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algorithm - 用餐哲学家 : Chandy-Misra approach : how does it avoid a deadlock?

转载 作者:塔克拉玛干 更新时间:2023-11-03 04:18:59 26 4
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我正在尝试,但是有一个问题:在wiki ,该算法的第三点说:

When a philosopher with a fork receives a request message, he keeps the fork if it is clean, but gives it up when it is dirty. If he sends the fork over, he cleans the fork before doing so

我试图理解为什么这不会导致死锁?如果一位哲学家有一把干净的 fork ,并等待从邻近的用餐者/哲学家那里得到另一把干净的 fork ,而后者也在等待一把 fork ,这会累积成一个僵局吗?一位哲学家总是在等待另一位哲学家的 fork ?


编辑:给出 fork 的实际位置,张贴这个是为了询问 fork 是否应该是可变的。pLeft , pRight 是左右哲学家,fLeft 和 fRight 是左右 fork 。

private Fork giveFork(Philosopher diner) {
Fork forkToGive;

if (this.pLeft.equals(diner)) {
// give left fork to left philosopher
if (this.fLeft.isClean)
forkToGive = null; // don't give
else {
forkToGive = new Fork(, true); // give the fork

} else if (diner.pRight.equals(this)) {
// give right fork to right philosopher
if (this.fRight.isClean)
forkToGive = null;
else {
forkToGive = new Fork(, true);
} else {
// default value , i'm not yet sure if this code
// can be theoretically reached
forkToGive = null;

return forkToGive;


还没想好在哪里同步,不过感觉还是需要同步的。就像两个用餐者一样,假设第一个和第三个向第二个哲学家要 fork 。



However, if the system is initialized to a perfectly symmetric state, like all philosophers holding their left side forks, then the graph is cyclic at the outset, and their solution cannot prevent a deadlock. Initializing the system so that philosophers with lower IDs have dirty forks ensures the graph is initially acyclic.


关于algorithm - 用餐哲学家 : Chandy-Misra approach : how does it avoid a deadlock?,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:

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