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python - 在 Python Numba/NumPy 中实现的分摊 O(1) 滚动最小值

转载 作者:塔克拉玛干 更新时间:2023-11-03 04:20:38 25 4
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我正在尝试实现具有摊销 O(1) get_min() 的滚动最小值.摊销的 O(1) 算法来自 the accepted answer in this post


import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
from numba import njit, prange

def rolling_min_original(data, n):
return pd.Series(data).rolling(n).min().to_numpy()

我尝试实现摊销 O(1) get_min()算法:(这个函数对非小n有不错的表现)

def rollin_min(data, n):
brief explanations:

param: stk2: the stack2 in the algorithm, except here it only stores the min stack
param: stk2_top: it starts at n-1, and drops gradually until it hits -1 then it comes backup to n-1
if stk2_top= 0 in the current iteration(it will become -1 at the end):
that means stk2_top is pointing at the bottom element in stk2,
after it drops to -1 from 0, in the next iteration, stk2 will be reassigned to a new array data[i-n+1:i+1],
because we need to include the current index.

at each iteration:
if stk2_top <0: (i.e. we have 0 stuff in stk2(aka stk2_top <0)
- copy the past n items(including the current one) to stk2, so that stk2 has n items now
- pick the top min from stk2(stk2_top = n-1 momentarily)
- move down the pointer by 1 after the operation(n-1 becomes n-2)

else: (i.e. we have j(1<=j<= n-1) stuff in stk2)
- pick the top min from stk2(stk2_top is j-1 momentarily)
- move down the pointer by 1 after the operation(j-1 becomes j-2)


if n >1:

def min_getter_rev(arr1):
arr = arr1[::-1]
result = np.empty(len(arr), dtype = arr1.dtype)
result[0]= local_min = arr[0]

for i in range(1,len(arr)):
if arr[i] < local_min:
local_min = arr[i]
result[i] = local_min
return result

result_min= np.empty(len(data), dtype= data.dtype)
for i in prange(n-1):
result_min[i] =np.nan

stk2 = min_getter_rev(data[:n])
stk2_top = n-2#it is n-2 because the loop starts at n(not n-1)which is the second non nan term
stk1_min = data[n-1]#stk1 needs to be the first item of the stk1
result_min[n-1]= min(stk1_min, stk2[-1])

for i in range(n,len(data)):
if stk2_top >= 0:
if data[i] < stk1_min:
stk1_min= min(data[i], stk1_min)#the stk1 min
result_min[i] = min(stk1_min, stk2[stk2_top])#min of the top element in stk2 and the current element

stk2 = min_getter_rev(data[i-n+1:i+1])
stk2_top= n-1
stk1_min = data[i]
result_min[i]= min(stk1_min, stk2[n-1])

stk2_top -= 1

return result_min
return data

n 时的天真实现很小:

@njit(parallel= True)
def rolling_min_smalln(data, n):
result= np.empty(len(data), dtype= data.dtype)

for i in prange(n-1):
result[i]= np.nan

for i in prange(n-1, len(data)):
result[i]= data[i-n+1: i+1].min()

return result


def remove_nan(arr):
return arr[~np.isnan(arr)]

if __name__ == '__main__':

data_size = 200000
data = np.random.uniform(0,1000, size = data_size)+29000

w_size = 37

r_min_original= rolling_min_original(data, w_size)
rmin1 = rollin_min(data, w_size)

r_min_original = remove_nan(r_min_original)
rmin1 = remove_nan(rmin1)


函数rollin_min()具有几乎恒定的运行时间和比 rolling_min_original() 更低的运行时间什么时候n很大,很好。但是在n时表现不佳很低(在我的电脑中大约为 n < 37,在此范围内 rollin_min() 很容易被天真的实现击败 rolling_min_smalln() )。

我正在努力寻找改进的方法rollin_min() ,但到目前为止我被卡住了,这就是我在这里寻求帮助的原因。







代码运行缓慢的主要原因可能是在 min_getter_rev 中分配了一个新数组。您应该在整个过程中重复使用相同的存储空间。

然后,因为你真的不必实现一个队列,你可以做更多的优化。例如,两个堆栈的大小最多(通常)为 n,因此您可以将它们保存在大小为 n 的同一个数组中。从头开始种植一个,从最后种植一个。

您会注意到有一个非常规则的模式 - 按顺序从头到尾填充数组,从末尾重新计算最小值,在重新填充数组时生成输出,重复...

这导致了一个实际上更简单的算法,其解释更简单,根本不涉及堆栈。这是一个实现,其中包含有关其工作原理的评论。请注意,我没有费心用 NaN 填充开头:

def rollin_min(data, n):

#allocate the result. Note the number valid windows is len(data)-(n-1)
result = np.empty(len(data)-(n-1), data.dtype)

#every nth position is a "mark"
#every window therefore contains exactly 1 mark
#the minimum in the window is the minimum of:
# the minimum from the window start to the following mark; and
# the minimum from the window end the the preceding (same) mark

#calculate the minimum from every window start index to the next mark
for mark in range(n-1, len(data), n):
v = data[mark]
if (mark < len(result)):
result[mark] = v
for i in range(mark-1, mark-n, -1):
v = min(data[i],v)
if (i < len(result)):
result[i] = v

#for each window, calculate the running total from the preceding mark
# to its end. The first window ends at the first mark
#then combine it with the first distance to get the window minimum

nextMarkPos = 0
for i in range(0,len(result)):
if i == nextMarkPos:
v = data[i+n-1]
nextMarkPos += n
v = min(data[i+n-1],v)
result[i] = min(result[i],v)

return result

关于python - 在 Python Numba/NumPy 中实现的分摊 O(1) 滚动最小值,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:

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