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Sedgewick & Wayne 的算法,练习 1.2.3:
Write an
client that takes command-line argumentsN
, andmax
and generatesN
random 2D intervals whose width and height are uniformly distributed betweenmin
in the unit square. Draw them onStdDraw
and print the number of pairs of intervals that intersect and the number of intervals that are contained in one another.
Interval2D 公开了以下 API:
Interval2D(Interval1D x, Interval1D y)
boolean intersects(Interval2D)
boolean contains(Point2D)
double area()
void draw()
是否可以仅使用这些方法检查一个 Interval2D
A) 了解情况:
根据一维区间定义二维区间 A 和 B:
A = Ixa x Iya = [x1a, x2a] x [y1a, y2a]
B = Ixb x Iyb = [x1b, x2b] x [y1b, y2b]
A is contained in B, iff
Ixa = [x1a, x2a] is contained in Ixb [x1b, x2b] and
Iya = [y1a, y2a] is contained in Iyb = [y1b, y2b].
I1 = [a, b] is contained in I2 = [c, d] iff c <= a and b <= d.
这类似于 Interval2D ( http://algs4.cs.princeton.edu/12oop/Interval2D.java.html ) 和 Intervall1D ( http://algs4.cs.princeton.edu/12oop/Interval1D.java.html ) 中相交方法的实现,只是它们测试条件的逻辑逆。
B) 现在你的方法:
contains(Point2D) 应该允许做测试,如果你检查左下角 (x1a, y1a) 和右上角 (x2a, y2a) 点:
A is contained in B, iff B contains (x1a, y1a) and B contains (x2a, y2a).
丑陋的是,虽然 Interval1D 有 getter 来访问私有(private)的左右坐标,但 Interval2D 没有访问它的私有(private) x 和 y(一维)间隔。您可以从其 toString() 输出中解析它们,但这很丑陋并且工作量太大。创建一些父类(super class)
public class Rect {
public Interval1D x;
public Interval1D y;
public Interval2D r;
Rect(Interval1D px, Interval1D py) {
x = px;
y = py;
r = new Interval2D(px, py);
public boolean contains(Rect that) {
if (!this.r.contains(new Point2D(that.x.left(), that.y.left()))) return false;
if (!this.r.contains(new Point2D(that.x.right(), that.y.right()))) return false;
return true;
关于java - Sedgewick & Wayne 的算法,练习 1.2.3,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/17639548/
我理解快速排序的概念,而且我看到的大多数实现对我来说都非常有意义。但是 Robert Sedgewick 没有,他的实现是按照以下方式进行的: private void sort(in
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