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我正在尝试使用 Java 起诉 BigInteger 来实现 karatsuba 算法,我遵循了所有步骤,但我没有得到正确的结果,这让我发疯。
public BigInteger karatsuba(BigInteger a, BigInteger b, int base) {
if (a.compareTo(BigInteger.TEN) == -1 || b.compareTo(BigInteger.TEN) == -1 ) {
return a.multiply(b);
/* calculates the size of the numbers */
int tam = a.toString().length();
int mitad = tam/2;
BigInteger a1 = (a.divide(BigInteger.valueOf((long) Math.pow(base, mitad))));
BigInteger a0 = (a.remainder(BigInteger.valueOf((long) Math.pow(base, mitad))));
BigInteger b1 = (b.divide(BigInteger.valueOf((long) Math.pow(base, mitad))));
BigInteger b0 = (b.remainder(BigInteger.valueOf((long) Math.pow(base, mitad))));
/* 3 calls made to numbers approximately half the size */
BigInteger t1 = karatsuba(a1, b1, base);
BigInteger t2 = karatsuba(a0, b0, base);
BigInteger t3 = karatsuba(a1.add(a0), b1.add(b0), base);
BigInteger aux1 = (t1.multiply(BigInteger.valueOf((long)Math.pow(base, tam))));
BigInteger aux2 = t1.subtract(t2);
BigInteger aux4 = aux2.subtract(t3);
BigInteger aux3 = aux4.multiply(BigInteger.valueOf((long) Math.pow(base,mitad)).add(t2));
return aux1.add(aux3);
我用以下条目测试了代码:karatsuba(new BigInteger("1252",new BigInteger("532") , 10)
而正确的结果是 666064 ,我得到 2212864 ! !.我调试了一下,令人惊讶的是,当执行流程到达返回语句时,程序并没有停止,而是转到了BigInteger t2 = karatsuba(a0, b0, base);
这里是 Karatsuba algorithm implementation来自普林斯顿大学“Java 编程入门”类(class):
public static BigInteger karatsuba(BigInteger x, BigInteger y) {
// cutoff to brute force
int n = Math.max(x.bitLength(), y.bitLength());
if (n <= 10) return x.multiply(y);
// number of bits divided by 2, rounded up
n = (n / 2) + (n % 2);
final BigInteger b = x.shiftRight(n);
final BigInteger a = x.subtract(b.shiftLeft(n));
final BigInteger d = y.shiftRight(n);
final BigInteger c = y.subtract(d.shiftLeft(n));
// compute sub-expressions
final BigInteger ac = karatsuba(a, c);
final BigInteger bd = karatsuba(b, d);
final BigInteger abcd = karatsuba(a.add(b), c.add(d));
return ac.add(abcd.subtract(ac).subtract(bd).shiftLeft(n)).add(bd.shiftLeft(2 * n));
关于java - 使用 BigInteger 实现 karatsuba 算法时出错,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/42035189/
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