gpt4 book ai didi

python - 来自位于边界上的一组点的多边形

转载 作者:塔克拉玛干 更新时间:2023-11-03 04:04:02 24 4
gpt4 key购买 nike


enter image description here


这是具有 constant = -0.624+0.435j 的 julia 集的边界,在 100 次迭代后定义了稳定区域。我通过将稳定点设置为 1 并将所有其他点设置为零然后与 3x3 矩阵 [[1, 1, 1], [1, 1, 1], [1, 1, 1] 进行卷积得到这些点] 并选择值为 1 的点。我的实验代码如下:

import numpy as np
from scipy.signal import convolve2d
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

r_min, r_max = -1.5, 1.5
c_min, c_max = -2.0, 2.0
dpu = 50 # dots per unit - 50 dots per 1 units means 200 points per 4 units
max_iterations = 100

intval = 1 / dpu
r_range = np.arange(r_min, r_max + intval, intval)
c_range = np.arange(c_min, c_max + intval, intval)

constant = -0.624+0.435j

def z_func(point, constant):
z = point
stable = True
num_iterations = 1
while stable and num_iterations < max_iterations:
z = z**2 + constant
if abs(z) > max(abs(constant), 2):
stable = False
return (stable, num_iterations)
num_iterations += 1

return (stable, 0)

points = np.array([])
colors = np.array([])
stables = np.array([], dtype='bool')
progress = 0
for imag in c_range:
for real in r_range:
point = complex(real, imag)
points = np.append(points, point)
stable, color = z_func(point, constant)
stables = np.append(stables, stable)
colors = np.append(colors, color)
print(f'{100*progress/len(c_range)/len(r_range):3.2f}% completed\r', end='')
progress += len(r_range)

print(' \r', end='')

rows = len(r_range)
start = len(colors)
orig_field = []
for i_num in range(len(c_range)):
start -= rows
real_vals = [color for color in colors[start:start+rows]]
orig_field = np.array(orig_field, dtype='int')

rows = len(r_range)
start = len(stables)
stable_field = []
for i_num in range(len(c_range)):
start -= rows
real_vals = [1 if val == True else 0 for val in stables[start:start+rows]]
stable_field = np.array(stable_field, dtype='int')

kernel = np.array([[1, 1, 1], [1, 1, 1], [1, 1, 1]])
stable_boundary = convolve2d(stable_field, kernel, mode='same')

boundary_points = []
cols, rows = stable_boundary.shape

assert cols == len(c_range), "check c_range and cols"
assert rows == len(r_range), "check r_range and rows"

zero_field = np.zeros((cols, rows))
for col in range(cols):
for row in range(rows):
if stable_boundary[col, row] in [1]:
real_val = r_range[row]
# invert cols as min imag value is highest col and vice versa
imag_val = c_range[cols-1 - col]
stable_boundary[col, row] = 1
boundary_points.append((real_val, imag_val))
stable_boundary[col, row] = 0

fig, ((ax1, ax2), (ax3, ax4)) = plt.subplots(nrows=2, ncols=2, figsize=(5, 5))

ax1.matshow(orig_field, cmap=cmap)
ax2.matshow(stable_field, cmap=cmap)
ax3.matshow(stable_boundary, cmap=cmap)

x = [point[0] for point in boundary_points]
y = [point[1] for point in boundary_points]
ax4.plot(x, y, 'o', c='r', markersize=0.5)

dpu = 200max_iterations = 100 的输出:

enter image description here

灵感来自这个 Youtube 视频:What's so special about the Mandelbrot Set? - Numberphile


感谢您的输入。事实证明,这确实不像看起来那么容易。最后,我使用了 convex_hull 和 alpha shape 算法来确定边界点周围的边界多边形,如下图所示。左上角是 juliaset,其中颜色代表迭代次数;右上角黑色不稳定,白色稳定;左下角是一组代表不稳定和稳定之间边界的点;右下方是边界点周围边界多边形的集合。

enter image description here代码如下:

import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from matplotlib.patches import Polygon
from matplotlib import patches as mpl_patches
from matplotlib.collections import PatchCollection
import shapely.geometry as geometry
from shapely.ops import cascaded_union, polygonize
from scipy.signal import convolve2d
from scipy.spatial import Delaunay # pylint: disable-msg=no-name-in-module
from descartes.patch import PolygonPatch

def juliaset_func(point, constant, max_iterations):
z = point
stable = True
num_iterations = 1
while stable and num_iterations < max_iterations:
z = z**2 + constant
if abs(z) > max(abs(constant), 2):
stable = False
return (stable, num_iterations)
num_iterations += 1

return (stable, num_iterations)

def create_juliaset(r_range, c_range, constant, max_iterations):
''' create a juliaset that returns two fields (matrices) - orig_field and
stable_field, where orig_field contains the number of iterations for
a point in the complex plane (r, c) and stable_field for each point
either whether the point is stable (True) or not stable (False)
points = np.array([])
colors = np.array([])
stables = np.array([], dtype='bool')
progress = 0

for imag in c_range:
for real in r_range:
point = complex(real, imag)
points = np.append(points, point)
stable, color = juliaset_func(point, constant, max_iterations)
stables = np.append(stables, stable)
colors = np.append(colors, color)
print(f'{100*progress/len(c_range)/len(r_range):3.2f}% completed\r', end='')
progress += len(r_range)
print(' \r', end='')

rows = len(r_range)
start = len(colors)
orig_field = []
stable_field = []
for i_num in range(len(c_range)):
start -= rows
real_colors = [color for color in colors[start:start+rows]]
real_stables = [1 if val == True else 0 for val in stables[start:start+rows]]
orig_field = np.array(orig_field, dtype='int')
stable_field = np.array(stable_field, dtype='int')

return orig_field, stable_field

def find_boundary_points_of_stable_field(stable_field, r_range, c_range):
''' find the boundary points by convolving the stable_field with a 3x3
kernel of all ones and define the point on the boundary where the
convolution is 1.
kernel = np.array([[1, 1, 1], [1, 1, 1], [1, 1, 1]], dtype='int8')
stable_boundary = convolve2d(stable_field, kernel, mode='same')

rows = len(r_range)
cols = len(c_range)
boundary_points = []
for col in range(cols):
for row in range(rows):
# Note you can make the boundary 'thicker ' by
# expanding the range of possible values like [1, 2, 3]
if stable_boundary[col, row] in [1]:
real_val = r_range[row]
# invert cols as min imag value is highest col and vice versa
imag_val = c_range[cols-1 - col]
boundary_points.append((real_val, imag_val))

return [geometry.Point(val[0], val[1]) for val in boundary_points]

def alpha_shape(points, alpha):
''' determine the boundary of a cluster of points whereby 'sharpness' of
the boundary depends on alpha.
:points: list of shapely Point objects
:alpha: scalar
shapely Polygon object or MultiPolygon
edge_points: list of start and end point of each side of the polygons
if len(points) < 4:
# When you have a triangle, there is no sense
# in computing an alpha shape.
return geometry.MultiPoint(list(points)).convex_hull

def add_edge(edges, edge_points, coords, i, j):
Add a line between the i-th and j-th points,
if not in the list already
if (i, j) in edges or (j, i) in edges:
# already added
edges.add((i, j))
edge_points.append((coords[[i, j]]))

coords = np.array([point.coords[0]
for point in points])
tri = Delaunay(coords)
edges = set()
edge_points = []
# loop over triangles:
# ia, ib, ic = indices of corner points of the
# triangle
for ia, ib, ic in tri.vertices:
pa = coords[ia]
pb = coords[ib]
pc = coords[ic]
# Lengths of sides of triangle
a = np.sqrt((pa[0]-pb[0])**2 + (pa[1]-pb[1])**2)
b = np.sqrt((pb[0]-pc[0])**2 + (pb[1]-pc[1])**2)
c = np.sqrt((pc[0]-pa[0])**2 + (pc[1]-pa[1])**2)
# Semiperimeter of triangle
s = (a + b + c)/2.0
# Area of triangle by Heron's formula
area = np.sqrt(s*(s-a)*(s-b)*(s-c))
circum_r = a*b*c/(4.0*area)
# Here's the radius filter.
if circum_r < alpha:
add_edge(edges, edge_points, coords, ia, ib)
add_edge(edges, edge_points, coords, ib, ic)
add_edge(edges, edge_points, coords, ic, ia)

m = geometry.MultiLineString(edge_points)
triangles = list(polygonize(m))
return cascaded_union(triangles), edge_points

def main():

fig, ((ax1, ax2), (ax3, ax4)) = plt.subplots(nrows=2, ncols=2, figsize=(5, 5))

# define limits, range and resolution in the complex plane
r_min, r_max = -1.5, 1.5
c_min, c_max = -1.1, 1.1
dpu = 100 # dots per unit - 50 dots per 1 units means 200 points per 4 units
intval = 1 / dpu
r_range = np.arange(r_min, r_max + intval, intval)
c_range = np.arange(c_min, c_max + intval, intval)

# create two matrixes (orig_field and stable_field) for the juliaset with
# constant
constant = -0.76 -0.10j
max_iterations = 50
orig_field, stable_field = create_juliaset(r_range, c_range,
ax1.matshow(orig_field, cmap=cmap, interpolation='bilinear')
ax2.matshow(stable_field, cmap=cmap)

# find points that are on the boundary of the stable field
boundary_points = find_boundary_points_of_stable_field(stable_field,
r_range, c_range)
x = [p.x for p in boundary_points]
y = [p.y for p in boundary_points]
ax3.plot(x, y, 'o', c='r', markersize=0.5)
ax3.set_xlim(r_min, r_max)
ax3.set_ylim(c_min, c_max)

# find the boundary polygon using alpha_shape where 'sharpness' of the
# boundary is determined by the factor ALPHA
# a green boundary consists of multiple polygons, a red boundary on a single
# polygon
alpha = 0.03 # determines shape of the boundary polygon
bnd_polygon, _ = alpha_shape(boundary_points, alpha)

patches = []
if bnd_polygon.geom_type == 'Polygon':
ec = 'red'
for poly in bnd_polygon:
ec = 'green'

p = PatchCollection(patches, facecolor='none', edgecolor=ec, lw=1)
ax4.set_xlim(r_min, r_max)
ax4.set_ylim(c_min, c_max)

if __name__ == "__main__":

关于python - 来自位于边界上的一组点的多边形,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:

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