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java - 需要支持和阻力算法或帮助查找包 com.perseus.analysis

转载 作者:塔克拉玛干 更新时间:2023-11-03 05:18:07 26 4
gpt4 key购买 nike

在 stackoverflow 上找到了一个实现,但不确定在哪里可以找到它使用的包 'package com.perseus.analysis.calculator.technical.trend',如果你知道一个好的算法,请告诉我,会最终喜欢转换,并在 c# 中实现此代码,并链接到我获得代码的位置。

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public interface ISupportResistanceCalculator {

* Identifies support / resistance levels.
* @param timeseries
* timeseries
* @param beginIndex
* starting point (inclusive)
* @param endIndex
* ending point (exclusive)
* @param segmentSize
* number of elements per internal segment
* @param rangePct
* range % (Example: 1.5%)
* @return A tuple with the list of support levels and a list of resistance
* levels
Tuple<List<Level>, List<Level>> identify(List<Float> timeseries,
int beginIndex, int endIndex, int segmentSize, float rangePct);



package com.perseus.analysis.calculator.technical.trend;

import static com.perseus.analysis.constant.LevelType.RESISTANCE;
import static com.perseus.analysis.constant.LevelType.SUPPORT;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.TreeSet;

import com.perseus.analysis.calculator.mean.IMeanCalculator;
import com.perseus.analysis.calculator.timeseries.ITimeSeriesCalculator;
import com.perseus.analysis.constant.LevelType;
import com.perseus.analysis.model.Tuple;
import com.perseus.analysis.model.technical.Level;
import com.perseus.analysis.model.timeseries.ITimeseries;
import com.perseus.analysis.util.CollectionUtils;

* A support and resistance calculator.
* @author PRITESH
public class SupportResistanceCalculator implements
ISupportResistanceCalculator {

static interface LevelHelper {

Float aggregate(List<Float> data);

LevelType type(float level, float priceAsOfDate, final float rangePct);

boolean withinRange(Float node, float rangePct, Float val);


static class Support implements LevelHelper {

public Float aggregate(final List<Float> data) {
return Collections.min(data);

public LevelType type(final float level, final float priceAsOfDate,
final float rangePct) {
final float threshold = level * (1 - (rangePct / 100));
return (priceAsOfDate < threshold) ? RESISTANCE : SUPPORT;

public boolean withinRange(final Float node, final float rangePct,
final Float val) {
final float threshold = node * (1 + (rangePct / 100f));
if (val < threshold)
return true;
return false;


static class Resistance implements LevelHelper {

public Float aggregate(final List<Float> data) {
return Collections.max(data);

public LevelType type(final float level, final float priceAsOfDate,
final float rangePct) {
final float threshold = level * (1 + (rangePct / 100));
return (priceAsOfDate > threshold) ? SUPPORT : RESISTANCE;

public boolean withinRange(final Float node, final float rangePct,
final Float val) {
final float threshold = node * (1 - (rangePct / 100f));
if (val > threshold)
return true;
return false;


private static final int SMOOTHEN_COUNT = 2;

private static final LevelHelper SUPPORT_HELPER = new Support();

private static final LevelHelper RESISTANCE_HELPER = new Resistance();

private final ITimeSeriesCalculator tsCalc;

private final IMeanCalculator meanCalc;

public SupportResistanceCalculator(final ITimeSeriesCalculator tsCalc,
final IMeanCalculator meanCalc) {
this.tsCalc = tsCalc;
this.meanCalc = meanCalc;

public Tuple<List<Level>, List<Level>> identify(
final List<Float> timeseries, final int beginIndex,
final int endIndex, final int segmentSize, final float rangePct) {

final List<Float> series = this.seriesToWorkWith(timeseries,
beginIndex, endIndex);
// Split the timeseries into chunks
final List<List<Float>> segments = this.splitList(series, segmentSize);
final Float priceAsOfDate = series.get(series.size() - 1);

final List<Level> levels = Lists.newArrayList();
this.identifyLevel(levels, segments, rangePct, priceAsOfDate,

this.identifyLevel(levels, segments, rangePct, priceAsOfDate,

final List<Level> support = Lists.newArrayList();
final List<Level> resistance = Lists.newArrayList();
this.separateLevels(support, resistance, levels);

// Smoothen the levels
this.smoothen(support, resistance, rangePct);

return new Tuple<>(support, resistance);

private void identifyLevel(final List<Level> levels,
final List<List<Float>> segments, final float rangePct,
final float priceAsOfDate, final LevelHelper helper) {

final List<Float> aggregateVals = Lists.newArrayList();

// Find min/max of each segment
for (final List<Float> segment : segments) {

while (!aggregateVals.isEmpty()) {
final List<Float> withinRange = new ArrayList<>();
final Set<Integer> withinRangeIdx = new TreeSet<>();

// Support/resistance level node
final Float node = helper.aggregate(aggregateVals);

// Find elements within range
for (int i = 0; i < aggregateVals.size(); ++i) {
final Float f = aggregateVals.get(i);
if (helper.withinRange(node, rangePct, f)) {

// Remove elements within range
CollectionUtils.remove(aggregateVals, withinRangeIdx);

// Take an average
final float level = this.meanCalc.mean(
withinRange.toArray(new Float[] {}), 0, withinRange.size());
final float strength = withinRange.size();

levels.add(new Level(helper.type(level, priceAsOfDate, rangePct),
level, strength));



private List<List<Float>> splitList(final List<Float> series,
final int segmentSize) {
final List<List<Float>> splitList = CollectionUtils

if (splitList.size() > 1) {
// If last segment it too small
final int lastIdx = splitList.size() - 1;
final List<Float> last = splitList.get(lastIdx);
if (last.size() <= (segmentSize / 1.5f)) {
// Remove last segment
// Move all elements from removed last segment to new last
// segment
splitList.get(lastIdx - 1).addAll(last);

return splitList;

private void separateLevels(final List<Level> support,
final List<Level> resistance, final List<Level> levels) {
for (final Level level : levels) {
if (level.getType() == SUPPORT) {
} else {

private void smoothen(final List<Level> support,
final List<Level> resistance, final float rangePct) {
for (int i = 0; i < SMOOTHEN_COUNT; ++i) {
this.smoothen(support, rangePct);
this.smoothen(resistance, rangePct);

* Removes one of the adjacent levels which are close to each other.
private void smoothen(final List<Level> levels, final float rangePct) {
if (levels.size() < 2)

final List<Integer> removeIdx = Lists.newArrayList();

for (int i = 0; i < (levels.size() - 1); i++) {
final Level currentLevel = levels.get(i);
final Level nextLevel = levels.get(i + 1);
final Float current = currentLevel.getLevel();
final Float next = nextLevel.getLevel();
final float difference = Math.abs(next - current);
final float threshold = (current * rangePct) / 100;

if (difference < threshold) {
final int remove = currentLevel.getStrength() >= nextLevel
.getStrength() ? i : i + 1;
i++; // start with next pair

CollectionUtils.remove(levels, removeIdx);

private List<Float> seriesToWorkWith(final List<Float> timeseries,
final int beginIndex, final int endIndex) {

if ((beginIndex == 0) && (endIndex == timeseries.size()))
return timeseries;

return timeseries.subList(beginIndex, endIndex);




这是上述代码的 C# 版本。我还没有测试过,但差不多就是这样。

public interface ISupportResistanceCalculator
/// <summary>
/// </summary>
/// <param name="timeseries">timeseries</param>
/// <param name="beginIndex">starting point (inclusive)</param>
/// <param name="endIndex">ending point (exclusive)</param>
/// <param name="segmentSize">number of elements per internal segment</param>
/// <param name="rangePct"> range % (Example: 1.5%)</param>
/// <returns> A tuple with the list of support levels and a list of resistance levels</returns>
Tuple<List<Level>, List<Level>> GetSupportResistance(List<float> timeseries,
int beginIndex, int endIndex, int segmentSize, float rangePct);

public enum LevelType

Support, Resistance


public class Tuple<TA, TB>

private readonly TA a;

private readonly TB b;

public Tuple(TA a, TB b)
this.a = a;
this.b = b;

public TA GetA()
return this.a;

public TB GetB()
return this.b;

public String ToString()
return "Tuple [a=" + this.a + ", b=" + this.b + "]";


public abstract class CollectionUtils

public static void Remove<T>(List<T> list,
List<int> indexes)
int i = 0;
for (int j = 0; j < indexes.Count; j++)
list.RemoveAt(j - i++);

public static IEnumerable<List<T>> IntoBatches<T>(IEnumerable<T> list, int size)
if (size < 1)
throw new ArgumentException();

var rest = list;

while (rest.Any())
yield return rest.Take(size).ToList();
rest = rest.Skip(size);

public class Level

private long serialVersionUID = -7561265699198045328L;

private LevelType type;

private readonly float level;
private readonly float strength;

public Level(LevelType type, float level, float strength)
this.type = type;
this.level = level;
this.strength = strength;

public new LevelType GetType()
return this.type;

public float GetLevel()
return this.level;

public float GetStrength()
return this.strength;

public String ToString()
return "Level [type=" + this.type + ", level=" + this.level
+ ", strength=" + this.strength + "]";


public interface ILevelHelper

float Aggregate(List<float> data);

LevelType Type(float level, float priceAsOfDate, float rangePct);

bool WithinRange(float node, float rangePct, float val);


public class Support : ILevelHelper
public float Aggregate(List<float> data)
return data.Min();

public LevelType Type(float level, float priceAsOfDate,
float rangePct)
float threshold = level * (1 - (rangePct / 100));
return (priceAsOfDate < threshold) ? LevelType.Resistance : LevelType.Support;

public bool WithinRange(float node, float rangePct,
float val)
float threshold = node * (1 + (rangePct / 100f));
if (val < threshold)
return true;
return false;


public class Resistance : ILevelHelper
public float Aggregate(List<float> data)
return data.Max();

public LevelType Type(float level, float priceAsOfDate,
float rangePct)
float threshold = level * (1 + (rangePct / 100));
return (priceAsOfDate > threshold) ? LevelType.Resistance : LevelType.Support;

public bool WithinRange(float node, float rangePct,
float val)
float threshold = node * (1 - (rangePct / 100f));
if (val > threshold)
return true;
return false;


public class SupportResistanceCalculator : ISupportResistanceCalculator

private static readonly int SMOOTHEN_COUNT = 2;

private static readonly ILevelHelper SupportHelper = new Support();

private static readonly ILevelHelper ResistanceHelper = new Resistance();

public Tuple<List<Level>, List<Level>> GetSupportResistance(
List<float> timeseries, int beginIndex,
int endIndex, int segmentSize, float rangePct)

List<float> series = this.SeriesToWorkWith(timeseries,
beginIndex, endIndex);
// Split the timeseries into chunks
List<List<float>> segments = this.SplitList(series, segmentSize);
float priceAsOfDate = series[series.Count - 1];

List<Level> levels = new List<Level>();
this.IdentifySRLevel(levels, segments, rangePct, priceAsOfDate,

this.IdentifySRLevel(levels, segments, rangePct, priceAsOfDate,

List<Level> support = new List<Level>();
List<Level> resistance = new List<Level>();
this.SeparateLevels(support, resistance, levels);

// Smoothen the levels
this.Smoothen(support, resistance, rangePct);

return new BullsEyeStockEx.Controllers.Tuple<List<Level>, List<Level>>(support, resistance);

private void IdentifySRLevel(List<Level> levels,
List<List<float>> segments, float rangePct,
float priceAsOfDate, ILevelHelper helper)

List<float> aggregateVals = new List<float>();

// Find min/max of each segment
foreach (var segment in segments)

while (aggregateVals.Any())
List<float> withinRange = new List<float>();
HashSet<int> withinRangeIdx = new HashSet<int>();

// Support/resistance level node
float node = helper.Aggregate(aggregateVals);

// Find elements within range
for (int i = 0; i < aggregateVals.Count; ++i)
float f = aggregateVals[i];
if (helper.WithinRange(node, rangePct, f))

// Remove elements within range
CollectionUtils.Remove(aggregateVals, withinRangeIdx.ToList());

// Take an average
float level = withinRange.Average();
float strength = withinRange.Count;

levels.Add(new Level(helper.Type(level, priceAsOfDate, rangePct),
level, strength));



private List<List<float>> SplitList(List<float> series,
int segmentSize)
List<List<float>> splitList = CollectionUtils.IntoBatches(series, segmentSize).ToList();

if (splitList.Count > 1)
// If last segment it too small
int lastIdx = splitList.Count - 1;
List<float> last = splitList[lastIdx].ToList();
if (last.Count <= (segmentSize / 1.5f))
// Remove last segment
// Move all elements from removed last segment to new last
// segment
foreach (var l in last)
splitList[lastIdx - 1].Add(l);

return splitList.ToList();

private void SeparateLevels(List<Level> support,
List<Level> resistance, List<Level> levels)
foreach (var level in levels)
if (level.GetType() == LevelType.Support)

private void Smoothen(List<Level> support,
List<Level> resistance, float rangePct)
for (int i = 0; i < SMOOTHEN_COUNT; ++i)
this.Smoothen(support, rangePct);
this.Smoothen(resistance, rangePct);

* Removes one of the adjacent levels which are close to each other.
private void Smoothen(List<Level> levels, float rangePct)
if (levels.Count < 2)

List<int> removeIdx = new List<int>();

for (int i = 0; i < (levels.Count - 1); i++)
Level currentLevel = levels[i];
Level nextLevel = levels[i + 1];
float current = currentLevel.GetLevel();
float next = nextLevel.GetLevel();
float difference = Math.Abs(next - current);
float threshold = (current * rangePct) / 100;

if (difference < threshold)
int remove = currentLevel.GetStrength() >= nextLevel
? i
: i + 1;
i++; // start with next pair

CollectionUtils.Remove(levels, removeIdx);

private List<float> SeriesToWorkWith(List<float> timeseries,
int beginIndex, int endIndex)

if ((beginIndex == 0) && (endIndex == timeseries.Count))
return timeseries;
return timeseries.GetRange(beginIndex, endIndex);


关于java - 需要支持和阻力算法或帮助查找包 com.perseus.analysis,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:

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