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我正在尝试在运行时推理泛型。有几个很棒的库可以做到这一点(例如 gentyref、ClassMate 和 Guava)。然而,它们的用法有点让我难以理解。
这是一个使用 gentyref 的例子:
import com.googlecode.gentyref.GenericTypeReflector;
import java.lang.reflect.Field;
import java.lang.reflect.Type;
public class ExtractArguments {
public static class Thing<T> {
public T thing;
public static class NumberThing<N extends Number> extends Thing<N> { }
public static class IntegerThing extends NumberThing<Integer> { }
public static void main(final String... args) throws Exception {
final Field thing = Thing.class.getField("thing");
// naive type without context
Class<?> thingClass = thing.getType(); // Object
System.out.println("thing class = " + thingClass);
Type thingType = thing.getGenericType(); // T
System.out.println("thing type = " + thingType);
// exact types without adding wildcard
Type exactThingType = GenericTypeReflector.getExactFieldType(thing, Thing.class);
System.out.println("exact thing type = " + exactThingType);
Type exactNumberType = GenericTypeReflector.getExactFieldType(thing, NumberThing.class);
System.out.println("exact number type = " + exactNumberType);
Type exactIntegerType = GenericTypeReflector.getExactFieldType(thing, IntegerThing.class);
System.out.println("exact integer type = " + exactIntegerType);
// exact type with wildcard
final Type wildThingType = GenericTypeReflector.addWildcardParameters(Thing.class);
final Type betterThingType = GenericTypeReflector.getExactFieldType(thing, wildThingType);
System.out.println("better thing type = " + betterThingType);
final Type wildNumberType = GenericTypeReflector.addWildcardParameters(NumberThing.class);
final Type betterNumberType = GenericTypeReflector.getExactFieldType(thing, wildNumberType);
System.out.println("better number type = " + betterNumberType);
final Type wildIntegerType = GenericTypeReflector.addWildcardParameters(IntegerThing.class);
final Type betterIntegerType = GenericTypeReflector.getExactFieldType(thing, wildIntegerType);
System.out.println("better integer type = " + betterIntegerType);
System.out.println("desired thing type = T");
System.out.println("desired number thing type = N extends Number");
System.out.println("desired integer thing type = Integer");
thing class = class java.lang.Object
thing type = T
exact thing type = class java.lang.Object
exact number type = class java.lang.Object
exact integer type = class java.lang.Integer
better thing type = capture of ?
better number type = capture of ?
better integer type = class java.lang.Integer
desired thing type = T
desired number thing type = N extends Number
desired integer thing type = Integer
我知道 betterThingType
对象(一个 gentyref-specific implementation )比这里的 toString()
显示的更复杂。但我猜我需要使用非通配符 Type
再次调用 getExactFieldType
要获得此类信息,您必须确定是否已将实际类型(例如 Integer
首先, Field
's getGenericType()
method返回 Type
可以是一个简单的 Class
如果提供了一个实际的类作为类型,例如Integer thing;
, 或者它可以是 TypeVariable
, 表示您在 Thing
中定义的通用类型参数,例如T thing;
's getDeclaringClass
method 检索的.Field
的原始类, extends
中提供了哪些类型的参数条款。这些类型参数本身可能是实际类型,如 Integer
,或者它们可能是它们自己类的泛型类型参数。使事情复杂化的是,这些类型参数的名称可能不同,并且它们的声明顺序可能与父类(super class)中的顺序不同。 extends
可以通过调用 Class
's getGenericSuperclass()
method 来检索子句数据,它返回一个 Type
这可以是一个简单的 Class
,例如 Object
, 或者它可以是 ParameterizedType
或 NumberThing<Integer>
's getTypeParameters()
method 检索一个类自己的类型参数, 它返回 TypeVariable
和边界,作为 Type
对于 N extends Number
.对于泛型类型参数,我们需要跟踪哪些子类类型参数与原始泛型类型参数匹配,通过类层次结构向下,直到我们到达原始 Class
,其中我们报告具有任何边界的泛型类型参数,或者我们达到实际的 Class
它必须创建一个 Stack
的 Class
es,从原始类到声明该字段的类。然后弹出类,沿着类层次结构向下走。它在当前类中找到与前一类的类型参数匹配的类型参数,记下任何类型参数名称更改和当前类提供的新类型参数的新位置。例如。 T
变成 N extends Number
出发时至 NumberThing
,或者如果我们已经到达原始类,在这种情况下我们报告类型参数名称和任何边界,例如N extends Number
和 Subclass
, 其中Subclass
反转在 Superclass
中声明的泛型类型参数的顺序, 以提供额外的测试。我还包括了SpecificIntegerThing
(非通用),作为测试用例,以便迭代停止在 IntegerThing
, 举报 Integer
, 在到达 SpecificIntegerThing
// Just to have some bounds to report.
import java.io.Serializable;
import java.util.RandomAccess;
// Needed for the implementation.
import java.lang.reflect.*;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Stack;
public class ExtractArguments {
public static class Thing<T> {
public T thing;
public static class NumberThing<N extends Number> extends Thing<N> {}
public static class IntegerThing extends NumberThing<Integer> {}
public static class SpecificIntegerThing extends IntegerThing {}
public static class Superclass<A extends Serializable, B> {
public A thing;
// A and B are reversed in the extends clause!
public static class Subclass<A, B extends RandomAccess & Serializable>
extends Superclass<B, A> {}
public static void main(String[] args)
for (Class<?> clazz : Arrays.asList(
Thing.class, NumberThing.class,
IntegerThing.class, SpecificIntegerThing.class,
Superclass.class, Subclass.class))
Field field = clazz.getField("thing");
System.out.println("Field " + field.getName() + " of class " + clazz.getName() + " is: " +
getFieldTypeInformation(clazz, field));
catch (NoSuchFieldException e)
System.out.println("Field \"thing\" is not found in class " + clazz.getName() + "!");
private static String getFieldTypeInformation(Class<?> clazz, Field field)
Type genericType = field.getGenericType();
// Declared as actual type name...
if (genericType instanceof Class)
Class<?> genericTypeClass = (Class<?>) genericType;
return genericTypeClass.getName();
// .. or as a generic type?
else if (genericType instanceof TypeVariable)
TypeVariable<?> typeVariable = (TypeVariable<?>) genericType;
Class<?> declaringClass = field.getDeclaringClass();
//System.out.println(declaringClass.getName() + "." + typeVariable.getName());
// Create a Stack of classes going from clazz up to, but not including, the declaring class.
Stack<Class<?>> stack = new Stack<Class<?>>();
Class<?> currClass = clazz;
while (!currClass.equals(declaringClass))
currClass = currClass.getSuperclass();
// Get the original type parameter from the declaring class.
int typeVariableIndex = -1;
String typeVariableName = typeVariable.getName();
TypeVariable<?>[] currTypeParameters = currClass.getTypeParameters();
for (int i = 0; i < currTypeParameters.length; i++)
TypeVariable<?> currTypeVariable = currTypeParameters[i];
if (currTypeVariable.getName().equals(typeVariableName))
typeVariableIndex = i;
if (typeVariableIndex == -1)
throw new RuntimeException("Expected Type variable \"" + typeVariable.getName() +
"\" in class " + clazz + "; but it was not found.");
// If the type parameter is from the same class, don't bother walking down
// a non-existent hierarchy.
if (declaringClass.equals(clazz))
return getTypeVariableString(typeVariable);
// Pop them in order, keeping track of which index is the type variable.
while (!stack.isEmpty())
currClass = stack.pop();
// Must be ParameterizedType, not Class, because type arguments must be
// supplied to the generic superclass.
ParameterizedType superclassParameterizedType = (ParameterizedType) currClass.getGenericSuperclass();
Type currType = superclassParameterizedType.getActualTypeArguments()[typeVariableIndex];
if (currType instanceof Class)
// Type argument is an actual Class, e.g. "extends ArrayList<Integer>".
currClass = (Class) currType;
return currClass.getName();
else if (currType instanceof TypeVariable)
TypeVariable<?> currTypeVariable = (TypeVariable<?>) currType;
typeVariableName = currTypeVariable.getName();
// Reached passed-in class (bottom of hierarchy)? Report it.
if (currClass.equals(clazz))
return getTypeVariableString(currTypeVariable);
// Not at bottom? Find the type parameter to set up for next loop.
typeVariableIndex = -1;
currTypeParameters = currClass.getTypeParameters();
for (int i = 0; i < currTypeParameters.length; i++)
currTypeVariable = currTypeParameters[i];
if (currTypeVariable.getName().equals(typeVariableName))
typeVariableIndex = i;
if (typeVariableIndex == -1)
// Shouldn't get here.
throw new RuntimeException("Expected Type variable \"" + typeVariable.getName() +
"\" in class " + currClass.getName() + "; but it was not found.");
// Shouldn't get here.
throw new RuntimeException("Missed the original class somehow!");
// Helper method to print a generic type parameter and its bounds.
private static String getTypeVariableString(TypeVariable<?> typeVariable)
StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder();
Type[] bounds = typeVariable.getBounds();
boolean first = true;
// Don't report explicit "extends Object"
if (bounds.length == 1 && bounds[0].equals(Object.class))
return buf.toString();
for (Type bound : bounds)
if (first)
buf.append(" extends ");
first = false;
buf.append(" & ");
if (bound instanceof Class)
Class<?> boundClass = (Class) bound;
else if (bound instanceof TypeVariable)
TypeVariable<?> typeVariableBound = (TypeVariable<?>) bound;
return buf.toString();
Field thing of class ExtractArguments$Thing is: T
Field thing of class ExtractArguments$NumberThing is: N extends java.lang.Number
Field thing of class ExtractArguments$IntegerThing is: java.lang.Integer
Field thing of class ExtractArguments$SpecificIntegerThing is: java.lang.Integer
Field thing of class ExtractArguments$Superclass is: A extends java.io.Serializable
Field thing of class ExtractArguments$Subclass is: B extends java.util.RandomAccess & java.io.Serializable
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