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带有 Scala 的 Java RMI,这可能吗?

转载 作者:塔克拉玛干 更新时间:2023-11-03 05:15:03 25 4
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Java RMI - 远程方法调用 - 仅适用于 Java 到 Java。

关于Scala我在网站上读到与 Java 的集成是无缝的,并且:

Scala programs run on the Java VM, are byte code compatible with Java so you can make full use of existing Java libraries or existing application code. You can call Scala from Java and you can call Java from Scala, the integration is seamless.

这是否意味着我可以成功地将 Java 用于 Scala RMI?





是的,这是一个link to a message thread where it looks like somebody's done it .它说:

Yes it can! Thanks for help. I now have a little RMI-based pair of Scala programs that will be performing transfers of documents from one Documentum system to another (of a previous version); the Scala code is interacting very nicely with the Documentum Java libraries.

弄清楚如何让方法签名包含 throws RemoteException 似乎是最大的障碍。

关于带有 Scala 的 Java RMI,这可能吗?,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:

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