pdfStamper, i, "Test");
for (List<Glyph> match : matches) {
Glyph first = match.get(0);
Vector baseStart = first.base.getStartPoint();
Glyph last = match.get(match.size()-1);
Vector baseEnd = last.base.getEndPoint();
System.out.printf(" Match from (%3.1f %3.1f) to (%3.1f %3.1f)\n", baseStart.get(I1), baseStart.get(I2), baseEnd.get(I1), baseEnd.get(I2));
( RemovePageTextContent 测试 testRemoveTestFromTest
test.pdf - Test
Page 1:
Match from (134,8 666,9) to (177,8 666,9)
Match from (134,8 642,0) to (153,4 642,0)
Match from (172,8 642,0) to (191,4 642,0)
以及输出 PDF 中这些位置缺少“测试”的情况。
关于java - 使用 iText 替换 PDF 文件中的文本,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/57308588/
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抱歉,如果有类似我的帖子,但我是这个论坛的新手,我还没有找到它。 我有动态调整 TextField 大小取决于文本大小的问题。我填写现有的 PDF - 在 AcroForm 中填写字段: form.s
我正在使用 itext 生成 pdf。因此,当页面内容超出时,它会自动创建一个新页面。我想知道它是否创建了一个新页面。如果是,我想在页面顶部添加一些图像。 List paylist =new List
我的 有问题固定 表格左侧和右侧的边距。 我想删除该边距并使用没有边距或填充的所有工作表。我该怎么办? 我刚刚试过这个,但对我不起作用: cell.setPaddingLeft(0); cell.se
我有 2 行,我想对齐(证明)它们。 我有这个代码: Paragraph p=new Paragraph(ANC,fontFootData); p.setLeading(1, 1);
我有这样的场景。 我有一个生成 PDF 的应用程序,需要对其进行签名。 我们没有用于签署文档的证书,因为它们位于 HSM 中,而我们使用证书的唯一方法是使用 Web 服务。 此网络服务提供两个选项,发
我需要实现一个看起来像图片中的表格,列之间有空间。我试过: cell.setPaddingLeft(10); cell.setMarginLeft(10); extractio
我需要实现一个看起来像图片中的表格,列之间有空间。我试过: cell.setPaddingLeft(10); cell.setMarginLeft(10); extractio
我需要使用 Java 的 iText 库创建一个 PDF 文档。我还需要包括一些复选框,这些复选框根据某些类变量的值打开/关闭。我找到了一些关于交互式表单的示例,但我不需要这种复杂程度:只需将一些复选
我正在开发一个系统,我必须在其中将一些图像添加到现有的 PDF 文档中。 这适用于 iText 5.1.3,但由于某种原因,在包含扫描图像的 PDF 中,它不会添加任何图像。 这是 PDF Docum
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我已经创建了一个带有一些文本字段的 pdf 文档。我可以使用 Adobe 阅读器填充这些文本字段并将这些值保存在该文件中。 我的问题是,我可以使用 iText 以编程方式执行此操作吗?如果可能,请
我正在使用 iText 5 表创建标签(如 Avery 标签)。标签元素的定位需要一些非常严格的公差,以便适合标签上的所有内容。我的问题是标签上有多个区域为 PdfPCells。我需要将文本放入这些区