- iOS/Objective-C 元类和类别
- objective-c - -1001 错误,当 NSURLSession 通过 httpproxy 和/etc/hosts
- java - 使用网络类获取 url 地址
- ios - 推送通知中不播放声音
我有一个表面上看起来很简单的问题,我想用 ruby 来解决,我有一堆颜色和相关的照片 ID,例如
1 张照片为黄色
<红色的计数为 3,因为 2 张照片有红色和绿色,而第三张只有红色。我不会单独显示绿色的结果,因为所有绿色照片都包含红色和绿色条目。
最终,无论数据集有多大,我只需要显示前 5 个结果。
我已经编写了一个实现此目标的算法(见下文),但我将不胜感激有关如何使其更快、更优雅的任何指导。速度是首要考虑因素,我将对大量数据(百万级订单)进行操作,然后如果可能的话,如果它可以变得更优雅,那会很好——我不认为我写的是优雅的 ruby 代码,我有一个c++背景。
我知道在 ruby 中嵌入 c 和 c++ 代码以提高性能,但我真的很想只使用 ruby 来实现这一点。
beginning = Time.now
ARR = [[1,"red"],[1,"green"],[2,"red"],[3,"yellow"],[4,"red"],[4,"green"],[4,"yellow"],[5,"green"],[5,"red"],[6,"black"]]
# Group the colours by their id.
groups = ARR.group_by {|x| x[0]}
# output for profiling.
puts "After Group BY: #{Time.now - beginning} seconds."
# Remove the id's, as they are no longer useful. Sort the colours alphabetically.
sorted_groups = []
groups.each do |i,j|
sorted_groups << j.map!{ |x| x[1]}.sort
# Order the colours, so the group containing the most colours comes first.
# Do a secondary sort alphabetically, so that all identical groups are next to each other.
sorted_groups_in_order = sorted_groups.sort_by { |s| [s.length,s] }.reverse
# Traverse the groups in order to find the index that marks the position of results_to_return unique groups.
# This is to make subsequent processing more efficient, as it will only operate on a smaller subset.
results_to_return = 5
temp = sorted_groups_in_order[0]
combination_count = 0
index = 0
sorted_groups_in_order.each do |e|
combination_count +=1 if e != temp
break if combination_count == results_to_return
index += 1
temp = e
# Iterate through the subset, and count the duplicates.
tags_with_count = Hash.new(0)
sorted_groups_in_order[0..index].each do |v|
# Sort by the number of colours in each subset, the most colours go first.
tags_with_count = tags_with_count.sort { |q,w| w[0].size <=> q[0].size }
# if colour subsets are found in colour supersets, then increment the subset count to reflect this.
tags_with_count.reverse.each_with_index do |object,index|
tags_with_count.reverse.each_with_index do |object2,index2|
if (index2 < index) && (object[0]&object2[0] == object2[0])
object2[1] += object[1]
# Sort by the number of colours in each subset, the most colours go first.
# Perform a secondary sort by the count value.
tags_with_count = tags_with_count.sort_by { |s| [s[0].length,s[1]] }.reverse
# print our results.
tags_with_count.each do |l|
puts l.inspect
# output for profiling.
puts "Time elapsed: #{Time.now - beginning} seconds."
查看我的 new answer反射(reflect)修改后的规范
假设您有 > 1.8.7,您可以使用 Array.combination。否则你需要安装 ruby 置换 gem:
然后。 . .
data = [[1,"red"],[1,"green"],[2,"red"],[3,"yellow"],[4,"green"],[4,"red"]]
# get a hash mapping photo_id to colors
colors_by_photo_id = data.inject(Hash.new {|h,k| h[k] = []}) do |h,a|
h[a.first] << a.last
# could use inject here, but i think this is more readable
total_counts = Hash.new{|h,k| h[k] = 0}
# add up the sum for all combinations
colors_by_photo_id.values.each do |color_array|
1.upto(color_array.size).each do |i|
color_array.combination(i){|comb| total_counts[comb.sort] += 1}
>> total_counts
=> {["green", "red"]=>2, ["red"]=>3, ["yellow"]=>1, ["green"]=>2}
# or if you want the output sorted:
>> total_counts.to_a.sort_by{|a,c| -c}
=> [[["red"], 3], [["green", "red"], 2], [["green"], 2], [["yellow"], 1]]
关于ruby - Ruby 颜色分组统计算法优化,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/2238966/
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