- iOS/Objective-C 元类和类别
- objective-c - -1001 错误,当 NSURLSession 通过 httpproxy 和/etc/hosts
- java - 使用网络类获取 url 地址
- ios - 推送通知中不播放声音
作为所有搜索算法的新手,我正在研究一个老式的 8 题难题的例子,我已经完成了下面代码中的广度优先算法,我想知道如何将它转换为深度优先有限搜索。
class BFS
int[] GoalState = { 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 };
private Queue<Node> Frontier;
private HashSet<Node> Solution;
private Node RootNode;
public BFS(int[] StartState)
this.RootNode = new Node(StartState, -1, "\0");
Solution = new HashSet<Node>();
Frontier = new Queue<Node>();
public void Solve()
Node ActiveNode = RootNode;
bool IsSolved = false;
while (!IsGoalState(ActiveNode.GetState()))
foreach (Node successor in GenerateSuccessor(ActiveNode))
if (IsGoalState(successor.GetState()))
IsSolved = true;
if (IsSolved)
ActiveNode = Frontier.Dequeue();
public IEnumerable<Node> GenerateSuccessor(Node ParentNode)
int[] ParentState = ParentNode.GetState();
int EmptySpacePosition = 0;
int temp;
for (int x = 0; x < 9; x++)
if (ParentState[x] == 0)
EmptySpacePosition = x;
//Can move empty space to LEFT?
if (EmptySpacePosition != 0 && EmptySpacePosition != 3 && EmptySpacePosition != 6)
int[] _State = (int[])ParentState.Clone();
_State[EmptySpacePosition] = _State[EmptySpacePosition - 1];
_State[EmptySpacePosition - 1] = 0;
yield return new Node(_State, ParentNode.GetId(), "Left ");
//Can move empty space to RIGHT?
if (EmptySpacePosition != 2 && EmptySpacePosition != 5 && EmptySpacePosition != 8)
int[] _State = (int[])ParentState.Clone();
_State[EmptySpacePosition] = _State[EmptySpacePosition + 1];
_State[EmptySpacePosition + 1] = 0;
yield return new Node(_State, ParentNode.GetId(),"Right ");
//Can move empty space to UP?
if (EmptySpacePosition > 2)
int[] _State = (int[])ParentState.Clone();
_State[EmptySpacePosition] = _State[EmptySpacePosition - 3];
_State[EmptySpacePosition - 3] = 0;
yield return new Node(_State, ParentNode.GetId(), "Up ");
//Can move empty space to DOWN?
if (EmptySpacePosition < 6)
int[] _State = (int[])ParentState.Clone();
_State[EmptySpacePosition] = _State[EmptySpacePosition + 3];
_State[EmptySpacePosition + 3] = 0;
yield return new Node(_State, ParentNode.GetId(),"Down ");
public bool IsGoalState(int[] State)
for (int x = 0; x < 9; x++)
if (State[x] != GoalState[x])
return false;
return true;
public void WriteSolution()
StringBuilder s = new StringBuilder();
int ParentId = 0;
#region InfoPrint
Console.Write("Puzzle= ");
foreach (int i in RootNode.GetState())
Console.WriteLine("Nodes Generated= " + (Solution.Count + Frontier.Count));
foreach (Node n in Solution.Reverse())
if (ParentId == 0 || n.GetId() == ParentId)
ParentId = n.GetParentId();
Console.WriteLine("Solution Length= " + (s.Length - 1));
Console.WriteLine("Solution= " + s.ToString());
class Node
static int _IdCnt = 0;
private int[] State;
private int Id;
private int ParentId;
private string Move;
public Node(int[] State, int ParentId, string Move)
Id = _IdCnt++;
this.State = State;
this.ParentId = ParentId;
this.Move = Move;
public void SetState(int[] State)
this.State = State;
public int[] GetState()
return (int[])State.Clone();
public int GetId()
return Id;
public int GetParentId()
return ParentId;
public string GetMove()
return Move;
在 DFS 中,您需要使用 stack
而不是 queue
1. Add root to a stack.
2. while(stack.Count > 0)
3. pop the stack
4. if matches, return
5. else add neighbors to stack
return not found
关于c# - 从广度优先搜索转换为深度优先有限搜索,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/22287298/
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