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c# - LCS 算法 : How to find out from a Table, 找到多少个最长公共(public)子序列?

转载 作者:塔克拉玛干 更新时间:2023-11-03 04:04:00 25 4
gpt4 key购买 nike

我用 C# 实现最长公共(public)子序列问题。我需要检测两个字符串之间的所有常见的最大子序列

为此,我使用 Needleman-Wunsch algorithm 创建了一个表为计算的每一步存储 LCS 序列。




    private static int[][] GetMatrixLCS(string x, string y)
var lenX = x.Length;
var lenY = y.Length;
matrixLCS = new int[lenX + 1][];
for (var i = 0; i < matrixLCS.Length; i++)
matrixLCS[i] = new int[lenY + 1];
for (int i = 0; i <= lenX; i++)
for (int j = 0; j <= lenY; j++)
if (i == 0 || j == 0)
matrixLCS[i][j] = 0;
if (x[i - 1] == y[j - 1])
matrixLCS[i][j] = matrixLCS[i - 1][j - 1] + 1;
matrixLCS[i][j] = Math.Max(matrixLCS[i - 1][j], matrixLCS[i][j - 1]);
return matrixLCS;

static HashSet<string> FindAllLcs(string X, string Y, int lenX, int lenY)
var set = new HashSet<string>();
if (lenX == 0 || lenY == 0)
return emptySet;
if (X[lenX - 1] == Y[lenY - 1])
var tempResult = FindAllLcs(X, Y, lenX - 1, lenY - 1);
foreach (var temp in tempResult)
set.Add(temp + X[lenX - 1]);
return set;
if (matrixLCS[lenX - 1][lenY] >= matrixLCS[lenX][lenY - 1])
set = FindAllLcs(X, Y, lenX - 1, lenY);
if (matrixLCS[lenX][lenY - 1] >= matrixLCS[lenX - 1][lenY])
set.UnionWith(FindAllLcs(X, Y, lenX, lenY - 1));
return set;


    public void SingleOutput()
var sequence = LCS.FindLCS("ABC", "AB");
Assert.AreEqual(1, sequence.Length);
Assert.AreEqual("AB", sequence[0]);

public void MultipleOutput()
var sequence = LCS.FindLCS("BCAB", "ABC");
Assert.AreEqual(2, sequence.Length);
Assert.AreEqual("AB", sequence [0]);
Assert.AreEqual("BC", sequence [1]);




#include <bits/stdc++.h>

using namespace std;

struct TLSTValue {
int len;
int cnt;

void update(TLSTValue& v, const TLSTValue& u) {
if (u.cnt == 0) {
if (u.len > v.len) {
v.len = u.len;
v.cnt = u.cnt;
} else if (u.len == v.len) {
v.cnt += u.cnt;

int main(int /* argc */, char** /* argv */)
string a, b;
while (cin >> a >> b) {
int n = a.size();
int m = b.size();

vector<vector<int>> nxt(n, vector<int>(m));
for (int j = 0; j < m; ++j) {
int lst = n;
for (int i = n - 1; i >= 0; --i) {
if (a[i] == b[j]) {
lst = i;
nxt[i][j] = lst;

vector<vector<TLSTValue>> f(n + 1, vector<TLSTValue>(m + 1, {0, 0}));
f[0][0]= {0, 1};
TLSTValue ans = {0, 0};
for (int i = 0; i <= n; ++i) {
unordered_set<char> st;
for (int j = 0; j <= m; ++j) {
update(ans, f[i][j]);
if (j) {
update(f[i][j], f[i][j - 1]);
if (st.count(b[j])) {
if (i < n && j < m && f[i][j].cnt && nxt[i][j] < n) {
update(f[nxt[i][j] + 1][j + 1], {f[i][j].len + 1, f[i][j].cnt});
cout << a << " and " << b << ": length = " << ans.len << ", count = " << ans.cnt << endl;

cerr << "Time execute: " << clock() / (double)CLOCKS_PER_SEC << " sec" << endl;
return 0;

nxt[i][j]是第一个开始的位置 i在字符串中的位置 a位置为 j 的字符在字符串中 b . f[i][j]是长度和计数 LCS,以字符 i - 1 结尾在字符串中 a在位置 j 之前在字符串中 b .

您可以试试代码 here .


ABC and AB: length = 2, count = 1
BCAB and ABC: length = 2, count = 2
A and AAA: length = 1, count = 1
AAA and A: length = 1, count = 1
AAAB and ABBB: length = 2, count = 1
ABBB and AAAB: length = 2, count = 1

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